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WoW Season of Discovery Phase 4: All Class Changes on PTR

We will take a look at all of the class changes in the Development Notes for the World of Warcraft SoD Phase 4 PTR.

WoW Season of Discovery Phase 4: All Class Changes on PTR

World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 4 is just around the corner, and with the PTR now live for testing, many players are getting to try out all of the new changes that might be coming to live servers. The developers have put in a lot of work to make sure that the end-game content is balanced and fun, which also includes adjustments to classes to make up for their weaknesses in comparison to other stronger ones.

Having that in mind, we will take a look at the Development Notes posted by Blizzard to see all of the class changes that were added to the Season of Discovery Phase 4 PTR which will give us a glimpse as to what we can expect balance-wise from the WoW Classic team.



WoW SoD Phase 4 PTR Class Changes

WoW SoD Phase 4 PTR Class Changes

Along with the class changes in the Season of Discovery Phase 4 PTR, new runes were also introduced which you can learn more about, here








  • Temporal Anomaly’s shield now stacks if players remain near the orb after the initial hit.
  • The cooldown of Temporal Anomaly has been reduced to 30 seconds.
  • Advanced Warding has been redesigned and now also allows you to apply your Mage Armor shield buffs to friendly targets as well as causes your Remove Lesser Curse ability to also remove harmful magic effects from your friendly target.


  • Seal of Martyrdom is no longer a rune ability but is now learned as a baseline ability from a skill book.
  • The mana return granted by Seal of Martyrdom is now based on 65% of the damage the paladin takes from the seal (down from 133%).
  • A new rune has been added in place of Seal of MartyrdomDivine Light:
    • A powerful, expensive heal that causes 50% of any excess healing from Divine Light to be converted into an absorb shield for 15 sec. The Absorb shield does not accumulate from multiple casts. Divine Light benefits from most talents and abilities that affect Holy Light.
  • Exorcist is no longer a rune ability but is now learned as a baseline ability from a skill book.
  • A new rune has been added in place of ExorcistAura Mastery:
    • Doubles the magnitude of the paladin’s current Aura for 6 sec.
    • Aura Mastery is not affected by the Global Cooldown.
  • Beacon of Light duration is now 1 hour
  • Sheath of Light no longer grants bonus healing
  • The damage done by Hammer of the Righteous reduced by 50%, but threat was increased by 100% to compensate
  • The bonus healing effect from critical heals was moved from the Sheath of Light rune to the Fanaticism rune
  • Infusion of Light has seen several adjustments:
  • The Art of War has seen several adjustments:
    • The Art of War now only applies cooldown reduction and mana cost reduction to Exorcism
    • The Art of War now reduces the remaining cooldown of Exorcism by 1 second for each critical hit rather than fully resetting the cooldown
  • Horn of Lordaeron rune has been removed and replaced with a new rune—Hallowed Ground:
    • Your Consecration now also heals party members within its area for 200% of the damage it deals to enemies.
  • The Aegis rune has been redesigned.
    • Now requires the Redoubt talent to have any effect.
    • Aegis grants 30% increased block value and now also grants redoubt to the paladin on a successful melee critical strike, as well as having a 10% chance to grant redoubt to the paladin when receiving a melee critical strike.
  • The Enlightened Judgements rune has been removed and replaced with a new rune—Malleable Protection:
    • You can now take actions during Divine Protection and its duration is increased by 50%, but it only reduces damage you take by 50% instead of granting full damage immunity.
  • A new baseline ability has been added from a skill book: Avenging Wrath
    • Increase damage and healing done by 20% for 20 seconds. 2 Minute Cooldown. Causes forbearance.




  • The Void Plague rune has been moved to the boots slot from the chest slot. AnyVoid Plague runes previously engraved on a Chest or Robe will appear as “faded rune” and will need to be engraved with a different rune to gain a rune effect.


  • A new Poison has been added—Sebacious Poison:
    • A poison effect that applies an armor debuff (roughly equivalent to Sunder Armor)
  • A new poison has been added—Numbing Poison:
    • A poison effect that applies an attack speed debuff (roughly equivalent to Thunder Clap)
  • A new poison has been added Atrophic Poison:
    • A poison effect that applies an attack power reduction (roughly equivalent to Demoralizing Shout)
  • A new Poison has been added—Occult Poison I:
    • Occult Poison behaves exactly the same as Deadly Poison but also increases non-physical damage by 2% per application to a max of 10% bonus damage.
  • Deadly Brew will also apply Occult Poison I in place of Deadly Poison if you know Occult Poison. The tooltip has been updated to reflect this new interaction.
  • Shadowstep is no longer on the Global Cooldown.







  • Single-Minded Fury no longer increases damage dealt but now increases movement speed by 15% (up from 10%) and reduces threat generated by the Warrior by 10%.
  • Blood Frenzy has been redesigned. Now increases Rend damage by 100% and causes Rend to gain increased damage equal to 3% of attack power per tick, and Rend may be used in any stance.
  • Flagellation has been redesigned. Now causes the Warrior to gain Rage from physical damage taken as the warrior was wearing no armor.
  • Rampage has been redesigned. Now instantly increases the Warrior’s attack power by 10% for 30 seconds and no longer stacks or costs rage to activate. Requires being enraged. 2 minute cooldown.
  • Wrecking Crew now causes an enrage effect that lasts 10 seconds and increases damage done by Mortal Strike, Bloodthirst, and Shield Slam by 10%.
  • The threat reduction in Gladiator Stance is now 30% (was 10%)
  • Consumed By Rage now activates when exceeding 60 rage and now always lasts 12 seconds regardless of the number of attacks, but no longer grants a damage bonus.
  • The Booming Voice talent now increases Battle Shout duration by 30/60/90/120/150% and reduces its rage cost by 20/40/60/80/100%.
  • Commanding Shout’s rage cost was removed and its duration was increased to 5 minutes.
  • Recklessness now increases critical strike chance by 50% (was 100%) and the duration is reduces to 12 seconds, but the cooldown is reduced to 5 minutes.
  • Retaliation and Shield Wall have had their cooldowns reduced to 5 minutes (was 30 minutes).
  • A new baseline ability has been added from a skill book: Meathook
    • Throw out a hooked chain to restrain the target and pull them towards you. Costs 15 rage, 30 yard range, and has a 35 second cooldown. This may not be used on enemies more than 1 level above the Warrior or which are marked as “boss” enemies.

And that covers all of the major class changes that were introduced in the Season of Discovery Phase 4 PTR. A lot of exciting updates to the classes as it seems Blizzard is finally looking to nerf Shamans and provide Warriors with more adequate stats and abilities.
