Pokemon Go Spotlight Hour Schedule February 2024: All You Need to Know

Complete guide on Pokemon Go Spotlight Hour Schedule February 2024 featuring various Pokemons and bonuses.

Pokemon Go Spotlight Hour Schedule February 2024: All You Need to Know
Pokemon Go Spotlight Hour Schedule February 2024: All You Need to Know

The popular mobile augmented reality game Pokemon Go regularly spotlights specific monster species during weekly spotlight hour events, temporarily boosting spawn rates significantly for prime hunting and collection opportunities. Niantic formally shares schedules for upcoming spotlights at the start of each month, so let's review February 2024's offerings.

Pokemon Go Spotlight Hour Overview

Pokemon Go Spotlight Hour Overview
Pokemon Go Spotlight Hour Overview

Spotlight hour events currently occur each Tuesday evening from 6 PM to 7 PM in players’ local time zones. During the 60-minute duration, designated Pokemon see massively inflated spawn rates across most terrain types.

Additionally, Niantic implements special bonus categories like double catch candy, XP, or transfer candy for the full hour, benefiting all hunting efforts. Participating consistently helps build collections quicker and stockpile vital candies for evolution.




Pokemon Go Spotlight Hour Schedule February 2024

The following Pokemon claim the 2024 February spotlight events on these dates:

Date Time Image Pokemon Bonus Shiny Available?
February 6 6 PM - 7 PM download (24).jpeg Dratini 2x Catch XP Yes
February 13 6 PM - 7 PM download (25).jpeg Munna 2x Catch Candy Yes
February 27 6 PM - 7 PM download (26).jpeg Sandshrew/Alolan Sandshrew 2x Transfer Candy & Candy XL Yes

Dratini and Munna both offer rare candy species that power up their potent Dragonite and Musharna evolutions. And the Sandshrew provides bonus transfer candy.

With only an hour window to capitalize on increased spawn rates, ensure to prepare ample inventory space beforehand, so no time gets wasted managing supplies during the actual events.





Having contingencies like emergency Pokemon storage upgrades or spare high-capacity bags helps avoid missing spawn catches while handling logistics. Follow announced schedules to never miss out!
