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WoW SoD Phase 3 Tier List: Best Tank Classes for PvE

We will be taking a look at all of the classes and how they fair up in Season of Discovery Phase 3.

WoW SoD Phase 3 Tier List: Best Tank Classes for PvE

With Season of Discovery Phase 3 underway, many players are starting to wonder which class to bring as tanks this time around. Last phase, we saw Enhancement Shamans as the best tanks in terms of DPS and threat. 

With a brand new phase around, giving players access to new runes, more abilities, and amazing gear, we are seeing some notable changes in terms of pure damage output, tanking capabilities, and damage mitigation, specifically for the new Sunken Temple 20-man Raid

With that being said, we will take a look at all of the classes that can tank and try to figure out which ones currently help your raid succeed in the toughest of battles.

WoW SoD Phase 3 Tank Tier List



WoW SoD Phase 3 Tank Tier List

We will rank each class in separate tiers, starting from the worst-performing to the very best. We will determine the viability based on current builds, strategies, and items found so far in Season of Discovery. We might see some notable changes as the devs adjust the power level, should they see underperforming specs.

Season of Discovery Phase 3 B-Tier Tank Classes

Feral Druid


Druids are finally seeing some love as Blizzard has now adjusted the runes to allow Bears to deal enough damage to both sustain their rage and maintain aggro.

Enhancement Shaman


Shamans have fallen off as Blizzard has nerfed the Enhancement Tank, forcing players to wield a shield if they wish to tank. With significantly reduced damage, Shamans are suffering to keep up with the other more powerful tanks. 



Season of Discovery Phase 3 A-Tier Tank Classes

Warlock Tank


Warlocks are absolutely fantastic as they can very easily go as an Off-Tank and provide the necessary threat and damage to ensure that your Main Tank does not have to worry. Warlocks are an absolute must in terms of Off-Tanks.

Rogue Tank


Rogues are also in a very good spot, tanking-wise. The new runes help them dish out ludicrous damage and generate more threat as well as allow them to survive hard-hitting bosses and packs of mobs. Although it might take time to get used to playing Rogues as a Tank, we might see them stay in A-Tier for some time.

Protection Warrior


Warrior is finally beginning to show its potential as Protection Warriors are seeing a comeback, as well as even hybrid builds using the new Gladiator Stance.

Season of Discovery Phase 3 S-Tier Tank Classes

Paladin Tank


Protection Paladins are by far the best tank in Phase 3 as their easy access to AoE, coupled with utility and great damage all make up for one fantastic spec.

And that covers all of the tank classes in World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 3. We will make sure to update the tier list and add more information as players slowly start to figure out the best build and strategies to utilize in Sunken Temple.
