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TFT Full Tablet Support Confirmed

Teamfight Tactics will be getting support for all mobile devices that can run the game

TFT Full Tablet Support Confirmed
Riot Games

Rejoice as Riot Games will be soon launching full tablet support for Teamfight Tactics on both iOS and Android. With Set 10 coming soon, this is also a great opportunity to pick up the game and try it out once the support has hit the live client. 

Full Tablet Support Coming Soon

In a recent tweet by the Senior Game Producer for TFT @RiotFireNRain20 showed that PBE was running on her mobile device. This is great news for all Teamfight Tactics enjoyers as the casual aesthetic of the game is more than welcome to mobile devices so players can play it everywhere.

TFT Tablet Support



Game Requirements

Here are the minimum requirements for you to be able to play the game on your device:

  • Android Version 7 (or Newer)
  • Memory 2 GB RAM
  • GPU 700 MHz (or higher)
  • CPU CPU 1.7 GHz Octocore (or higher)
  • OpenGL Version 3+

Please keep in mind that TFT Mobile can only run on 64-bit phones with a 64-bit OS. 32-bit phones cannot run this application. It also recommended that your device exceeds these requirements to ensure a more stable and enjoyable experience. 



Community Reaction

Many players are rejoicing as they will no longer see black bars when playing on their iOS and Android devices.

TFT Tablet Comment

Some players are also asking how they can get their hands to a PBE account.

TFT PBE Twitter

You can see how you can sign up for a chance to test the new set that is about to release and take a look at the PBE, here.
