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Persistent Botting and Hacking Issues in WoW Classic

With World of Warcraft Season of Discovery approaching, is Blizzard Entertainment taking any steps to stop this rampant problem ruining the experience for players?

Persistent Botting and Hacking Issues in WoW Classic
Blizzard Entertainment

Despite countless pleas from the players, the giant ban waves carried out periodically do not fully resolve the community's daily problems. Will there be any changes in WoW SoD or will Blizzard continue ignoring the gold-selling tactics employed by cheaters that tarnish the integrity of the beloved franchise?

Does Season of Discovery Bring Any Hope

Although many players are quite excited about the release of Season of Discovery on November 30th, 2023, the vocal majority seem to be asking time and time again for a new approach from the developers to stop the rampant cheating in the game. There are daily clips from streamers and content providers showcasing the blatant hacking and botting plaguing Azeroth. 



However, in a recent Q&A, the developers did not share anything substantial in terms of resolving or finding a better solution. Whilst the developers are promising that they are still looking into better ways of punishing cheaters and botting accounts, oftentimes their stance falls flat in the eyes of the community. 

The most recent ban wave brought a whopping 203026 accounts to their knees as this striking number indicates just how much of the player population is nested deep within the network of bots and cheaters, undermining any effort put in by players with the gold economy fluctuating depending on the number of active exploiters online, disrupting the efforts of players trying to make use of the auction house market.



The Community's Opinion

The World of Warcraft fanbase has never backed down from any feedback, frustration, or disappointment at Blizzard Entertainment, specifically in the realms of enjoyability and outright experience while playing the game. 

Botting Problem



Other players are speculating that the actual gold-buyers are the people allowing for botting to be profitable in the first place. Some are arguing that Blizzard needs to take an approach towards banning and punishing players who gain unfair advantages. 




As always, many players find humor in these times of frustration, but the underlying problem still persists. If Blizzard is to keep the game fresh and healthy for new and veteran players, everyone must start on equal footing so that the game remains the titan of MMORPGs and restores its former glory.
