Rimworld: All Room Types Explained

Discover the different room types in Rimworld and their impacts.

Rimworld: All Room Types Explained
Ludeon Studios

Rimworld is a sci-fi colony simulation game where you must manage resources, construct buildings, and ensure the well-being of your colonists. One crucial aspect of the game is the creation and management of various room types. Each room serves a specific purpose and can significantly impact the mood and productivity of your colonists. This guide aims to explain all the room types in Rimworld.

All Room Types in Rimworld

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Ludeon Studios

Before delving into the room types, it's essential to understand room stats and roles. Room stats are values that influence the overall impressiveness, beauty, cleanliness, wealth, and space within a room. These stats can affect activities like medical treatment, research, and colonist mood.

Room roles, on the other hand, determine the primary function of a room and whether colonists are affected by its stats. 

Now, let's look at all the room types in Rimworld:


Room Type Mood Impact Related Stats Requirements
Bedroom Yes Impressiveness Single bed or sleeping spot
Barracks Yes Impressiveness Multiple beds or sleeping spots
Prison Cell Yes Impressiveness Single prisoner's bed or sleeping spot
Prison Barracks Yes Impressiveness Multiple prisoner's beds or sleeping spots
Dining Room Yes Impressiveness Table
Rec Room Yes Impressiveness Billiards table, chess table, horseshoe pin
Hospital Yes Impressiveness, Cleanliness Hospital bed or bed marked as medical
Laboratory No Cleanliness Research bench, mech gestator, subcore encoder
Workshop No None Crafting stations (smithing bench, tailoring bench, etc.)
Throne Room No Impressiveness Meditation throne or Grand meditation throne
Temple No None Small/Medium/Large Altar or Ideogram
Kitchen No Cleanliness Stove or butcher table
Tomb No None Sarcophagus
Barn No None Animal sleeping spot or animal bed
Storeroom No None Shelf
Nursery Yes None Crib or Baby Sleeping Spot
Playroom Yes None Toy Box
Classroom Yes None School Desk
Deathrest Chamber Yes Impressiveness Deathrest casket



The Impressiveness System

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Ludeon Studios

Impressiveness is a crucial factor that determines the mood impact of various room types in Rimworld. This value is calculated based on four other room stats: wealth, beauty, spaciousness, and cleanliness.

The impressiveness level of a room is derived by rounding down the calculated impressiveness value to the nearest whole number. This level then triggers relevant mood effects, either positive or negative, for the colonists.

It's important to note that while the mood effect is rounded down to the nearest impressiveness level, the formula for calculating impressiveness does not round down the input values. This means that small increments in individual stats like beauty or wealth can contribute to a higher overall impressiveness value, even if they don't immediately push the room into the next impressiveness level.

The following table illustrates the different impressiveness levels and their corresponding descriptions:


Value Description
< 20 Awful
>= 20 and < 30 Dull
>= 30 and < 40 Mediocre
>= 40 and < 50 Decent
>= 50 and < 65 Slightly impressive
>= 65 and < 85 Somewhat impressive
>= 85 and < 120 Very impressive
>= 120 and < 170 Extremely impressive
>= 170 and < 240 Unbelievably impressive
>= 240 Wondrously impressive

The exact mood bonus associated with each impressiveness level varies based on the room's role. For example, a "very impressive" bedroom may provide a more significant mood boost compared to a "very impressive" workshop.




Understanding the different room types in Rimworld is crucial for effective colony management. By creating appropriate rooms and optimizing their stats, you can enhance the mood, productivity, and overall well-being of your colonists, ultimately increasing your chances of survival and success on the rim.
