World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 2 has many players frantically running amok amidst the massive changes to the meta with certain classes dominating either in PvP or PvE.
With that being said, it seems that the devs at Blizzard will be applying hotfixes and overall balance changes at least once every week or more frequently as seen with the recent nerfs to Druids.
With that in mind, we will be taking a look at the recent hotfixes that were implemented on February 14 to see what aspects of the WoW SoD have seen changes or bug fixes.

WoW SoD Phase 2 February 14 PvP Event Hotfixes
- Corrected an issue where players leaving a party sometimes lost their stacks of Blood for the Blood Loa.
- The Blood Moon now increases the health of participants by 30%.
- Resurrection from Chained Spirits during the Blood Moon event now also grants players 100% of their mana.
- Blood Moon-averse Zandalarian Emissaries will now ward players in the far-off lands of Ratchet, Tirisfal Glades, and Duskwood.
- The scoreboards during the Blood Moon event should now be more responsive in activating and deactivating when the event starts and ends.
WoW SoD Phase 2 February 14 Class Hotfixes

- Fixed an issue where Berserk was not discounting the energy cost of abilities learned from runes such as Savage Roar, Sunfire, and Skull Bash.
- Starsurge visual corrected to not hit the caster as well as the target.
- Savage Roar visual no longer has a Challenging Roar animation attached to the cast.
- Eclipse now properly reduces spell pushback on Wrath and Starfire.

Fixed an issue where Guarded by the Light’s effect could be canceled by the player.

Fixed a bug that caused Void Plague to benefit more from spell power than intended.
Fixed a bug that made it possible for a Priest to place two copies of Renew on a target.

- Power Surge gained during a Lava Burst, Lightning Bolt, or Chain Lightning cast will no longer be consumed by that cast (since it does not benefit)

- Fixed an issue with Fear ranks 2 and 3 not changing into Menace properly while Metamorphosis is active.
- Fixed an issue where Dance of the Wicked was giving an incorrect amount of mana back.
WoW SoD Phase 2 February 14 Gnomeregan Hotfixes
Electrocutioner 6000
- Players can no longer out-range or use line of sight to prevent the cast or chain effect of Static Arc.
Mechanical Menagerie
- The fight now resets properly if one of the bosses was in self-repair mode when the fight resets.
Rig Wars
- Thermaplugg’s Safe will now spawn under one of the Bomb Dispensers after defeating Mekgineer Thermaplugg.
And that about covers all of the hotfixes from February 14. A lot of class quality-of-life changes as well as some nice fixes to the encounters in the Gnomeregan Raid.
Best of luck out there and remember to have fun while exploring the new content in Season of Discovery Phase 2.