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WoW Cataclysm Classic Hotfixes: Valor and Class Changes (June 11, 2024)

We will take a look at the most recent hotfixes for World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic.

WoW Cataclysm Classic Hotfixes: Valor and Class Changes (June 11, 2024)

With World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic in full swing, players are busy raiding, digging up ancient artifacts for a chance to get some awesome loot from Archeology, and clashing in PvP. Given the huge success of WoW Classic, it is amazing to see how much the community has grown fond of reliving the nostalgia of the first expansions. 

Although the players are quick to see World of Warcraft through rose-tinted glasses, there are still some issues that need polishing to make sure that the experience is fun and exciting for everyone involved. 

The devs are constantly monitoring for feedback with hotfixes being deployed left and right to ensure that the overall enjoyment is retained, as players continue their quest of defending Azeroth of its many foes. 



WoW Cata Classic Hotfixes

The changes to World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic are rather great this time around, with the most impactful one being the update to Valor Points as well as some minor bug fixes.

General Changes

WoW Cata Classic Hotfixes

Developer’s note: If you’ve missed any Valor Points in previous weeks since Cataclysm Classic launched, you’ll now be able to catch up from those weeks.

  • There is no longer a cap to the number of times you may earn Valor Points from Random Dungeon Finder each week, up to your normal Valor Points cap.
  • The Hood of the Malefic wing effect should work once again.
  • Fixed an issue where the Wrack spell during the Sinestra fight could cause your game to freeze and crash.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Staff of Disintegration from working to help you in the Tempest Keep Kael’Thas encounter.
  • Rotten to the Core is now granted properly after completing the achievement.



Darkmoon Faire

WoW Cataclysm Classic Darkmoon Faire
  • Starting this weekend, Darkmoon Faire will become available every two weeks, instead of once a month.

WoW Cataclysm Classic Class Changes



  • Scatter Shot will now correctly break if the target takes damage and it is absorbed.


  • Fixed an issue with Living Bomb behaving incorrectly when refreshed on multiple targets.
  • Pyromaniac now counts Ignite as a damage over time effect.




  • Prayer of Mending bounces will no longer interrupt the casting Priest’s drinks.
  • Chakra will no longer be canceled if a Chakra bounces that you had cast before you applied Chakra.

And that covers all of the changes that were added to World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic. Although players are quick to point out that many more issues need to be addressed by the developers, slowly but surely, Blizzard will be able to sort out all of the bugs and bad quality-of-life decisions that were made when Cata first launched.
