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WoW Patch 10.2.5 February 1, 2024 Hotfixes: Mythic+ Bug Fixes

World of Warcraft Dragonflight is seeing some small changes to Seeds of Renewal as Blizzard has added some hotfixes to the game

WoW Patch 10.2.5 February 1, 2024 Hotfixes: Mythic+ Bug Fixes

Blizzard has added some quick changes to World of Warcraft Dragonflight's latest Patch as some dungeons have seen some unintended bugs. We will go over all of the changes so you can find out which issues have been resolved.

Seeds of Renewal has been a lot of fun for players as the new content and quality-of-life changes are shaping up to be quite beneficial for the longevity of the game.

As Blizzard is preparing for the next expansion in the game, the new system for Follower Dungeons can be quite exciting as players are preparing for the Delves that are coming in The War Within expansion.

WoW Patch 10.2.5



WoW Patch 10.2.5 Achievements Hotfixes

Battle Mender: Dragonflight Season 3


Battle Mender: Dragonflight Season 3

  • Fixed an issue in which the achievement Battle Mender: Season 3 was not providing progress.

WoW Patch 10.2.5 Classes Hotfixes

Mage Icon


Shifting Power


Shifting Power

  • Shifting Power's visual will now appear smaller and should be less disruptive for the Mage's allies.

WoW Patch 10.2.5 Dungeons and Raids Hotfixes

Amirdrassil WoW 10.2.5 Hotfix

Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope 


Fyrakk the Blazing:

  • Flamebound and Shadowbound are no longer private auras.

Developers’ notes: We've observed that the common strategy for players executing the Flamebound and Shadowbound mechanics on Mythic Fyrakk involves cumbersome addon/macro setup and execution. Our goal with this change is to remove this burden for players who are progressing on this encounter and refocus the challenge on the gameplay.

Blackrook Hold 

  • Fixed an issue where the enemies around Lady Velendras Ravencrest do not have linked aggro.



Dawn of the Infinite: Galakrond's Fall 

  • Fixed an issue where Manifested Timeways can occasionally cast Unwind during keystones.

The Everbloom 

  • Fixed an issue where the Ancient Protectors encounter can fail to respawn.
  • Fixed an issue where Archmage Sol can cast Cinderbolt Storm twice after gaining Fire Affinity.
  • Fixed an issue where the mages before Archmage Sol were not resetting their health after they left combat.

WoW Patch 10.2.5 Pet Battles Hotfixes

WoW 10.2.5 Pet Battle Hotfix
  • Fixed an issue causing several multi-hit Battle Pet abilities to have a chance to ignore on-death passives such as Undead or Mechanical resurrection.

WoW Patch 10.2.5 PvP Hotfixes




  • Fixed an issue causing Stoneform to trigger a longer cooldown for Gladiator's Medallion than intended.



  • Fixed an issue causing Fireblood to trigger a longer cooldown for Gladiator's Medallion than intended.
