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Pokémon GO Scorching Steps: All Dates and Bonuses

The Scorching Steps event is the newest Pokémon GO event and has already began! Check out everything you can get with the new challanges!

Pokémon GO Scorching Steps: All Dates, Bonuses, Research and Pokémon

Scorching Steps is the newest event coming to Pokémon GO Shared Skies. Its theme is based around fire, volcanoes, and of course, Fire Pokémon. Trainers will gain access to various tasks and research, have a higher chance of catching and hatching the event Pokémon, and encounter a new Shiny Pokémon! The event will also bring brand new discounts in the Pokémon GO Web Store.

Check out our in-depth article below for everything you need to know to prepare for and enjoy Pokémon GO Scorching Steps.


Scorching Steps Event Dates

The Pokémon GO Scorching Steps event starts on Friday, June 21, 2024, at 10 AM local time and ends on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, at 8 PM local time. During this time, players will have the opportunity to complete event tasks, earn bonuses, and enjoy higher rates of specific Pokémon!

Pokémon GO Scorching Steps: All Dates, Bonuses, Research and Pokémon Shiny Larvesta

As the event theme is based around fire, the Pokémon that are featured are also Fire Pokémon. During the Scorching Steps event, you will have a higher chance to encounter and hatch the following Pokémon: 

  • Growlithe (Normal/Shiny)
  • Growlithe (Hisuian)
  • Houndour (Normal/Shiny)
  • Magby (Normal/Shiny)
  • Litleo (Normal/Shiny)
  • Darumaka (Normal/Shiny)
  • Litwick (Normal/Shiny)
  • Turtonator (Normal/Shiny)
  • Charcadet (Normal/Shiny)
  • Larvesta (Normal/Shiny)

For the first time in Pokémon GO, trainers will have the chance to hatch the new Shiny Larvesta! This Pokémon can hatch from 2 km, 5 km, and 10 km eggs and will have a higher chance during the event. Make sure to stock up on incubators and get your steps in to hatch a Shiny Larvesta during Pokémon GO Scorching Steps!


Event Bonuses

During the Pokemon GO Scorching Steps all players will have access to the following Bonuses:

  • 2x Candy from Hatching Eggs
  • ½ Egg Hatch Distance for Eggs Placed in Incubators during the event
  • Increased chance to encounter and hatch Shiny Slugma
  • Increased chance to encounter and hatch Shiny Litleo
  • ¼ Egg Hatch Distance for the first three Eggs hatched using the new Egg hatching Widget

The Egg Hatching Widget in Pokémon GO allows you to track egg incubation progress without opening the app. On iOS, add it by tapping and holding an empty area on your home screen, selecting the Pokémon GO widget, and adding it. For Android, find the Adventure Sync Egg Hatching widget in the widget menu.


Research and Field Research Tasks

Pokémon GO Scorching Steps: All Dates, Bonuses, Research and Pokémon Shiny Larvesta Slugma Litleo

All Research and Field Research Tasks will be based on hatching eggs. This is further enhanced by the bonuses we mentioned earlier. The Field Research Tasks are as follows:

Task Reward
Hatch an Egg Slugma
Hatch 2 Eggs Litleo
Hatch 3 Eggs Turtonator
Explore 3 km Litleo, Slugma

The Timed Research will have the following requirements and awards:

Task Reward
Hatch an Egg Slugma
Hatch 2 Egg Litleo
Hatch 3 Egg Slugma
Hatch 4 Egg Litleo
Hatch 5 Egg Slugma

When you complete all tasks from the Timed Research you will get:

  • Turtonator
  • 1500x Stardust
  • 2000x XP


Pokémon GO Web Store

Turtonator Pokémon GO Scorching Steps: All Dates, Bonuses, Research and Pokémon Shiny Larvesta Slugma Litleo

More Trainers can now access the Pokémon GO Web Store! If you have a Pokémon Trainer Club account, you can log in using the same credentials for the Web Store. Make sure to use the 15% discount for your first Web Store purchase of any item priced at $9.99 or more!

Check our website for more interesting and useful Pokemon GO content:
