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WoW Cataclysm Classic: Arms Warrior Guide

We will take a look at the pre-raid best in slot items, talents, glyphs, rotations and cooldowns for the Arms Warrior specialization in World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic.

WoW Cataclysm Classic: Arms Warrior Guide

With World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic now live, many players are gearing up their characters to try out the end-game content. As with previous Classic launches, players will not have complete access to all of the raids, but rather, Cataclysm Classic will deploy all of the instances in phases, allowing for slower and more casual players to catch up. 

Given the fact that not everyone got to experience Cataclysm, some newer players will be rather clueless as to how to approach gearing as Blizzard implemented a lot of changes in this expansion, ultimately redefining which stats are important depending on your role and class. With that being said, we will take a look at the best gear for your Arms Warrior so you can top the DPS charts with ease. 

WoW Cataclysm Classic Arms Warrior Pre-Raid BiS Gear



WoW Cataclysm Classic Pre-Raid Arms Warrior BiS

WoW Cataclysm Classic Pre-Raid Arms Warrior BiS

This guide will focus on Wowhead's extensive research to provide a simple and straightforward way for newer players to quickly identify which items to pursue as well as how to build their Arms Warriors before raids become available in Cataclysm Classic

Arms Warrior BiS Neck

Gift of Nadun - Ramkahen (Exalted)

  • Reforge: 50 Haste ⇒ 50 Hit

Arms Warrior BiS Shoulder

Pauldrons of the High Requiem - 1650 Justice Points 

Gems and Enchants:

Arms Warrior Back BiS

Drape of Inimitable Fate - World Drop

Gems Enchants:



Arms Warrior BiS Chest

Elementium Deathplate - Blacksmithing

Gems and Enchants:

Arms Warrior BiS Wrist


Bracers of Cooled Anger - Karsh Steelbender (Blackrock Caverns - Heroic)


Arms Warrior BiS Hands

Reaping Gauntlets - 1650 Justice Points 

Gems and Enchants:

Arms Warrior BiS Waist 

Belt of the Ferocious Wolf - Guardians of Hyjal (Exalted)

Gems and Enchants:

Arms Warrior BiS Legs 

Corefire Legplates - World Drop

Gems and Enchants:


Arms Warrior BiS Feet

Greaves of Wu the Elder - 1650 Valor Points 

Gems and Enchants:

Arms Warrior BiS Rings 


Blauvelt's Family Crest  - World Drop

Band of Bees - 1250 Valor Points 

  • Reforge: 39 Expertise ⇒ 39 Mastery

Arms Warrior BiS Weapon

Zin'rokh, Destroyer of Worlds -  Archeology

Gems and Enchants:

Arms Warrior BiS Ranged Weapon

Kickback 5000 -  Engineering

Gems and Enchants:



WoW Cataclysm Classic Arms Warrior Talents and Glyphs

WoW Cataclysm Classic Arms Warrior Talents

Image via Wowhead

WoW Cataclysm Classic Arms Warrior Glyphs

Image via Wowhead



WoW Cataclysm Classic Arms Warrior Rotation and Cooldowns

WoW Cataclysm Classic Fire Mage Rotations and Cooldowns

There are several rotations that you will need to use depending on the encounter. We will go through all of the major abilities you should prioritize using to ensure your DPS and mana are sustained accordingly.

Standard Rotation

  1. Immediately start with Rend and keep it up at all times.
  2. Use Colossus Smash when it's up.
  3. Mortal Strike as a filler between cooldowns.
  4. Overpower will be available after every second tick of Rend as Taste for Blood will trigger.
  5. Slam is the main filler ability you will need to spam between cooldowns.
  6. Execute during Execute phase, replaces Slam 
  7. Weave in Heroic Strike if you have excess Rage.

AoE Rotation

  1. Immediately start with Rend and keep it up at all times.
  2. Overpower will be available after every second tick of Rend as Taste for Blood will trigger.
  3. Thunder Clap is the main ability you will spam during AoE encounters.
  4. Bladestorm will be your primary DPS cooldown, use it every time it's up.
  5. Weave in Cleave if you have excess Rage.

Important Cooldowns

And that covers everything you need to know in terms of gearing up your Arms Warrior in Cataclysm Classic. As Blizzard slowly starts releasing the rest of the end-game content, we will make sure to update you accordingly.
