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Palworld Training Manual Guide: How to Get and Use for Pal EXP Boost

Discover how to get and use the Training Manualin Palworld to boost your Pals' EXP.

Palworld Training Manual Guide: How to Get and Use for Pal EXP Boost
Pocket Pair

The Training Manual is a valuable consumable item in Palworld that grants a significant amount of experience points to your Pals. This guide will cover everything you need to know about the Training Manual, including its effects, how to obtain it, and the best ways to use it to level up your Pals quickly.

What is the Training Manual?

Training Manual Palworld

The Training Manual (L) is a consumable item that, when used on a Pal, provides a whopping 10,000 EXP. This makes it an excellent tool for rapidly leveling up your Pals. Also from what we have found out, there are different types of Training Manuals and we have just been able to find the L and XL ones and both of them give different amounts of XP when used.



How to Obtain Training Manual

There are two primary ways to acquire the Training Manual in Palworld:

  1. Treasure Chests: You can find the Training Manual in treasure chests scattered throughout Dungeons and Wildlife Sanctuary islands. Keep an eye out for these chests during your adventures, as they have a chance to contain this valuable item.
  2. Bellanoir Raid Drops: Defeating the formidable Bellanoir in a raid battle can also reward you with a Training Manual. This challenging encounter requires strategic planning and powerful Pals, but the potential rewards make it well worth the effort.


Using the Training Manual

To make the most of your Training Manual, consider the following tips:

  • Save your Training Manual for high-level Pals that require a significant amount of EXP to reach their next level.

With the release of recent update, Palworld has introduced Raid Boss Fights, including the formidable Bellanoir, which can drop the Training Manual upon defeat. This update also brings new items to enhance your Palworld experience.

By understanding how to obtain and effectively use the Training Manual, you can quickly level up your Pals. Keep an eye out for treasure chests and take on Bellanoir in raid battles to secure this valuable consumable and give your Pals the EXP boost they need to succeed.
