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WOW All Trading Post Items For November: Hidden Spoiler and Player Reactions

New class armor weapons and sets are available for the Monks, Warlocks and Warriors and fans think there's a spoiler about the next World of Warcraft expansion.

World of Warcraft Reveals All Trading Post Items For November
Blizzard Entertainment

New weapons and sets are available for the Monk, Warlock, and Warrior classes in this month’s Trading Post offerings. November’s signature item is Arsenal: Cosmic Weapons Cache, and it certainly looks promising. Sharp-eyed fans have noticed a curious detail that might be a spoiler. In this article, we delve into the new goods!

The items can be found at T&W** (Tawney and Wilder), located just outside the Mage District in Stormwind, or at the Zen’shiri Trading Post, next to Grommash Hold in Orgrimmar. 



Possible Spoiler?


Players noticed that one of the special rewards in November looks too familiar. Fans have pointed out the Old Gods' design evident in the Voidsong, Stave of the Harbinger - a weapon with two purple crystals. This design is reminiscent of the disc held by Iridikron during a cutscene in the megadungeon featured in Dawn of the Infinite. This has led fans to question whether this may be a hint at a potential return of the Primal Incarnate and, perhaps, a spoiler about the upcoming expansion. Fortunately, we'll get more information soon, during the upcoming Blizzcon.



Class Armor Sets and Weapon Sets 


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Available Items

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November's Bonus Reward

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Community Reaction

Fans have expressed mixed feelings about the new items featured in the Trading Post. Their primary concerns revolve around the prizes and variety of goods offered. The game presents a range of swords and daggers, although it provides swords and daggers (again) as rewards. The current month's selection has been labeled as bland and lacking excitement, with the only glimmer of anticipation stemming from potential spoilers. These hints have fans revisiting old theories.

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