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Stellar Blade: All Trophies List (Multiple Endings Revealed)

This guide covers the complete list of trophies in Stellar Blade.

Stellar Blade: All Trophies List
SHIFT UP Corporation

The highly anticipated action-adventure game Stellar Blade has finally revealed its complete trophy list, providing players with a roadmap to achieve the coveted Platinum trophy. With a total of 43 trophies, the game promises a rewarding experience for trophy hunters. Let's take a look at the complete list of trophies in Stellar Blade.

All Trophies in Stellar Blade

Stellar Blade All Trophies List 1.jpg
SHIFT UP Corporation

With the official release date on the horizon, Stellar Blade has revealed its complete trophy list. This list can help you prepare for what you have to face when the game launches on 26 April.

The early review of Stellar Blade Demo shows that this game has a captivating story and gameplay, and the trophies will surely complement it even more.

So, here is all Stellar Blade's trophies list:



Platinum Trophy

  • EVE Protocol - Acquired all trophies.

Gold Trophies

  • Return to the Colony - Achieved Return to the Colony ending.
  • Cost of Lost Memories - Achieved Cost of Lost Memories ending.
  • Making New Memories - Achieved Making New Memories ending.

Silver Trophies

  • Camp Preparation - Activated the first Camp.
  • [Hidden Story Trophy 1] - Defeated [Boss 1].
  • [Hidden Story Trophy 2] - Defeated [Boss 2].
  • [Hidden Story Trophy 3] - Defeated [Boss 3].
  • [Hidden Story Trophy 4] - Defeated [Boss 4].
  • [Hidden Story Trophy 5] - Retrieved the Hyper Cell from [Boss 5].
  • [Hidden Story Trophy 6] - Defeated [Boss 6].
  • [Hidden Story Trophy 7] - Defeated [Boss 7].
  • [Hidden Story Trophy 8] - Defeated [Boss 8].
  • [Hidden Story Trophy 9] - Defeated [Boss 9].
  • [Hidden Story Trophy 10] - Retrieved the Hyper Cell from [Boss 10].
  • [Hidden Story Trophy 11] - Defeated [Boss 11].



Bronze Trophies

  • [Hidden Story Trophy 12] - Defeated [Boss 12].
  • [Hidden Story Trophy 13] - Defeated [Boss 13].
  • [Hidden Story Trophy 14] - Defeated [Boss 14].
  • Can Collector - Collected all cans.
  • Nano Suit Collector - Acquired 30 Nano Suits.
  • Records Collector - Collected 200 Data Bank entries (Memorysticks, Documents, or Passcodes).
  • Lonely Fisherman - Caught 20 different fish.
  • Box Hunter - Opened 200 boxes.
  • Naytiba Researcher - Got information on all Naytibas.
  • Meticulous Explorer - Activated all Camps.
  • Perfect Exospine - Enhanced 10 Exospines to their max.
  • Perfect Blood Edge - Enhanced Blood Edge to its max.
  • Perfect Rechargeable Tumbler - Enhanced the Rechargeable Tumbler to its max.
  • Perfect Physical Enhancement - Enhanced HP to its max.
  • Perfect Beta Energy Enhancement - Enhanced Beta Energy to its max.
  • Thorough Technician - Learned all skills.
  • Beyond Fate - Completed Enya and Su's story.
  • Sisterly Love - Completed Kaya's story.
  • Beep! - Completed D1G-g2r's story.
  • Battlefield Martial Artist - Perfect Dodged 200 enemy attacks.
  • Agile Gladiator - Perfect Parried 300 enemy attacks.
  • Silent Executioner - Defeated 50 enemies by execution.
  • Naytiba Hunter - Defeated 100 enemies with Beta Skills.
  • Relentless Destroyer - Defeated 50 enemies with Burst Skills.
  • Revenging Agent - Defeated 50 enemies in Tachy Mode.
  • Cold-blooded Sniper - Defeat 150 enemies with ranged attacks.
  • Cruel Liberator - Defeated 1,500 enemies.



Multiple Endings Based on the Trophies

Stellar Blade All Trophies List 2.jpg
SHIFT UP Corporation

The trophy list reveals that Stellar Blade features multiple endings, each with its own unique Gold trophy. The three endings are "Return to the Colony," "Cost of Lost Memories," and "Making New Memories," hinting at the game's narrative complexity and the impact of players' choices on the final outcome.


Trophy Type Number of Trophies
Platinum 1
Gold 3
Silver 12
Bronze 27
Total 43

Overall, the Stellar Blade trophy list appears to be a well-rounded and comprehensive set of objectives that cater to a variety of playstyles and preferences. From story-driven exploration to combat mastery and collectible hunting, the game promises a challenging and rewarding experience for trophy hunters!
