Tekken 8 Tier List: Best Fighters Ranked & Explained

Discover the best Tekken 8 fighters, ranked in our comprehensive fighter tier list. We will be ranking all fighters from best to worst.

Tekken 8 Tier List: Best Fighters Ranked & Explained
Tekken 8 Tier List: Best Fighters Ranked & Explained

Tekken 8 brings back many fan favorite fighters, while also introducing some new faces to the roster. With changes to move properties and new mechanics like the Heat system, the power levels of these characters have shifted. Our Tekken 8 tier list ranks all the fighters into S, A, and B tiers based on their potential at high-level play.

Tekken 8 Fighters Tier List

S-Tier Tekken 8 Fighters

The elite of the elite, these are the best and most versatile fighters in Tekken 8 right now.

Jun Kazama

Jun Kazama

A newcomer in Tekken 8, Jun has quickly risen as one of the strongest on the roster. Her array of fast pokes, confusing mix-ups, and strong wall carry potential make her a force to be reckoned with. Her moves have deceptive tracking and are hard to sidestep as well.

Jin Tekken 8

Jin Kazama

Jin returns as an incredibly strong, all-around fighter. Excellent pokes, punishment, and wall carry give him great tournament potential. His electric wind god fist combos hit brutally hard.


Feng Wei

Feng Wei

With his slippery evasiveness and deadly punishment game, Feng continues to shine. New tracking moves also help cover his weaknesses. Beware his lethal shoulder and unblockable kicks.



Azucena is a new luchadora character with a unique counter-focused playstyle. She has excellent jabs and can win off her punishing alone. A high skill cap fighter.

Other S-Tier fighters:

  • Zafina
  • Bryan Fury
  • Jack-8



A-Tier Tekken 8 Fighters

While not the absolute best, these fighters are still seen regularly in high-level play.

Paul Phoenix

Paul Phoenix

Paul is still a powerhouse, turning even the smallest openings into devastating damage. His muscle buster throws remain some of the most potent in the game.

Nina Williams

Nina Williams

With her oppressive pressure and vast movelist, Nina is as unpredictable as ever. Her chain throws and slide mix-ups make opponents scared to press buttons.

Lili Rochefort

Lili Rochefort

Lili’s evasive style allows her to avoid attacks and retaliate viciously. New tracking moves have also improved her historically poor tracking.




Shaheen remains popular for his simple but effective moveset. Excellent ranged pokes and punishers reward thoughtful play.

Lars Alexandersson

Lars Alexandersson

Lars brings his trademark nimble movement and stealing turns with ducking attacks. He flows between stances gracefully.

Other A-Tier fighters:

  • Reina
  • Devil Jin
  • Victor
  • King
  • Leo
  • Steve
  • Hwoarang
  • Alisa
  • Kuma
  • Panda
  • Xiaoyu
  • Kazuya



B-Tier Tekken 8 Fighters

While viable, these fighters tend to struggle and need more specialized skill sets to win at high levels.

Lee Chaolan

Lee Chaolan

Lee rewards genius-level execution, but his lack of potent lows holds him back compared to the S tiers. Requires immense practice.



Yoshimitsu's unorthodox style and stances take true dedication to master. While tricky, his payoff simply isn’t as good as other technical characters.

Asuka Kazama

Asuka Kazama

Asuka’s reactive tools struggle against stronger zoning and spacing tactics in Tekken 8. Has trouble getting in on faster opponents.

Other B-Tier fighters:

  • Law
  • Dragunov
  • Leroy
  • Claudio




Of course player skill is the most important factor, so don’t let tiers prevent you from playing who you want! But for new players looking to win competitive matches, start with Jun or Jin for easy and effective movesets.
