RAID Shadow Legends: Michinaki Best Build Guide

This guide will look at the best builds for Michinaki in RAID: Shadow Legends.

RAID Shadow Legends: Michinaki Best Build Guide

Michinaki is one of the Legendary Champions from the Shadowkin faction and is a character that can excel in a variety of modes if built right.

In this guide, we’ll show you just how to build Michinaki to dominate in most modes, so stay tuned.

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Remember to use our redeem code GAMELEAP for free rewards:

  • 1x Energy Potion
  • 100k Silver
  • 10x XP Brews!

The GAMELEAP code works and unlocks the bonuses for new, as well as existing players in Raid Shadow Legends.

If you are a new player and are thinking of starting RAID: Shadow Legends, Sign Up Here to receive the following rewards: An Epic Champion, and many more goodies to help you start with the game.

Michinaki Introduction

Michinaki Faction: Shadowkin
Affinity: Force
Role: Defense
Michinaki Rarity: Legendary
HP 19,650
ATK 804
DEF 1,465
SPD 101
C. RATE 15%
C. DMG 57%
RES 30
ACC 20

Michinaki is a Legendary Defense Champion, that focuses on the [HP Burn] and [Hex] debuffs, which are some of the most important debuffs in RAID’s end-game content. 

This makes him viable for a lot of content, but the places he excels the most in are without a doubt [Hydra] and [Clan Boss].

What makes him great in both is his ability to apply [HP Burn] with his A1. Having a great number of stacks of [HP Burn] leads to a lot of damage in the long run, and being able to apply those reliably shoots Michinaki up in the tier lists.

His passive additionally gives him a 50% chance to perform follow-up attacks whenever a teammate attacks an enemy under a [Hex] debuff, and if you remember what we said about Michinaki and the Hex debuff, then you’ll see where we’re going with this.

The combo between Michinaki’s passive and A1 is a great way to do a ton of damage while also stacking a fair share of [HP Burn] debuffs.

His A2 is also not a skill to skill on, as it applies decent [Decrease ATK] and [Decrease DEF] debuffs to all enemies. Although the [Decrease ATK] debuff is only applied if the enemies are under [Hex], that is quite easy to achieve thanks to Michinaki’s A3, which is a double hit attack that first removes all buffs from all enemies and then places a [Hex] debuff on them.

All in all, Michinaki’s kit is made to synergize with itself perfectly, and this is what makes him such a solid champion. And with his good survivability added on top of that, he definitely becomes a must-build unit. With that said, let’s see how to build him.



Michinaki Skills



A1 Burning Bonds


Burning Bonds

  • Description:
    • Attacks 1 enemy.
    • Has a 50% chance of placing a [HP Burn] debuff for 2 turns.
  • Level Effects:
    • Lvl.2 - Damage +10%
    • Lvl.3 - Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
    • Lvl.4 - Damage +10%
    • Lvl.5 - Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
A2 Dire Whorl


Dire Whorl

  • Description:
    • Attacks all enemies.
    • Has a 75% chance of placing a 60% [Decrease DEF] debuff for 2 turns.
    • Also has a 75% chance of placing a 50% [Decrease ATK] debuff for 2 turns on enemies under [Hex] debuffs.
  • Cooldown: 4 Turns
  • Level Effects:
    • Lvl.2 - Damage +10%
    • Lvl.3 - Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
    • Lvl.4 - Damage +10%
    • Lvl.5 - Buff/Debuff Chance +15%
    • Lvl. 6 - Cooldown -1
A3 Doubled Degeneracy


Doubled Degeneracy

  • Description:
    • Attacks all enemies 2 times.
    • The first hit removes all buffs from each target. The second hit places a [Hex] debuff for 2 turns.
  • Cooldown: 5 Turns
  • Level Effects:
    • Lvl.2 - Cooldown -1
    • Lvl.3 - Cooldown -1
P Courser of Curses


Courser of Curses

  • Whenever an ally attacks an enemy under a [Hex] debuff, this Champion has a 50% chance to team up and join the ally's attack.
DEF Aura


DEF Aura

  • Increases Ally DEF in All Battles by 30%

Best Blessings



  • Increases the damage inflicted by this Champion according to the number of buffs on them. Doesn’t increase the damage from [Poison], [HP Burn], and [Bomb] debuffs.



Michinaki Masteries

PvE Masteries
Offense PvE Defense PvE
PvP Masteries
Offense PvP Defense PvP



Michinaki Artifacts

PvE / PvP
Relentless x1 Perception x1 X
Main Stat
Gloves Armor Boots
Sub Stat Priority






RAID Shadow Legends: Michinaki Best Build Guide

If you’ve gotten Michinaki or are trying to get him from one of the countless Progressive Chance events that pop up every other day, then he’s without a doubt a champion that you should look into building up and putting on your teams.

His ability to play both [HP Burn] and [Hex] can be a universal buff to almost any team and mode in the game. This makes it quite easy to slot in Michinaki almost anywhere and get the same, if not even better, results.



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If you're looking for the best way to start RAID: Shadow Legends with some goodies you can use our redeem code below for some great rewards:

Remember to use our redeem code GAMELEAP for free rewards:

  • 1x Energy Potion
  • 100k Silver
  • 10x XP Brews!

The GAMELEAP code works and unlocks the bonuses for new, as well as existing players in Raid Shadow Legends.

And if you are a new player and are thinking of starting RAID: Shadow Legends, Sign Up Here to receive the following rewards: An Epic Champion, and many more goodies to help you start with the game.
