The new season of World of Warcraft, Dragonflight Season 3, is almost here. Many players are excited to find out which classes and specializations will be the strongest in the new update. This season brings a fresh meta, with new balance changes, tier sets and trinkets.
In this list, we're focusing on how well different tank specs perform in Mythic+ dungeons for Season 3. These tanks will be compared based on the damage they deal, the utility they bring and how strong they feel defensively.
Remember, this list might change over time because the game is always evolving. New strategies and interactions could come up and shake things up. So, here's our Dragonflight Season 3 Mythic+ list, ranking every tank spec:

Dragonflight Season 3 Mythic Plus Tank Tier List:
Tier | Heroes |
S Tier | |
A Tier | |
B Tier |
B Tier Tank Classes For Mythic+ in Season 3:
Even while being at the bottom of this list, Guardian Druids are still very strong. They have great survivability, competitive damage, and amazing utility. The significant meta jump they experienced in Season 2 was, in a big part, because of how strong their tier set was. With the new patch forcing you to change that, they will drop back down to similar levels as they were in Season 1. While the spec is still viable and can definitely be played at higher key levels, the tier bonus change will place them in the lower part of this list.
Brewmaster Monks are going to be pretty similar to the last two seasons of Dragonflight. They are as much of a glass cannon as you can be as a tank. The utility they bring, from Leg Sweep to Ring of Peace and others, can deal with pretty much any issue you can find in Mythic+ dungeons.
They are likely to be the highest damage tank this season, but that comes with their biggest issue - survivability. As always, Brewmasters are going to have issues at the highest key levels because they won't be able to handle the raw damage coming their way. Still, unless you plan to go for the highest keys, Brewmaster is really fun to play and highly recommended.
A Tier Tank Classes For Mythic+ in Season 3:
As with every Mythic+ Season, Protection Warriors live and die by their Spell Reflect. While there aren't as many important reflectable abilities in many of the new dungeons, there are still plenty of situations where it can be useful. Prot Warriors also bring a lot of consistent damage and decent survivability to the table. Melee DPS classes are expected to make a return this season, which makes Battle Shout a lot more valuable to groups. Protection looks to be in a really good spot ahead of Season 3, with just a few specs ahead of it that might be better equipped for the dungeon pool.
Protection Paladins are going to be a strong contender for the best tank in Season 3. Their ability to interrupt and silence many dangerous spells will be a valuable asset in the dungeon pool for Patch 10.2. Dungeons like Everbloom and Waycrest Manor feature numerous perilous spells that will become essential to stop at higher key levels. Prot Paladins also contribute a decent amount of damage and offer significant group survivability through their healing and blessings. They are certainly an excellent choice for the beginning of Season 3.
S Tier Tank Classes For Mythic+ in Season 3:
Competing with Brewmasters for the title of the highest damage tank this season are Blood Death Knights. This specialization appears to be in the best position it has been in throughout the expansion. They feel much sturdier, bring fantastic tools with their grips and Anti-Magic Zone (AMZ), and deal similar, if not higher, damage than Brewmasters. Another significant advantage in their favor is the new Legendary Two-Handed Axe, although we don't have much information about it yet. Due to all of these benefits, as well as the potential to wield the new legendary, we are placing them in the S-Tier for Season 3 of Mythic+.
The recent rework to Demon Hunters has likely made them a bit too strong. The removal of the target cap for some abilities like Fiery Brand, along with various other changes to their survivability, has elevated Vengeance as the top tank for Season 3. They seem to be the most resilient, offering high damage and the most suitable tank profile for the dungeon pool of Patch 10.2. Unless some nerfs are applied to Vengeance, they are poised to dominate the beginning of the new season.
As you start playing Season 3, remember that World of Warcraft is a game that keeps changing. The goal of our list is to help you make an educated decision, but don't be afraid to adjust your strategies and choices as the game evolves. There will be many updates in the coming weeks that could change how the game is played. The meta could be entirely different a month from now.
Hopefully, our list has helped you pick your main for the new Mythic+ season in Dragonflight. If you want more helpful information, be sure to look at our other guides on our website!