Reverse 1999 Version 1.5: New Characters Introduction and Release Date

In this article we’ll look at the two new characters coming in Reverse: 1999 Version 1.5 and everything you need to know about them

Reverse 1999 Version 1.5: New Characters Introduction and Release Date

Reverse: 1999 Version 1.5 revealed that a total of 4 new characters will be joining the game’s roster.

Two of these will be limited 6-stars and the remaining two will be 5-stars. This is the first time since the game’s launch that we’ve received 4 new characters for any version updated and in this article we’ll go over the 4 new characters and what they do.

New 6-star Characters

Reverse 1999 Version 1.5 New Characters

As already mentioned Reverse: 1999 will feature 2 new 6-star characters to the game with Version 1.5. These two new characters are - Spathodea and Ezra.

Players will be able to get these two from their limited-time character banners, which you can learn more about HERE.

Spathodea will be released on April 18th

While Ezra will be released on May 9th

Below you can see what each of these characters do and what you can expect from their kits.


Spathodea Skills

Flame Within the Fire

Flame Within the Fire

  • 1-target attack. Deals 700% Reality DMG.
  • This attack's Critical DMG is increased by 40%; If the target carries 15 stacks or more of [Burn], the Critical DMG will be increased by an additional 40%.
  • Burn: Healing Taken -15% (unstackable). At the end of the round, takes (the holder's ATK x4%) Genesis DMG (stackable up to 30 times, multiple stacks of [Burn] is regarded as 1 [Neg Status], removes 50% of the stacks when triggered).
Ignition Point

Ignition Point

  • Self buff. Gains 3/6/9 stacks of [Preignition], 2/3/5 stacks of [Exhilaration] and 1 stack of [Preparation - Spathodea I].
  • Preignition: Before attacking, for each stack, inflicts 1 stack of [Burn] on the target (remove all after trigger).
  • Exhilaration: When attacking, for each stack, gain Critical Rate +15% (remove all after trigger).
  • Preparation - Spathodea I: At the start of the next round, generates one 1-star Precast Incantation: Little Boxer. Spathodea can only gain 1 [Precast Incantation] through Preparation.
  • Preparation - Spathodea II: At the start of the next round, generates one 2-star Precast Incantation: Little Boxer. Spathodea can only gain 1 [Precast Incantation] through Preparation.
  • Preparation - Spathodea III: At the start of the next round, generates one 3-star Precast Incantation: Little Boxer. Spathodea can only gain 1 [Precast Incantation] through Preparation.
  • Precast Incantation: A [Precast Incantation] is regarded as an incantation of the same name. At the end of the round, all unused [Precast Incantation] are removed.
Little Boxer

Little Boxer

  • 1-target attack. Deals 200% Reality DMG. When in [Preignition] status, this attack gains Critical DMG +40%.
  • Preignition: Before attacking, for each stack, inflicts 1 stack of [Burn] on the target (remove all after trigger).



Ezra Skills

Compassion All-Round

Compassion All-Round

  • Mass buff. Moxie +1 and Eureka +1 to all allies. After planting the max number of [Honey Fungus] on empty spaces, all mushrooms mature and immediately trigger their effects.
  • Honey Fungus: Mushroom grows 1 time at the start of the round. Matures after growing 3 times, inflicting 2 stacks of [Vulnerability] on all enemies.
    Vulnerability: When attacked, DMG Taken Reduction -25% (-1 stack after taking effect).
Protection to the Body

Protection to the Body

  • Mass attack. Loses (Current HP x15/15/10%), and deals 30/40/50% Mental DMG plus (Max HPx15/20/25%) Genesis DMG to 2 enemies.
  • Genesis DMG can critically hit.
  • Plants 1 [Honey Fungus]. Fungus Cap: 2.
Stimulus to the Mind

Stimulus to the Mind

  • Mass Buff. Loses (Current HPx15%) and grants all allies a Shield with (the user's Max HP x15/20/25%) for 1 round. Plants 1 [Ghost Fungus]. Fungus Cap: 2.
  • Ghost Fungus: Mushroom grows 1 time at the start of the round. Matures after growing 3 times, granting 2 stacks of [Discernment] to all allies.
    Discernment: Critical DMG +40% (-1 stack when scoring a critical hit with an incantation).



New 5-star Characters

Reverse 1999 Version 1.5 New Characters

Alongside the two new 6-star characters Reverse: 1999 will be welcoming two new 5-star characters as well. The two new 5-star characters are - Ulu and Desert Flannel.

Players can get either of these depending on which limited character banner they pull on. Ulu will appear in the first phase of Version 1.5, while Desert Flannel will appear in the second phase. You can learn more about the upcoming banners in Version 1.5 HERE.

Ulu will be released on April 18th

While Desert Flannel will be released on May 9th

Below you can see everything there is to know about the skills and kits for both Ulu and Desert Flannel.


Ulu Skills

Indomitable Fire, Scorching Heart

Indomitable Fire, Scorching Heart

  • Mass Buff. All allies gain DMG Dealt +15% and DMG Taken -15% for 3 rounds.
  • If enemies have 15 or more stacks of [Burn] in total, the DMG Dealt effect is doubled.
  • Burn: Healing Taken -15%(unstackable). At the end of the round, takes (the holder's ATK x4%) Genesis DMG (stackable up to 30 times, multiple stacks of [Burn] is regarded as 1 [Neg Status], removes 50% of the stacks when triggered).
Opening Ceremony

Opening Ceremony

  • 1-Target attack. Deals 160/240/400% Mental DMG. This attack gains Penetration Rate +25/30/35% against targets inflicted with [Burn].
Beating Heart

Beating Heart

  • Mass Attack. Deals 120/180/300% Mental DMG to 2 enemies and inflicts 1 stack of [Burn].


Desert Flannel

Desert Flannel Skills

Beep Beep Bop Bop, Plappy!

Beep Beep Bop Bop, Plappy!

  • Mass Healing. HP +(the user's ATK x100%) for all allies. Grants 2 stacks of [Power Burst] to all allies, and 2 stacks of [Aura of Might] to allied Beast Afflatus characters.
  • Power Burst: DMG Bonus +25% when attacking (-1 stack after trigger).
  • Aura of Might: Incantation Might +20% when attacking (-1 stack after trigger).
Mixed Doubles!

Mixed Doubles!

  • 1-target attack. Deals 180/270/450% Reality DMG. When in [Pos. Status] or [Counter] status, this attack gains Critical Rate +25% and Critical DMG +25%.
The Only Family!

The Only Family!

  • Self counter. Grants 1/2/3 stack of [Plappy] and 1/1/2 stack [Power Burst].
  • Plappy: When attacked, performs [Riposte], deals 150% Reality DMG with Critical Rate +25% and Critical DMG +25%. The [Riposte] is regarded as 1 extra action (-1 stack when triggered).
  • Power Burst: DMG Bonus +25% when attacking (-1 stack after trigger).
  • Riposte: Ripostes after being attacked by enemies.
