MultiVersus: Wonder Woman Guide - Moves, Perks & Tips

Learn all you need to know about Wonder Woman in MultiVersus, including her moves, perks and tips to play in this comprehensive guide.

MultiVersus: Wonder Woman Guide - Moves, Perks & Tips
Player First Games /GameLeap

In the chaotic world of MultiVersus, few characters command as much respect as Wonder Woman. This Amazonian warrior is a formidable force on the battlefield, boasting a versatile moveset and an array of defensive abilities that make her a valuable asset to any team. This guide covers all you need to know about Wonder Woman in Multiversus, including her moves, perks, and combos!

Wonder Woman's Moves in MultiVersus

Wonder Woman, the iconic Amazonian warrior princess, brings her indomitable spirit and formidable combat skills to MultiVersus. As a Tank character, she excels in withstanding punishment and protecting her allies, but her true strength lies in her versatility.

With a balanced mix of offensive and defensive abilities, Wonder Woman can seamlessly transition from shielding her team to unleashing devastating combos on unsuspecting enemies.



Ground Attacks

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Player First Games
Move Type Attack Description
Neutral Attack Sword of Ares Charge forward swing. Use at the end of combos or as a finisher with a charged attack.
Side Attack For Themyscira! Wonder Woman dives forward with her shield raised, knocking back enemies.
Side Attack Amazon Combo A combo of sword slash, sweep-kick, and shield bash. Use to initiate combos.
Up Attack Shield Bash Charge upward shield bash. Can be used as a finisher by hitting falling enemies.
Down Attack Amazon Shout Release an energy blast projectile from Wonder Woman's bracers. Grants temporary armor to Wonder Woman and allies.

Aerial Attacks

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Player First Games
Move Type Attack Description
Neutral Attack Whirling Sword Unleash sword spin that breaks armor.
Side Attack Flying Slash A fast, forward, down slash. Can be used to deliver a finishing blow after aerial combos.
Up Attack Rising Kick An overhead kick that is stronger at the end.
Down Attack Falling Spear A powerful downward stab.

Special Moves

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Player First Games
Move Type Attack Description
Neutral Special Lasso of Truth Wonder Woman throws out her Lasso, pulling enemies and allies towards her.
Side Special Warrior's Charge Wonder Woman lunges forward with armor and shield raised, destroying incoming projectiles.
Up Special Flying Warrior Similar to Side Special, but with a shield dash upward. Allies can use Wonder Woman's shield as a platform.
Down Special Defense of the Gods Wonder Woman dashes to her ally, cleansing them of debuffs and giving them a shield.



Wonder Woman's Best Combo

  • Side to Air Combo: Side Attack > Side Special > Up Special > Up Attack
  • Projectile Block Combo: Side Attack > Neutral Attack > Side Special
  • Ground to Air Combo: Down Aerial Attack > Up Aerial Attack > Up Special > Up Aerial Attack

Best Perks for Wonder Woman

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Player First Games
  • Grapple of Hermes: Enhances Wonder Woman's mobility by turning her "Lasso of Truth" into a grappling hook, making it easier to chase down or escape from enemies.
  • Kryptonian Skin: Reduces incoming damage, bolstering Wonder Woman's tankiness and allowing her to stay in the fight longer.
  • Sturdy Dodger: Improves Wonder Woman's evasiveness, granting her bonus defenses when dodging attacks.
  • Back to Back: When near a teammate, Wonder Woman and her ally receive a damage reduction buff, promoting synergistic playstyles.



Tips to Play Wonder Woman in MultiVersus

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Player First Games

Here are a few tips and tricks to dominate the battleground using Wonder Woman in MultiVersus:

  • Play Aggressively: Despite her defensive capabilities, Wonder Woman excels when played aggressively. Her movement speed and offensive combos allow her to pressure opponents relentlessly.
  • Charge the Brace Meter: Wonder Woman's "Brace Meter" empowers her "Amazon Shout," making it a potent finisher. Fill the meter by blocking projectiles or tanking hits while shielded.
  • Support Your Team: Wonder Woman's ability to cleanse debuffs and provide shields makes her an invaluable support for her teammates. Prioritize protecting allies and creating opportunities for them to deal damage.
  • Master Air Combos: Wonder Woman's aerial combos are devastating when executed correctly. Practice juggling opponents in the air and setting up follow-up attacks.

Mastering Wonder Woman's unique playstyle can mean the difference between victory and defeat. By understanding her moveset, equipping the right perks, and employing effective strategies, you'll be well on your way to becoming an unstoppable force as the Amazonian warrior in MultiVersus.

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