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RAID Shadow Legends: Best R. Nergigante Archer PVE Build

Here's a quick guide that will show you the best PVE build if you are just starting with R. Nergigante Archer in RAID Shadow Legends.

RAID Shadow Legends: Best R. Nergigante Archer PVE Build

Discover the ultimate build for the Nergigante Archer, a champion in Raid: Shadow Legends renowned for her incredible power and versatility. Affectionately dubbed the Archer Queen by the community, she brings a formidable arsenal of abilities to the battlefield, making her a force to be reckoned with across various game modes. Whether you're aiming to control raid bosses or dominate in the defense arena, this guide will help you harness her full potential.

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  • 1 Energy Potion
  • 100k Silver
  • 10x XP Brews!

The GAMELEAP code works and unlocks the bonuses for new, as well as existing players in Raid Shadow Legends.

Best R. Nergigante Archer PVE Build in RAID Shadow Legends



Best R. Nergigante Archer PVE Build in RAID Shadow Legends

Key Abilities and Usage

charged shot.webp


Charged Shot

  • Attacks 1 enemy. Places a 50% [Increase ACC] buff on this Champion for 2 turns.

This ability targets a single enemy, enhancing her accuracy for two turns. This ability is the perfect opener, setting the stage for her more powerful moves.

spinning shot.png


Spinning Shot

  • Attacks all enemies. Has a 75% chance of placing a [Stun] debuff for 1 turn. If the target is a Boss, has a 75% chance of placing a 30% [Decrease SPD] debuff for 2 turns instead. Also decreases the Turn Meters of enemies under a [Stun] debuff placed by this skill by 20%. Fills the Turn Meters of all allies by 10% if a 30% [Decrease SPD] debuff is placed by this skill instead.

Her A2 is an AOE ability that has two main benefits:

  • Decrease Speed Debuff: Slows bosses and boosts your team's turn meter for each enemy hit with the debuff, crucial for controlling boss actions.
  • AoE Stun: Stuns all non-boss enemies, reducing their turn meter and increasing the duration they're incapacitated, essential for managing minions like the Spider's Lair spiderlings.


Rapid Shot

  • Attacks all enemies. Places a [Hex] debuff for 2 turns and a [Provoke] debuff for 1 turn. If the target is a Boss, places a [Hex] debuff for 3 turns and a [Provoke] debuff for 2 turns instead.



R. Nergigante Archer's A3 is her main skill that places 2 debuffs which last a bonus turn when the target is a Boss:

  • Hex Debuff: The hex debuff is Ideal for long fights, Hex transfers 10% of damage from single targets to all hexed enemies (2% for AoE skills), amplifying damage across the board.
  • AoE Provoke: In addition to Hex Rapid Shot applies a provoke debuff, drawing enemy attacks to her. As a defense-based champion who scales her own defense when attacked by Hex targets, she excels as a tank in Spider or Hydra battles.
Nergigante Ambition.png


Nergigante Ambition

  • Heals all allies by 10% of their MAX HP when attacking enemies under a [Hex] debuff. If there are multiple Champions on the team with this skill, only one will activate. Increases this Champion’s DEF by 5% each time this Champion receives a hit from an enemy under a [Hex] debuff (stacks up to 30%).

Her passive is what enables all her skills to synergize. When you apply the two debuffs with A3, it forces enemies to attack her, which increases her DEF by 5% every time the Archer Queen is attacked. Additionally, if she attacks an enemy affected by HEX, it will heal all your allies by 10% of their maximum HP.

Stats and Gear Recommendations

Your primary goal with this champion is to take as many turns as possible to maintain your debuffs and heal your team. Therefore, your main stat priorities should be as follows:

  • Speed
  • Accuracy
  • Crit Rate



For gear sets, aim to combine a 4-set Relentless with a 2-set Perception.

Best R. Nergigante Archer PVE Build in RAID Shadow Legends
  • Relentless Set: The set bonus, combined with the support mastery that grants increased 30% chance to increase the turn meter by 10 % when a debuff expires, will significantly enhance her ability to heal allies.
  • Perception Set: Essential for ensuring her debuffs hit their target, given her critical role as a debuffer.


Go for support masteries that boost turn meter on debuff expiration or removal, enhancing her ability to control the pace of battle. Prioritize speed and accuracy to ensure her debuffs consistently land. Check the image down below for the exact tree set up.

Best R. Nergigante Archer PVE Build in RAID Shadow Legends



Strategy and Tips for Maximized Effectiveness

  • Strategic Debuff Application: Use her A2 and A3 to dominate the battlefield, leveraging her stun and speed reduction to control enemy actions.
  • Optimized Healing: Her healing scales with target health, providing versatile team sustain. Remember, her healing effectiveness varies based on ally health levels.
  • Debuff Management: Spinning Shot's turn meter boost depends on successful speed debuff application. Timing is key to maximizing this benefit.

For a more in-depth breakdown of exactly how to build the Archer Queen in RAID Shadow Legends, check out our video guide below!

And that concludes our guide on the best R. Nergigante Archer PVE Build in RAID Shadow Legends.

Use our redeem code GAMELEAP for free rewards:

  • 1 Energy Potion
  • 100k Silver
  • 10x XP Brews!

The GAMELEAP code works and unlocks the bonuses for new, as well as existing players in Raid Shadow Legends.

If this guide has been helpful, check out our other RAID Shadow Legends guides:
