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The First Descendant: Everything About Void Intercept Battles

In this guide, we will tell you everything you need to know about Void Intercept Battles - what they are, how they work, and what the rewards are. We're taking a look at the list of all of the available Void Intercept Battles and their possible rewards as well.

The First Descendant: All Void Intercept Battles & Explainations

Void Intercept Battles in The First Descendant are quite challenging and difficult missions. These battles are very important as they will give you the Amorphous Materials you need for crafting powerful items. Here’s a guide to understanding Void Intercept Battles, including a list of all of the available battles and their requirements.

What are Void Intercept Battles?

What are Void Intercept Battles?

Void Intercept Battles are The First Descendant missions where the main objective is to defeat a Colossus boss. Each mission features a different boss. Thankfully, they are not randomized, so TFD players can prepare for the battle beforehand.

You can find Void Intercept Battles in the mission select map, where they are categorized into normal and hard difficulties.

  • Keep in mind that these extra hard missions are locked and require specific conditions to unlock. We'll explain how you can do this in the next paragraph. 


How to Unlock Void Intercept Battles?

How to Unlock Void Intercept Battles

To start exploring Void Intercept Battles, The First Descendant players must progress through the main story and complete certain quests.

  • Normal difficulty missions unlock at various points, with the quests.
  • Hard missions require defeating the previous Void Intercept boss at least once to unlock. 

To start a Void Intercept Battle, access the World Map and select the Void Intercept Battle icon. You can also speak to Seneca in Albion. 



List of All Void Intercept Battles

Here’s a list of all Void Intercept Battles along with their unlock requirements and levels:

Normal Difficulty Void Intercept Battles

Battle Requirements
Grave Walker (Level 10) Complete "Humanity’s Scourge" Quest.
Stunning Beauty (Level 22) Complete "Mysterious Attraction" Quest
Executioner (Level 34) Complete "Void Radar Upgrade" Quest.
Dead Bride (Level 44) Complete "The Consequences of Jeremy’s Actions" Quest
Devourer (Level 54) Complete "Continuing Threat" Quest
Pyromaniac (Level 66) Complete "Karel’s Trap" Quest
Swamp Walker (Level 82) Complete "Turning Crisis Into Opportunity" Quest
Hanged Man (Level 94) Complete "A Certain Prologue" Quest



Hard Difficulty Void Intercept Battles

Battle Requirements
Executioner (Level 102) Complete "Colossi from Another Dimension" Quest
Dead Bride (Level 106) Complete "Intercept Battle: Executioner" Quest
Devourer (Level 110) Complete "Intercept Battle: Dead Bride" Quest
Pyromaniac (Level 114) Complete "Intercept Battle: Devourer" Quest
Swamp Walker (Level 118) Complete "Intercept Battle: Pyromaniac" Quest
Obstructer (Level 122) Complete "Intercept Battle: Swamp Walker" Quest
Frost Walker (Level 126) Complete "Intercept Battle: Obstructer" Quest
Molten Fortress (Level 130) Complete "Intercept Battle: Frost Walker" Quest


Void Intercept Battle Tips 

  1. Come prepared: Make sure you're well-equipped and prepared for the difficult battle ahead. 
  2. Exploit Weakpoints: Each Colossus has weak points that deal extra damage when hit. Use this to your advantage! Make sure you press the TAB key to highlight the enemy's weak points in blue, then focus your attacks there. 
  3. Team Coordination: Join a team of players and the fight will be much easier.
  4. Adapt Your Build: Make sure you prepare yourself for the battle by customize your modules based on the boss's weaknesses. 

Void Intercept Battles Rewards

Completing Void Intercept Battles rewards The First Descendant players with rare and ultimate quality Reactors, Modules, and other valuable items. After defeating a boss, you can use the Reconstructed Device to unlock rewards from the Amorphous Materials you collected.

Void Intercept Battles in The First Descendant is a fun challenge that is extra difficult. It will definitely spice up your gameplay! Prepare yourself for the battle and enjoy! Check out the rest of our TFD content.
