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WoW Cataclysm Classic Guide: Justice Points, Heirlooms and Rare Gear

We will be taking a look at everything you need to know about Justice Points and how you can spend them in World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic.

WoW Cataclysm Classic Guide: Justice Points, Heirlooms and Rare Gear

With World of Warcraft Cataclysm now live, some players might be wondering what Justice Points are, how you can get them, and what you use them for. This guide will help you figure out all of the important details behind this Cataclysm currency so you can not only buy Rare Gear for your characters but also get a hold of Heirlooms to help you level your alts much quicker.

Given how many changes were implemented in the Cataclysm expansion, you might find yourself a bit lost after playing Wrath of the Lich King Classic. With that being said, here is everything you need to know about Justice Points in World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic

Table of Contents

WoW Cataclysm Classic



WoW Cataclysm Classic Justice Points

Justice Points are a PvE currency you can obtain by completing Cataclysm dungeon content, as well as dungeon and raid content from the Wrath of the Lich King and Burning Crusade expansions. This currency allows you to purchase Chest, Shoulder, Weapon, and Trinket heirlooms, iLvl 346 Rare armor and gear as well as higher iLvl Epic gear later into the expansion. Another important PvE currency is Valor Points which grant even better items.

NOTE: When a major content patch (phase) is released in Cataclysm Classic, all unspent Valor Points will convert into Justice Points.  

Please keep in mind that you can carry a maximum of 4,000 Justice Points at a time, so make sure to spend it before you start farming again. There is no weekly limit as to how much currency you can earn. Here are a couple of useful tables to see how you can obtain Justice Points:

Cataclysm Content

Source Justice Points Limit
RDF Normal  140  7 Dungeons/Week
Heroic Dungeon Bosses 70  N/A


Wrath of the Lich King Content

Source Justice Points Limit
RDF Normal  12 7 Dungeons/Week
Heroic Dungeon Bosses 16 N/A
RDF Heroic 24 7 Dungeons/Week
Raid Bosses 24 N/A
Weekly Raid Quest 138 1 Raid/Week


Burning Crusade Content

Source Justice Points Limit
RDF Normal  5 N/A
RDF Heroic  10 7 Dungeons/Week
Raid Boss 10 N/A



WoW Cataclysm Classic Justice Points Heirlooms

WoW Cata Classic Justice Points Heirlooms

Another neat feature is the addition of Heirlooms to help you level your alts much faster. These items are Bind on Account, meaning once you purchase them, they are unlocked for all of your characters. There are several vendors from which you can purchase your desired Heirlooms:

Alliance Vendors

Horde Vendors

Neutral Vendors

All Cataclysm Heirlooms

Shoulder Type Justice Points
Burnished Pauldrons of Might  Plate 2175
Polished Spaulders of Valor  Plate 2175
Champion Herod's Shoulder  Mail 2175
Mystical Pauldrons of Elements  Mail 2175
Preened Ironfeather Shoulders  Leather 2175
Stained Shadowcraft Spaulders  Leather 2175
Tattered Dreadmist Mantle  Cloth 2175


Chest Type Justice Points
Burnished Breastplate of Might  Plate 2175
Polished Breastplate of Valor  Plate 2175
Champion's Deathdealer Breastplate  Mail 2175
Mystical Vest of Elements  Mail 2175
Preened Ironfeather Breastplate  Leather 2175
Stained Shadowcraft Tunic  Leather 2175
Tattered Dreadmist Robe  Cloth 2175


Weapon Type Justice Points
Charmed Ancient Bone Bow  Bow 3500
Bloodied Arcanite Reaper  2H Axe 3500
Devout Aurastone Hammer  Main Hand Mace 2725
Venerable Mass of McGowan  1H Mace 2175
Repurposed Lava Dredger  2H Mace 3500
Bloodsoaked Skullforge Reaver  Main Hand Sword 2175
Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge Main Hand Sword 2175
Dignified Headmaster's Charge Staff 3500
Balanced Heartseeker 1H Dagger 2175


Trinket Type Justice Points
Discerning Eye of the Beast  Mana 2725
Swift Hand of Justice  Health 2725



WoW Cataclysm Classic Justice Points Rare Gear

You can also purchase gear if you are unlucky with the loot drops during your dungeon runs. These items are iLvl 346 and require your character to be level 85 to equip it.

Alliance Vendor

Horde Vendor 

  • Gunra, Valley of Strength, Orgrimmar, /way 48.4 71.6

Rare Plate Gear

Item Type Justice Points
Breastplate of Raging Fury Chest 2200
Chestplate of the Steadfast Chest 2200
Chestguard of Dancing Waves Chest 2200
Reaping Gauntlets Hands 1650
Numbing Handguards Hands 1650
Gloves of Curious Conscience Hands 1650
Helm of Easeful Death Head 2200
Helm of the Proud Head 2200
Crown of the Blazing Sun Head 2200
Greaves of Gallantry Legs 2200
Greaves of Splendor Legs 2200
Legguards of the Gentle  Legs 2200
Pauldrons of the High Requiem  Shoulder 1650
Sunburnt Pauldrons  Shoulder 1650
Pauldrons of the Forlorn  Shoulder 1650
Beech Green Belt Waist 1650
Girdle of the Mountains  Waist 1650
Belt of Barred Clouds  Waist 1650



Rare Mail Gear

Item Type Justice Points
Vest of the True Companion Chest 2200
Vest of the Waking Dream  Chest 2200
Gloves of the Passing Night  Hands 1650
Gleaning Gloves  Hands 1650
Willow Mask  Head 2200
Helm of the Inward Eye  Head 2200
Hillside Striders  Legs 2200
Leggings of Soothing Silence  Legs 2200
Wrap of the Valley Glades  Shoulder 1650
Seafoam Mantle  Shoulder 1650
Belt of the Dim Forest  Waist 1650
Belt of the Still Stream  Waist 1650


Rare Leather Gear

Item Type Justice Points
Tunic of Sinking Envy  Chest 2200
Chestguard of Forgetfulness  Chest 2200
Sticky Fingers  Hands 1650
Blessed Hands of Elune  Hands 1650
Mask of Vines  Head 2200
Cluster of Stars  Head 2200
Leggings of the Burrowing Mole  Legs 2200
Leggings of Late Blooms  Legs 2200
Embrace of the Night  Shoulder 1650
Somber Shawl  Shoulder 1650
Sash of Musing  Waist 1650
Thatch Eave Vines Waist 1650



Rare Cloth Gear

Item Type Justice Points
Robes of Embalmed Darkness  Chest 2200
Musk Rose Robes  Chest 2200
Gloves of the Painless Midnight  Hands 1650
Gloves of Purification  Hands 1650
Cowl of Pleasant Gloom  Head 2200
Mask of New Snow  Head 2200
Pensive Legwraps  Legs 2200
Leggings of Charity  Legs 2200
Meadow Mantle  Shoulder 1650
Summer Song Shoulderwraps  Shoulder 1650
Incense Infused Cummerbund  Waist 1650
Belt of the Falling Rain  Waist 1650


Rare Items

Item Type Justice Points
Pendant of Quiet Breath  Neck 1250
Amulet of Dull Dreaming  Neck 1250
The Lustrous Eye  Neck 1250
String of Beaded Bubbles  Neck 1250
Celadon Pendant  Neck 1250
Windslicer  Axe 950
Throat Slasher  Dagger 950
Dawnblaze Blade  Sword 950
Hermit's Lamp  Offhand 950
Apple-Bent Bough  Offhand 950
Shield of the Mists  Shield 950
Shield of the Four Grey Towers  Shield 950

And that covers everything you need to know about Justice Points in World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic. Happy grinding!
