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THE FINALS Season 2 Weapon Tier List: Best Weapons Ranked

THE FINALS Season 2 weapon tier list: Find the best weapons to dominate your matches.

THE FINALS Season 2 Weapon Tier List: Best Weapons Ranked
Embark Studios

With The Finals featuring 21 deadly weapons across its Light, Medium, and Heavy classes, it can be hard to determine which guns are truly top-tier. This definitive weapon tier list for The Finals in Season 2 ranks all armaments from the overpowered S-class to the useless D-rank.

THE FINALS Season 2 Weapon Tier List

THE FINALS Season 2 Weapon Tier List
Embark Studios

S-Tier Weapons

The elite S-tier contains the cream of the crop - these are weapons you simply can't go wrong with. They combine high damage, great handling, and versatility to dominate firefights.

  • V9S (Light) - Accurate and hard-hitting pistol that shreds opponents at close range. Highly aggressive playstyle.
  • Sword (Light) - Devastating melee weapon that swiftly eliminates enemies. Rewards stealthy aggression.
  • XP-54 (Light) - Precise SMG good at all ranges. Extremely balanced overall.
  • Flamethrower (Heavy) - Unleashes hellish sustained damage.
  • R.357 (Medium) - Powerful magnum packing immense damage per shot. Requires pinpoint accuracy.
  • SA1216 (Heavy) - Rapid-fire semi-auto shotgun that obliterates anything up close.
  • FAMAS (Medium) - New burst rifle with excellent stopping power. Easy to control.



A-Tier Weapons

THE FINALS Season 2 Weapon Tier List
Embark Studios

Weapons in the A-tier are nearly as strong as S-rank; they may be more situational but still shine in the right hands.

  • SH1900 (Light) - Devastating close-quarters shotgun for aggressive hit-and-run attacks.
  • Lewis Gun (Heavy) - Jack of all trades LMG with stability, damage, and mag size.
  • Model 1887 (Medium) - Versatile and hard-hitting shotgun effective at most ranges.
  • KS-23 (Heavy) - Slug shotgun that hits brutally hard but requires precise aim.
  • 93R (Light) - New rapid-fire burst pistol that shreds unarmored enemies.

B-Tier Weapons

B-rank contains weapons that are solid but clearly outclassed by top-tier picks. They can still excel with enough skill.

  • M11 (Light) - Spray-and-pray SMG that falters in damage and range.
  • SR-84 (Light) - Slow-firing sniper rifle ill-suited for most combat scenarios.
  • FCAR (Medium) - Jack of all trades assault rifle.
  • Sledgehammer (Heavy) - Devastating but extremely situational melee weapon.



C-Tier Weapons

Weapons in the C-tier are either deeply underpowered or redundant choices outshined by other guns.

  • AKM (Medium) 
  • Throwing Knives (Light) - Gimmicky projectiles that fail to compete with firearms.
  • LH1 (Light) - Slow battle rifle that counters the Light class's mobility focus.

D-Tier Weapons

Finally, weapons in the D-tier are almost unanimously terrible options you should avoid.

  • Riot Shield (Medium) - Niche defensive tool incapable of killing enemies.
  • Dagger (Light) - Feeble melee weapon completely outclassed by the Sword.

Consult this tier list when selecting your armory in The Finals. Top-ranked S-class weapons like the V9S pistol and Flamethrower will enable dominating run-and-gun playstyles. Even B-tier picks can annihilate enemies with enough skill. Just be sure to steer clear of lackluster D-rank items like the Riot Shield!
