Overwatch 2 Ultimate Ability Tier List - Every Support Hero Ultimate Ranked for Season 7

See which support heroes excel at winning teamfights and have great utility with this ultimate tier list

Overwatch 2 Ultimate Ability Tier List - Every Support Hero Ultimate Ranked for Season 7
Blizzard Entertainment

This tier list will help you learn more about what support heroes are viable in Season 7 of Overwatch 2 as you can find out what impact the ultimates have on your gameplay so you can better punish any mistakes your enemies might make and climb the ranked ladder much easier.

B Tier Support Ultimates

Mercy Hero Portrait




  • Difficult to play around, but not as explosive

Quite good in dive compositions, but can enemy players can simply wait it out before hard engaging.

A Tier Support Ultimates

Brigitte Hero Portrait


Rally Ultimate Icon


  • Overhealth and a new stun

Provides great pushing power as the stuns greatly influence the outcome of a fight whilst offering a way of dealing with anti-healing as the sustained pressure is way too much of a threat.


Moira Hero Portrait


Coalescence Ultimate Icon


  • A great opener, shield piercing

Very influential as it can shift a fight in your team's favor, but must not be solely relied on for a positive outcome. 

Zenyatta Hero Portrait


Transcendence Ultimate Icon


  • Great all-around healing, only countered by anti-heal

Invincibility paired with healing your entire team is a great way to offer assistance to your team in critical moments as you can stall an aggressive attack.




Captive Sun Icon

Captive Sun

  • Aggressive, but blockable

Unique effect as it can heavily influence a teamfight having high damage and a annoying to deal with mechanic.

S Tier Support Ultimates

Lifeweaver Hero Portrait


Tree of Life

Tree of Life

  • Difficult to fight against

Not as exciting as other ultimates, but its burst heals make it an absolute annoyance for the enemy team to play against its entire duration.


Lucio Hero Portrait


Sound Barrier Icon

Biotic Grenade

  • Great aggressive and defensive ultimate

Very flexible and reliable as this ultimate can help win an important skirmish by further increasing health pools.

Kiriko Hero Portrait


Kitsune Rush Icon

Kitsune Rush

  • Impossible to kite and cooldown boost

Compliments a very aggressive playstyle as the speed fosters possibilities for playmaking opportunities to further push your team's advantage and maintain tempo over an objective.


Ana Hero Portrait


Nano boost icon

Nano Boost

  • Perfect for saving teammates and punishing dives

Almost perfect as its utility provides a breath of fresh air for any teammate you might use it on not only allowing a tank to survive longer but for a damage hero to shine bright and get some important picks.



amplification matrix.png

Amplification Matrix

  • Difficult to deal with

Fast, efficient and a major gamechanger as your team can bunker down on an objective and simply wipe the floor with the enemy team as this ultimate is one of the best in the game.




Support heroes have one of the best ultimates in the game as they can heavily influence the outcome of a fight with their great utility that compliment their teammates, supports are not to be underestimated. You can learn more about our tier list here:
