Teamfight Tactic's team released another one of their /DEV posts as The Remix Rumble Set comes to an end. We saw more of the developer's thoughts on the game so far as well as their goals for the future. In this post, we got a lot of insight into what will be coming to TFT soon as well as some spoilers of the possible features. Here, we summarized the most important parts of the planned changes for TFT's next set.
Table of contents:
- Game to Game Variance & Loot Distribution
- Mechanics and Overall Complexity
- Champion Skill Intuitiveness
- Economic Traits
- High Moments and Prismatic Traits
- Item Uniqueness and Artifacts
Game to Game Variance & Loot Distribution

- Item and loot drop system to remain one of game-to-game variance, NOT player-to-player variance. - In other words, the developers are aiming to balance the amount of resources each player has. Even if the loot is different you can be sure that you are never behind.
- New Prismatic Orb drops - These will contain big rewards like the game such as Tome of Traits (no longer in gold orbs) or even Masterwork Upgrades (a consumable that changes an item into a Radiant item!).
Mechanics and Overall Complexity

- Augments and Portals are permanent
- Future mechanics will be less complex and will focus on being more thematic
Champion Skill Intuitiveness

- The developers will focus on improving the champion's abilities and clarity. They want to avoid making players confused by the abilities of certain characters like Neeko from Remix Rumble.
Economic Traits

- Devs are committed to making new economic traits for each set. Even though historically players have always figured them out and managed to exploit them, Devs think they are an important part of TFT.
High Moments and Prismatic Traits

- Devs are making sure that prismatic traits and verticle comps are hard to hit but worth the effort.
- With the departure of Headliners, Trait Augments are returning but with some notable balance changes. You can only get +1 to your traits with augments. This way vertical compositions can be kept strong without being too easy to get.
Item Uniqueness and Artifacts:

- During the last few sets, the developers put a lot of effort into making items versatile and well-rounded. This removed a lot of creative effects and novelty. Ex: Rapid Fire Canon turning into Red Buff.
- In the next set, over 20 new artifacts items will be added with everyone having a unique team-building effect.
The developer's plans for the future of TFT are very exciting and will certainly make the gameplay even more enjoyable. If you want to see more TFT-related content: check our website: