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RAID Shadow Legends: Best Early Game Champion Team

Here is the best Rare Champion team you must collect as soon as possible as a new player in RAID: Shadow Legends.

RAID: Shadow Legends: Best Early Game Champion Team

Getting started in RAID is much easier than you'd think. While Legendary and Epic rarity Champions are a blessing, they are also rare when you're just getting started. That's why this guide is all about setting up a killer Champion team for novice RAID players without relying on lucky Shards.

Click this link now to start your new account with a ton of free rewards including 500k Silver and the Epic boss-killer Champion, Juliana.

Alternatively, scan the QR code below!

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Every Champion we're covering on this team list is farmable in the Campaign and, when they're properly leveled and geared, these Champs can carry you through some of the toughest end-game content in RAID. Let's get started.

Best Starter Champion Team in RAID

Raid Shadow Legends Valerie
Raid: Shadow Legends: Valerie

The team we're about to cover is all about massively boosting the damage of your starter Champion (ideally Kael). We'll also be ensuring to reduce enemy Defense stats and cut down enemy Turn Meters to ensure you always land a deadly blow before your opponent.




  • Affinity: Magic
  • Type: Attack
  • Recommended Gear: Lifesteal and Crit
  • How to Get: Starter Champion, or opening Shards

Hopefully, you did your homework and chose Kael as your starter Champion! He's the best pick for progressing through many challenges in RAID thanks to his powerful Poison-based skills. If you didn't pick Kael, don't fret! This starter team still works well with all of the starter Champs



  • Affinity: Magic
  • Type: Support
  • Recommended Gear: Speed, Life, and Defense
  • How to Get: Farmable in Campaign Stage 1

Valerie not only boosts your team's survivability with her shield and debuff removal skills, but she also provides a handy '25% Increase ATK' buff with her A2, Energizing Presence.




  • Affinity: Spirit
  • Type: Support
  • Recommended Gear: Speed and Life
  • How to Get: Farmable in Campaign Stage 4

Spirithost is our second team support, providing a second wave of debuff removal and a massive '50% Increase ATK' buff on the entire team. Even her basic attack is extremely powerful, healing Spirithost for 50% of the damage inflicted.



  • Affinity: Force
  • Type: Attack
  • Recommended Gear: Speed
  • How to Get: Farmable in Campaign Stage 9

Warmaiden is a terrifying damage dealer in her own right, but her true strength stems from her A3, Crumbling Blast, with a high chance to reduce enemy DEF stats by 60% for 2 turns. This, combined with the damage buffs from Valerie and Spirithost, makes for a devastating setup for Kael.




Affinity: Magic
Type: Support
Recommended Gear: Speed
How to Get: Farmable in Campaign Stage 12

Our final support Champion is Diabolist, and her role is simple. Her A3 instantly fills the Turn Meter for all allies by 15% while decreasing enemy Turn Meters by 15%. This means that, as long as Diabolist attacks first, your team is almost guaranteed to land their skills before your enemies can act.

RAID: Shadow Legends Team Set Up

With this Champion team, nothing is more important than ensuring that your Champs attack in the correct order. Their attack order is decided by their 'SPD' stats, so equip gear in such a way that the following attack order is carried out:

  1. Diabolist
  2. Spirithost
  3. Warmaiden
  4. Kael
  5. Valerie (can attack before or after Kael depending on if you need her to provide shields or ATK buffs)

Having your team attack in this order will maximize damage buffs and lower enemy defenses before Kael brings the pain with his insane AoE damage.



RAID: Shadow Legends: Using Skill Tomes

Make sure to always prioritize spending Rare Skill Tomes on Kael! This is because he is not Campaign farmable and, without Skill Tomes, you'll struggle to level up his abilities in the Tavern.

Conversely, never spend Skill Tomes to level Diabolist's skills. You'll be farming Campaign Stage 12 a lot to level your Champions, and this is exactly the Campaign Stage where you'll find Diabolist. This should result in you collecting a steady stream of Diabolist copies which can be spent in lieu of Skill Tomes in the Tavern to level up her skills.

New to RAID: Shadow Legends?

Click this link now to start your account with a ton of free rewards including 500k Silver and the Epic boss-killer Champion, Juliana.

Alternatively, scan the QR code below!

Raid QR Code

For a more in-depth breakdown of the best starter team in RAID: Shadow Legends, check out our video guide below!
