WoW SoD Phase 3: Class Hotfixes and Item Changes (April 8, 2024)

We will be taking a look at the latest hotfixes that were added to Season of Discovery Phase 3.

WoW SoD Phase 3: Class Hotfixes and Item Changes (April 8, 2024)

A new batch of hotfixes and changes have hit the live servers as Season of Discovery Phase 3 is starting to shape up in terms of the meta. Unfortunately, it seems that the WoW Classic devs have been spread thin as some players have reported some bugs and untested features, possibly due to the ovelap with the upcoming launch of Cataclysm Classic.

Regardless, the devs have pushed some notable changes and hotfixes to the game so we will be taking a look at what was added or fixed in World of Warcraft Season of Discovery.

WoW SoD Phase 3 Hotfixes



WoW SoD Phase 3 General Changes

  • Updated the levels of Fireguard Destroyer in Black Rock Depths to be more appropriate for Phase 3 of Season of Discovery.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Druid Trainer Loganaar to vanish periodically.
  • Non-Engineering and non-Blacksmithing nightmare armaments recipes no longer require a blacksmith hammer to craft.
  • The materials required for the quest Mixology For Fun and Profit have been adjusted.

WoW SoD Phase 3 Item Changes

WoW SoD Phase 3 Class Changes








  • Void Zone damage no longer resets the casting time on your wand.
  • Void Zone now locks the Priest out of the Shadow school when kicked.
  • Void Zone visual changed to be less disruptive.


  • Fixed a bug with Honor Among Thieves where it could stop working if you tried to gain a combo point on an ally or had your target die from a critical ability.
  • Honor Among Thieves should no longer consider whether the Rogue or their allies are flagged for PvP.
  • Carnage will no longer fall off while Rank 4 Rupture is active.




  • Shield Slam now correctly has 200% increased threat.
  • Devastate correctly deals 150% weapon damage per second (was 100%).




WoW SoD Phase 3 Sunken Temple Raid Changes

  • Fixed an issue where Festering Rotslime would despawn and then soft-lock the raid in combat.

Avatar of Hakkar


  • Players should no longer be able to walk on the raised edges of the room.
  • Number of Whelps spawned in second phase reduced to 6 (was 8).
  • Number of Nightmare Scalebane spawned during third phase reduced to 2 (was 3).
  • Period for the Summoning Effect of last phase increased to 9 seconds (was 6 seconds).
  • Number of Whelps and Scalebane spawned during last phase dropped to 3 and 1 (was 4 and 2).

WoW SoD Phase 3 Nightmare Incursions Changes

  • Retuned the Unstable Wisp in the Hinterlands Nightmare Incursion to be a bit less punishing for players to deal with.
  • Quest objects for Nightmare Incursions now have multiple simultaneous spawn locations.
  • Reduced the experience awarded by Nightmare Incursion quests.
  • Increased the reputation granted by level 50 quests.

And that covers all of the changes so far in Season of Discovery Phase 3. As players start progressing and doing more content, we might see additional tuning and possibly even more bug fixes.
