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V Rising: How to get Radium Alloy

Let’s have a look at how you can get your hands on some Radium Alloy in V Rising.

V Rising: How to get Radium Alloy
Stunlock Studios

When you are playing V Rising, you can pick up most resources fairly easily. It doesn’t take a lot more than killing something and looting their bodies. However, some items require a little more planning to craft correctly. One of these items is Radium Alloy. You are going to need plenty of it when it comes to crafting later in V Rising so it is best to start collecting it as soon as possible.

Getting you hands on Radium Alloy in Gloomrot for V Rising
Stunlock Studios

We are going to run through everything you need to do to obtain some Radium Alloy in this short guide. As the name suggests, it is a mixture of different materials, and not all of them are easy to get ahold of.



How to Get Radium Allow in V Rising

There is no need to worry about Radium Alloy until you can journey to the north in V Rising and survive the enemies in Gloomrot. When you are ready to tackle the more dangerous opponents to the north of Dunley Farmlands, you can start to think about Radium Alloy.

How to Get Radium Alloy in V Rising Killing Ziva the Engineer
Stunlock Studios

Your first step is to track down Ziva the Engineer. You will find the level 60 boss in the Trancendum Machine Factory in Gloomrot South. Ziva the Engineer is a difficult boss but if you can get the upper hand, she will drop the blueprints for Radium Alloy and the Sludge-Filled Cannister.



To create Radium Alloy, you are going to need:

  • Sludge-Filled Cannister
  • Sulphur
  • Tech Scrap

The Tech Scrap is the simplest to acquire. Head to the Gloomrot region and kill Trancendum enemies. They will drop the Tech Scrap you need in V Rising. Sulphur is obtained by smelting Sulphur Ore in the Furnace at your castle.

Getting Tech Scrap in Gloomrot to make Radium Alloy in V Rising
Stunlock Studios

The most difficult item you will need to get ahold of is the Sludge-Filled Cannister. Luckily, you have the recipe now. You are going to need Iron Ingots, Glass, and Mutant Grease. Put them all in a Fabricator and it will produce a Sludge-Filled Cannister.



When you have all the materials needed, head back to your Furnace in V Rising and throw them all in. The three materials will combine and you will be blessed with Radium Alloy. You will need to repeat this process for some time so you can acquire enough Radium Alloy in V Rising to make the items you want to craft. It is used to make Power Cores, Obsidian, Large Explosive Bags, and more.

That’s everything you need to know about getting your hands on some Radium Alloy. You are going to need it, especially when it comes to forging legendary weapons in V Rising. I hope this helps. Check out our other guides for V Rising below.
