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WoW SoD Phase 3: How to Unlock Epic Crafting Recipes

We will be taking a look how you can get your hands on the new Epic recipes for Season of Discovery Phase 3.

WoW SoD Phase 3: How to Unlock Epic Crafting Profession Recipes

In Season of Discovery Phase 3, as with the previous phases, players will gain access to a brand new set of epic crafting recipes. These recipes are crucial so you can gear up your characters or sell the items on the Auction House as the Blizzard devs have added yet another long quest chain that needs to be completed.

These new crafting recipes are worthwhile as you will gain access to BiS items as well as powerful consumables that will help you clear the new 20-man Sunken Temple raid or give you some extra power when doing PvP.

All in all, Season of Discovery has always been a very fun experience when questing in Azeroth and finding some well-hidden secrets. With that being said, we will go through everything you need to do so you can start crafting some great gear and consumables.

WoW SoD Phase 3 Epic Crafting Recipes Quest Chain



WoW SoD Phase 3 Epic Crafting Recipes Quest Chain

Before you start the quest chain, make sure you are level 50 and that your crafting professions are at least at 250. To unlock the new epic crafting recipes, you will need to follow these steps:

You will need to head into the new Nightmare Incursions PvE event in Ashenvale and run deep into the Warsong Lumber Camp so you can get the Aura of Paralyzing Dread debuff. 

WoW SoD Phase 3 Epic Crafting Profession Recipes Location

You will then have to step outside of the portal and head to Field Captain Hannalah to receive the An Amalagamation of Nightmares quest.

You will then have to go to Loganaar, a Druid Trainer in Moonglade to receive the next quest, Itharius.

You will need to find Itharius who is situated deep within a cave in the southwest corner of Swamp of Sorrows. Turn in Itharius to receive the next part, Going Under. 

WoW SoD Phase 3 Epic Crafting Profession Recipes Location


You will need to then go into the new 20-man Sunken Temple raid and progress further into the instance and once you enter the Lair of the Chosen Going Under will be completed.

Return back to Itharius to turn in the completed quest so he can give you the followup Return to Moonglade, asking you to head back to Loganaar in Moonglade. 

Once you turn in the quest, the Shadowy Figure will spawn next to Loganaar. You will get the new A Fortuitous Turn of Events quest, and once you have exhausted the dialogue options with the Shadowy Figure, you will receive the quest The Bad News....

You will then travel to Booty Bay in Stranglethorn Vale and find the Injured Gnome in the Salty Sailor Tavern. Once you talk to him, you will get The Lost Vambraces quest. 

You will have to go to Jaguero Isle, away from the eastern coast of Stranglethorn Vale. On the far eastern side of Jaguero Isle you will find an Itty Bitty Murloc that you need to speak with so you can then interact with the mound of dirt next to him. Interact with the mound of dirt, and turn in The Lost Vambraces to receive your Decharged Void-Powered Vambraces. 

WoW SoD Phase 3 Epic Crafting Profession Recipes Location



Travel back to Moonglade and speak to the Shadowy Figure again. Now that you have Decharged Void-Powered Vambraces, they will give you the quest Waking the Nightmare, and ask you to return to where you started, in the Ashenvale Nightmare. They will also charge your Decharged Void-Powered Vambraces into Void-Powered Vambraces.

Equip your Void-Powered Vambraces, head into the Nightmare Incursions PvE event in Ashenvale, and run back south of the Warsong Lumber Camp, where you received the debuff Aura of Paralyzing Dread.

Your new item will protect you from the debuff, as the Nightmare Amalgamation will now spawn. It needs to die. The Nightmare Amalgamation is a boss with over 180000 health. Make sure to group up with a healer, 3 DPS, and a tank to take him down. There are no complicated mechanics, but the boss deals some heavy damage.

Once you kill it, make sure to loot the Mantle of Nightmares from it. Then return to Moonglade and turn in Waking the Nightmare to the Shadowy Figure. In exchange, she will give you an Inert Mantle of Nightmares, and the quest chain will be complete. You can speak to her again so she can teach you the new recipes.

And that is everything you need to know about the new epic crafting recipes quest chain. You will have some difficulties going to Moonglade if you are not a Druid, so prepare for a lot of back and forths.
