Season 3 of World of Warcraft: Dragonflight is just around the corner, and many players are eager to discover which classes and specs will dominate the new patch. This upcoming season promises a significant shake-up of the meta, thanks to a massive balance patch, fresh dungeons, and brand new tier sets and trinkets. In this tier list, our primary focus is to evaluate the viability of various specs in Mythic+ dungeons.
In order to compare these classes, we rely on specific criteria that we believe are pivotal for a spec to thrive in a dungeon environment. These include Raw DPS (both AoE and single-target), Utility, and Defense. It's important to note that this list is subject to change, as the ever-evolving World of Warcraft meta may reveal new interactions that could potentially disrupt the existing rankings. With that in mind, here is our Dragonflight Season 3 Mythic+ tier list for DPS:

Dragonflight Season 3 Mythic Plus DPS Tier List:
Tier | Heroes |
S Tier | |
A Tier | |
B Tier | |
C Tier | |
D Tier |
D Tier DPS Classes For Mythic+ in Season 3:
Affliction is in an okay spot, but it's overshadowed by the rest of Warlock specs. Their tier set improves single target and cleave scenarios, delivering an estimate of 11% DPS gain. They don't offer the best utlity out of the DPS classes in the game but are a very tanky class with potential in the right comps. Even though it is at the bottom of this list, it's far from a bad pick in Season 3 Mythic Plus.
Marksmanship Hunters are in a decent position for Season 3 in terms of raw numbers, the big issue with them is the lack of quality of life improvements. Their tier set enhances abilities like Rapid Fire and Volley, offering an 11% DPS gain. They excel in burst damage and offer Bloodlust. The downside is their limited AOE capabilities and weak defensive options, which might hinder their performance in extensive pulls.
C Tier DPS Classes For Mythic+ in Season 3:
Destruction Warlocks have seen significant buffs to their Infernal, which will help them improve their AoE damage, however when compared to the other DPS specs in the list, they are still far behind. They also have one of the weakest tier sets, providing them with only a 5% DPS gain. They are easy to play and provide strong utility, but are a bit behind from the other classes in the game.
Arcane Mages are in a somewhat uncertain position for Season 3, as they haven't seen substantial changes. Their tier set, though impressive, delivers a 17% DPS increase. They offer great defensives, Time Warp, and amazing burst AOE damage. The big issue with Arcane is that the spec requires a lot of skill to be able to play. The rotation is complex and requires a coordinated team to take full advantage of it. Depending on the player and the team, this spec can go anywhere from F Tier to S Tier.
Windwalker Monks are in a decent position in Season 3. Their tier set is somewhat unimpressive, providing only a 7% DPS gain, but as always, they have some of the best utility in the game. Abilities such as Ring of Peace and Leg Sweep are incredibly powerful in the right moments. The spec is in need of some quality of life changes, as their rotation is a bit weird to execute. They are far from the best spec in the game, but they have always been in stable position within the meta.
Arms Warriors are looking strong following several buffs. Their tier set is quite underwhelming, giving them an estimate DPS gain of 9%, but they will be able to get the new Legendary Axe to offset that. However, their defensives are relatively weak, and they lack any relevant utility options. Warriors in general need to be ahead of the pack in terms of raw damage in order to be invited into M+ groups. If the damage is average they will suffer due to having low utility options.
B Tier DPS Classes For Mythic+ in Season 3:
Fury Warriors have received some buffs in the 10.2 patch, but similar to Arms, they are going to be damage dependent. They have the received the best tier set in terms of raw damage it provides - a massive 30% DPS gain, however it's important to understand that the classes are balanced around having their set. Similar to Arms, they lack the utility options of the other classes, so they need to be able to bring more damage output. The Legendary axe is going to be what makes or breaks the Warrior classes this season.
Demonology Warlocks have seen significant buffs in 10.2, and their tier set is decent, providing a 9% DPS gain. They will definitely be comptetitive in terms of raw damage in a M+ setting, however they might lose out their spot to classes with stronger utility. Their damage rotation requires a bit of time to get going, which might become an issue with some of the trash packs in Season 3. Overall they are good, but not the best.
Frost Mages are expected to perform well in Season 3 even without significant changes. Their tier set emphasizes the Glacial Spike build, though the bonuses might seem weak, with an estimate of 8% DPS gain. They have strong defenses, Time Warp and a lot of AoE control options. Proper coordination with the tank is crucial, as pulling mobs from Frozen Orb or Blizzard can affect DPS.
Enhancement Shamans with some adjustments to their talents, are now doing some of the most raw damage in the game. Their tier set provides a 17% DPS gain, and they shine in AOE damage and bring Wind Fury Totem to melee groups. We expect Enhancement to be one of the better DPS classes in low to mid key levels, however as always, they have some of the worst defensives in the game. At higher keys Shamans require external help to survive a lot of the big damage spikes. If a team plays around this disadvantage, Enhancement can be bumped to one of the highest tiers this season.
Elemental Shamans have received significant buffs, making them strong contenders. They deal significant damage, with their new tier set providing some nice quality of life to the spec, as well as a big 25% DPS gain. However, similar to Enhancement, they lack the defensive options to hang at the higher key levels in the game. Bloodlust being more accessible to other classes has really put a dent in the utility Shamans can provide to a group.
Assassination Rogues are looking strong for Season 3. The class has gotten some amazing buffs that will help them be strong in both AoE and single target scenarios, as well as getting a good 18% DPS gain from their new tier set. The utility provided by rogues is unmatched, between Shroud, Sap, Cloak and many more control options. The spec is going to be in the best state it has ever been, with the only issue being that the rest of the rogue specs might be a bit better in Season 3.
Subtlety rogues have received a significant work to how they play in Season 3. The raw damage they provide is on the higher side, but lacking when compared to the current top specs in the game. Regardless of their damage, similar to the other Rogue specs, the amount of utility they have, will always push them to the higher echelon in any Mythic+ tier list. We believe that Subtlety will be a competitive spec, only slightly beat out by Outlaw, which is a bit higher in the list.
Feral Druids have been fortunate with various buffs for Season 3, improving their burst potential. The tier set promises an even more more bursty rotation, resulting in a 13% DPS increase. Feral Druids have amazing utility options in their talents, great mobility, amazing defensives and competitive DPS. Nevertheless, there's a certain stigma against them in PUG groups due to their historical performance.
Devastation Evokers are going to be very similar in Season 3 of Dragonflight. Their tier set is solid, delivering an approximate 14% DPS increase, but it shifts some of their damage to their Dragonrage cooldown, meaning they are going to be even more cooldown dependent. They bring Bloodlust and excellent utility to the group. The only drawback is they may face challenges joining groups since players often prefer Augmentation Evokers.
Beast Mastery Hunters are looking strong in Season 3, with some talent tree adjustments. Their tier set provides impressive benefits to abilities like Dire Beast and Beast Cleave, resulting in a substantial 19% DPS gain. They can execute their entire rotation while moving, making them a versatile choice. Nevertheless, their relatively weak defensives can be a significant concern.
Frost Death Knights appear solid for Season 3, as they have avoided significant nerfs or buffs. With a decent tier set, they can expect about a 13% DPS increase. Frost DKs aren't the most popular choice for Mythic Plus, but they offer good survivability and a few good utility options with abilities like AMS and Death Grip. They have bursty damage and low sustain, so they might work a bit better in lower keys. Unfortunately, their Achilles' heel is a lack of mobility, and some find the breath of Sindragosa rotation somewhat complex.
A Tier DPS Classes For Mythic+ in Season 3:
Survival Hunters have not experienced significant changes but remain in a favorable position for Season 3. Their tier set makes Wildfire Bomb highly effective, providing a massive 17% DPS gain. They have both strong AoE and single target damage, but lack good defensive options. The Hunter class is also going to be receiving a new group-wide utility tool in their Hunter's Mark, but we don't expect this addition to break the stigma surrounding the class.
Shadow Priests have undergone notable changes, with a mix of buffs and nerfs. Their tier set might not be the most exciting but offers an 11% DPS increase. They excel in single-target and AOE damage, provide significant utility, and come with Fortitude. While they won't be as strong as they were in Season 2, with some nerfs and less abilities to Mass Dispell, they are still going to be competitive with the mid-to-high tier specs in the game.
Retribution Paladins are in a good spot for Season 3, as they haven't experienced significant nerfs or buffs. Their tier set is decent, enhancing both AOE and single-target damage by 13%. They bring bursty DPS, great utility, defensives, and are candidates for the legendary axe. The downside of Retribution is that you need to choose to excel in single-target or AoE in their talent tree, where other classes can bring both to a higher degree. They are a bit limited in mixed dungeons, but will bring really high damage and utility in certain situations.
Outlaw is the big winner in the Rogue class this season. They provide all of the great utility options from the Rogue tree, as well as having the best damage profile out of the three specs. We expect Outlaw to be one of the premium melee specs during Season 3 of Mythic+. They provide high mobility, substantial damage, and have become a dominant choice following their rework.
Unholy Death Knights are experiencing changes in Season 3, adjusting the power of their abilities, particularly making Army of the Dead weaker, but boosting their longer sustained damage. They also gain advantages from the legendary two-handed axe. With a promising tier set, they anticipate a 12% damage increase. They lack mobility options but are very tanky and have some decent utility. They might drop off a bit in effectiveness in higher keys, but nothing too crazy.
Fire Mages have not received notable buffs or nerfs, which is considered a positive for their performance. Fire Mages scale well with gear, and their tier set makes Combust windows more bursty, providing a 12% DPS gain. They are one of the premium classes in higher keys, as they need their enemies to live longer for their damage to kick in effectively. We expect that by the end of the season, the leaderboard will once again be filled with Fire Mages, with the current tuning.
S Tier DPS Classes For Mythic+ in Season 3:
Season 3 looks promising for Balance Druids as they receive several buffs. Their tier set enables creative play with abilities like Starfire and Wrath, offering a 15% DPS increase. They bring versatility to groups with Mark of the Wild and excel at uncapped AOE damage. Similar to Fire Mages, their damage is dependent on ramping and enemies living longer, so they are much stronger in higher keys. With strong defensive options, utility and damage (in higher keys), we expect Balance Druids to be a leading force in Season 3 of Mythic+.
Havoc Demon Hunters have received a considerable rework, which is looking amazing ahead of Season 3. Despite an unfavorable tier set, they gain a significant 17% damage boost. While the Momentum build is still something players are not happy with, the amount of raw damage Demon Hunters bring is unmatched. Their survivability has also been improved, even as a spec that is already somewhat tanky. Unless some changes happen between now and the start of the season, we expect Demon Hunters to be part of many groups.
We don't believe anything will dethrone Augmentation Evoker any time soon. They faced some significant nerfs to their raw output, but the amount of utility they bring to a group is unmatched. They raise the damage of the entire group, they boost the survivability of the group and they won't be replaced until another DPS/Support hybrid joins the game. The only issue with Augmentation is that it's heavily dependent on the performance of your team, but in perfect conditions, there is no better spec in the game.
As you dive into Season 3, keep in mind that World of Warcraft is a dynamic and evolving game. While our tier list provides valuable insights, be open to adapting your strategies and choices as the meta evolves. We expect many balance changes coming to the game over the next few weeks, which might shake up our expectations for the meta. High level players will also continue experimenting with the different classes and will no doubt find something we might have missed.
Hopefully this tier list has helped you choose your main for the new Mythic+ season of Dragonflight. If you are interested in more helpful resources, make sure to check out our other guides on the website!