Star Wars Outlaws: Controversy Explained

Let’s take a look at what problems gamers have with the latest Star Wars game.

Star Wars Outlaws: Controversy Explained
Massive Entertainment

The fanbase for Star Wars has never been bigger and with all those people, there is going to be some difference in opinions. Star Wars Outlaws seems to be causing major waves in the gaming community for a multitude of reasons and many gamers have had enough.

Star Wars Outlaws Drama Explained
Massive Entertainment

People who play video games are the reason companies like Ubisoft exist. Without the consumer, there will be no production. This may not need to be said but some video game players are starting to think that with the increase in anti-consumer practices, most gaming developers are starting to forget that simple fact.



Star Wars Outlaws: High Price and Season Pass

The pricing for single-player games has never been so high, we all know that, but some people have had enough of the greed. Star Wars Outlaws Standard Edition is $69.99 and we won’t even be paying for a complete game because Ubisoft will be locking certain missions on day one unless we pay more money.

Star Wars Outlaws High Price and Season Pass
Massive Entertainment

Even though the Jabba’s Gambit mission will be available on the release date of Star Wars Outlaws, it is still classified as extra content and will require buying the season pass to play. Too many gamers hate the idea of season passes for gaming developers to still keep using them. The gaming community has made it clear that season passes, microtransactions and unfinished storylines have no place in single-player games.



If we are paying for a game with a high price tag, most gamers think that developers shouldn’t expect us to hand over more money whenever they think of a new costume or cosmetic. What happened to the days when developers launched video games that were complete, without microtransactions, expansion packs, or whatever else they could think of to get us to spend more cash?

Star Wars Oultaws high Prices for special Editions
Massive Entertainment

Star Wars Outlaws Gold Edition is $40 more expensive than the base game. The Ultimate Edition is $129.99. That is nearly double the price of the Standard Edition.

The other option is you can subscribe to Ubisoft Plus for $17.99 a month and have full access to everything the game has to offer. Many gamers are now convinced that the developers are trying to use Star Wars Outlaws as a funnel for their subscription plan. Creating a game should be about building a product in which people are happy to give you money, not squeezing every last dollar out of gamers no matter what.



Star Wars Outlaws: Building Fake Hype

The next big controversy surrounding Star Wars Outlaws is the fact that Ubisoft have been accused by many of using bots on social media to boost hype about their upcoming game. Instead of focusing on creating a great game, some gamers worry they might be spending time and money to stoke an inflated sense of excitement. Is that what video game development has come to in 2024?

Many fake profiles online have the same profile pictures with different names, a trend some folks claim to have spotted amongst Outlaws' advocate posters. For some gamers, there are far too many comments about the technology behind the game that don’t sound like real people.

Star Wars Outlaws Fake Hype Building
Massive Entertainment

They are all, allegedly, written in the same way and don’t seem genuine. Things like they are excited for the tech upgrade in Star Wars Outlaws. The people of Twitter can't wait to experience DLSS 3 and RTX. Some gamers think that if the developers are trying to lie about the hype Star Wars Outlaws is building, they should do a better job and stop insulting our intelligence.



Star Wars Outlaws: Main Character Controversy

Another piece of drama hitting Star Wars Outlaws is the fact that some gamers are saying they are tired of developers creating ugly characters for some woke agenda. There shouldn’t be anything wrong with having attractive protagonists in the gaming industry. The whole controversy surrounding Stellar Blade is proof of what gamers want.

Star Wars Outlaws Main Character Model
Massive Entertainment

Most members of the gaming community prefer games that have attractive characters. While Kay Vess isn’t unattractive in any way, she doesn’t look anything like the attractive Latina model, Humberly Gonzales, she was based on. That means the developer had a beautiful face and body and, as some gamers put it, uglified her by adding a man jaw and made her look frumpy. Many people are wondering why hire a model that is attractive if you have no intentions of keeping the character that way.



Everyone on this planet has a different idea of what they think beauty is and there is nothing wrong with the way Kay Vess looks but it is the job of the game developers to appeal to their consumers. The whole gaming community has repeatedly said that they want more attractive protagonists.

Star Wars Outlaws Main Character Controversy
Massive Entertainment

Some gamers are already threatening to boycott Star Wars Outlaws which would be a shame because the game might be a masterpiece. Politics has no place in gaming. We all play video games to get away from that drama and now it seems companies like Disney and Ubisoft are trying to push their agendas onto us all. We will see how things progress and with any luck game developers and publishers will start to open their eyes to what their consumers want.
