Reverse 1999: Getian Best Build Guide, Kit, More

This guide will show you the best build for Getian in Reverse: 1999.

Reverse 1999: Getian Best Build Guide, Kit, More

Getian is a 6-star Beast character that made his appearance in Reverse: 1999 Version 1.6

He is a powerful Beast unit that focuses on support by increasing your team’s Reality DMG, making him a great pair for any Reality DMG DPS.

In this guide, we’ll show you his best builds so that you can get the most out of him.

Getian Introduction

Reverse 1999: Getian Best Build Guide, Kit, More

Getian is a powerful support unit with a unique mechanic. His kit is aimed at supporting Reality DMG units, and his [Array] mechanic makes him a really AP (Action Point) friendly unit.

Getian is a character whose main purpose is to use his ultimate and then wait for its next cast, so you don’t have to cast any of his other skills and would do better to just move around his cards to stack Moxie.

His Ultimate in turn summons this unique [Array], which is a type of buff that creates a field that buffs all allies. This field is great because it doesn’t work like regular buffs, allowing you to stack other buffs on top of it, thus making it quite useful. Thanks to this, and boosting Reaily DMG by up to 40% Getian is a solid unit for any Reality team.

Being relatively simple to play and only requiring his Ultimate, Getian is quite accessible to a lot of players.



Getian Skills & Insight




I Shall Walk, Exist, and Know

  • Creates special array [A Prophecy Told] for 3 rounds. 
  • Gains Eureka +3.
  • Inflicts [Shape of Bones] on all enemies for 3 rounds.
    • A Prophecy Told: [Array] effect: Allied characters gain DMG Bonus +20%. When a Reality DMG character attacks, gain additional DMG Bonus +20%.
    • Shape of Bones: Reality DEF -15%. When attacked, take an additional (the user's ATK x30%) Genesis DMG.
    • Array: Battlefield effect. Continuously affects characters on the field (only one type of array can exist at a time, whether on the allied or enemy side).
Old Bones

Old Bones

  • 1-Target attack.
  • Deals 100%/200%/400% Reality DMG.
  • Inflicts [Shape of Bones] on the target for 2 rounds.
Unique Bearing

Unique Bearing

  • Self channel. Enters [Bone Reading] status. Eureka +2/+3/+5.
    • Bone Reading: When this Channel status is active at the end of the round, consume 2 Eureka to cast incantation [Admonition] (if there isn't enough Eureka, all Eureka is used up. If Eureka is 0 after casting, this status is removed).
    • Admonition: Mass Attack. Deals 120% Reality DMG to enemies in [Shape of Bones] status (does not count as an extra action).





Insight 1

  • When entering battle with 3+ Reality DMG allies, grant Moxie +3 to self (triggers only 1 time).
  • When in [A Prophecy Told], [Admonition] enjoys Critical Rate +20% and Critical DMG +20%.

Insight 2

  • ATK +5% when the caster enters battle.

Insight 3

  • At the start of the round, inflict [Shape of Bones] on a random enemy for 2 rounds.
  • At the end of the round, if in [A Prophecy Told], gain Eureka +1.



Getian Best Resonance

Resonance 5
Resonance 5
Resonance 10
Resonance 10



Getian Best Psychubes




Same Old Story

Same Old Story

  • When the carrier is a [Beast] character, Penetration Rate +5%. When the carrier is in [Channel] status, DMG Dealt +12% for their Mass Attacks.

Second Best

Blasphemer of Night

Blasphemer of Night

  • When the carrier attacks, if the target has 2 or more [Neg Status], DMG Dealt +12%.




Being able to boost Reality DMG by a ton and having a unique buff that can be stacked with other buffs make Getian quite the desirable support for many players.

Although his buffs are most useful when used with Reality teammates, Getian can still be used on any other team despite only buffing their damage by 20%.

Additionally, being AP-friendly allows him more utility, thus making him even more desirable. Getian is without a doubt one of the supports that you’ll want to have on your account, and in terms of investment, he is definitely up there with the other support units.
