The Finals Best Weapons Tier List (January 2024)

Our definitive The Finals weapon tier list categorizes weapons from the deadly God tier picks down to the weakest low tier options.

 The Finals Best Weapons Tier List (January 2024)
The Finals Best Weapons Tier List (January 2024)

Mastering The Finals requires skillfully wielding your arsenal of destruction. To help optimize your loadouts, we've compiled The Finals Weapons tier list detailing the deadliest to weakest firearms across all classes - Light, Medium, and Heavy. Use these up-to-date January 2024 weapon rankings to obliterate the opposition.

Before jumping in, note that The Finals organizes weapons uniquely to each character class. So a Light fighter cannot equip a Medium weapon for example. With that said, let the arms race begin!




The Finals Best Weapons Tier List: S-Tier

The cream of the crop, God-tier weapons enable unmatched devastation and versatility. Prioritize unlocking and upgrading these first:

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V9S (Light)

Silenced yet hard-hitting pistol perfect for stealth assassins


XP-54 (Light)

This gun offers excellent stopping power up close

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AKM (Medium)

Reliable assault rifle that dominates mid-range



The Finals Best Weapons Tier List: A-Tier

While not quite unbeatable, the weapons below still provide stellar performance in skilled hands:

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R. 357 (Medium)

Heavyweight hand cannon for one-shot-one-kills

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Lewis Gun (Heavy)

Manageable recoil and fire rate for constant pressure

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SA1216 (Heavy)

Wreak utter destruction via this auto-shotty



The Finals Best Weapons Tier List: B-Tier

The middle pack remains viable, though typically outclassed by top tiers. Consider equipping if the situation demands:

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Flamethrower (Heavy)

Great environment destruction albeit team-damaging risk


Model 1887 (Medium)

Higher range shotgun but lower fire rate



The Finals Best Weapons Tier List: C-Tier

These trail at the bottom for underperformance and other weaknesses. Avoid if possible:

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LH1 (Light)

Unwieldy recoil sinks this otherwise hard-hitting rifle

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Sword (Light)

Melee nature makes landing kills unlikely

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Riot Shield (Medium)

Nigh-invincibility yet extremely low damage

There you have it - a definitive weapon tier list for unlocking lethal loadout potential in The Finals. Now gear up and battle your way to victory!



The Finals Best Weapons Tier List: Summary Table

The Finals Best Weapons Tier List: Summary Table
The Finals Best Weapons Tier List: Summary Table
Tier Weapons Types Strengths
God V9S, XP-54, AKM Light, Medium High damage, versatility
Top R. 357, Lewis Gun, SA1216 Medium, Heavy Extreme power up close and at range
Mid Flamethrower, Model 1887 Heavy, Medium Environment destruction, long-range shotguns
Low LH1, Sword, Riot Shield Light, Medium Viable niche weapons with significant weaknesses
