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Stellar Blade: Simple Puzzle Solution

Let's take a look at how to solve the Simple Puzzle in Xion.

Stellar Blade: Simple Puzzle Solution
SHIFT UP Corporation

During your playthrough of Stellar Blade, you might come across a few puzzles that require you to use your brain. These can be a nice change of pace after hacking and slashing through the Naytiba. We are going to be looking at the simple puzzle in this guide. Despite its name, it can take some time to work out.

Don’t worry if you can’t figure it out, that is what we are here for. We will be running through how to start the side quest, how to work out the puzzle, and what you can gain from knowing the answer. There is no trick or clues available. You can either figure it out or you can’t.

How to Start the Simple Puzzle Side Quest in Stellar Blade

How to start the Simple Puzzle in Stellar Blade
SHIFT UP Corporation

When you find yourself in Xion in Stellar Blade, you will come across the bulletin board. A client has put up an offer to anyone who wants to earn a nice reward. When you accept the side quest, head to the Presence Chamber. You will see a monitor on a pillar to your right.



How to Solve the Simple Puzzle in Stellar Blade

The puzzle is as follows:

  • 4@7@8=285684
  • 9@3@5=271542
  • 6@2@7=121426
  • 5@6@7= ?
Solving the simple puzzle in Stellar Blade
SHIFT UP Corporation

You have to work out the solution of the fourth equation by figuring out what process is used in the first three examples. We will use the first equation to explain what you need to do. Each sum has three stages.

Multiply the first and second numbers together (4x7=28). Multiply the second and third numbers together (7x8=56). Then add the two results together to get the third part of the equation (28+56=84).



Now you understand how the process works, the puzzle is simple to work out.

  • 5x6=30
  • 6x7=42
  • 30+42=72
Stellar Blade Simple Puzzle Solution
SHIFT UP Corporation

You will have your answer when you put all three answers together. 304272. Enter the code into the monitor and the client will reward you with 1000 gold and 2 Vitcoins. You can celebrate your success and intelligence. There will be another puzzle which is far harder. It will become available later in the game from the same place as the Simple Puzzle side quest in Stellar Blade.
