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What are Encounters in TFT Set 11? Explained

Discover everything you need to know about Encounters in Teamfight Tactics Set 11 in this comprehensive guide.

What is Encounter in TFT Set 11? Explained
What are Encounters in TFT Set 11? Explained

Teamfight Tactics Set 11: Inkborn Fables is set to shake up the game with an exciting new mechanic called Encounters. These randomly occurring events replace certain rounds, like Carousel Rounds, offering players unique buffs and choices that can significantly impact the game state. So, what are Encounters in TFT Set 11? Let's find out!

What are Encounters in TFT Set 11?

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Encounters in TFT Set 11

Encounters are special events where players come across a champion who alters the game by presenting different options or effects. These can range from minor changes, such as Hwei providing a temporary target dummy, to game-changing twists like Kayn forcing an early game end at Stage 5-4.

Players can expect up to 5 Encounters per game, each with its own unique effect. Major Encounters, like the one with Kayn, will always occur at Stage 1-1, giving players a clear understanding of what to expect from the match right from the start.



TFT Set 11 Encounters Effects

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Encounters Effects in TFT Set 11

The impact of Encounters varies greatly depending on the champion involved. For instance:

  • Lillia can randomize when Augments appear throughout the match
  • Sett may provide players with Training Dummies
  • Ornn could add a random artifact item to every unit on the carousel
  • Neeko might give players a temporary 3-star one-cost unit
  • Cho'Gath can permanently devour one of your shop slots

Those are just a few examples of the encounters. You can check out our TFT Set 11 all Encounters list guide to see the complete list of the new mechanics.



Key Takes on Encounters

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TFT Set 11

With the introduction of Encounters, players will need to adapt their strategies on the fly. The random nature of these events means that no two games will be exactly alike, adding an extra layer of excitement and unpredictability to each match.

Some Encounters may present players with difficult choices, forcing them to weigh the potential risks and rewards. For example, accepting a powerful buff from a champion might come at the cost of a future disadvantage, such as reduced gold income or fewer item slots.

The addition of Encounters in Set 11 ensures that players will never have the same experience twice. The ever-changing game state will keep even the most seasoned TFT players engaged and on their toes, as they navigate the new challenges and opportunities presented by these dynamic events.




Encounters in Teamfight Tactics Set 11: Inkborn Fables promise to deliver a fresh and exciting twist to the game. By introducing random champion interactions that can alter the game state in numerous ways, players will need to stay alert and adapt their strategies accordingly. As Set 11 unfolds, it will be fascinating to see how players leverage these Encounters to gain an edge over their opponents and climb the ranks.
