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Stellar Blade: Can You Accept the Secret Request Mission?

Let's have a look at the Secret Request which is automatically refused.

Stellar Blade: Can You Accept the Secret Request Mission?
SHIFT UP Corporation

In Stellar Blade, you are going to be running around, trying to fix the world around you. You will come up against side-quests from clients wanting help for a variety of reasons. They will post their requests on the bulletin boards. It’s not always clear exactly how to proceed.

Can you accept the Secret Request in Stellar Blade
SHIFT UP Corporation

The question is what to do when you see a mission that is automatically refused without you having a say. This is the Secret Request on the bulletin board. When you read it and try to accept it, Eve will express her opinion before rejecting it. Let’s take a look if there is any way to actually accept the mission.



Can You Accept the Secret Request in Stellar Blade?

We are not sure just how secret this request is when the client has put it on the bulletin board but basically, they want some drugs to make life in the wasteland bearable. They are offering 5000 gold so at least some of us will think about it.

Stellar Blade Secret Request On the Bulletin Board
SHIFT UP Corporation

Unfortunately, there is no way to accept the Secret Request in Stellar Blade. No matter what you do, Eve will comment on how intense overclocking your brain sounds and refuse the quest. The mission will change from “in progress” and automatically switch to “refused”.




There is nothing you can do and there is no way for you to get your hands on the client’s gold. Considering what they were asking for, maybe it is a good thing after all. You don’t want to help a drug addict get more drugs but it is a strange situation in a game. If there is no way to complete the Secret Request, why is it in Stellar Blade?

Stellar Blade Secret Request Explained
SHIFT UP Corporation

That’s everything you need to know about the Secret Request in Stellar Blade. We are aware it is frustrating but in the future, we might see some new content that will either elaborate on the quest or at least explain what happened to the client. I hope this helps. Check out our other guides for Stellar Blade below!
