World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 4 is now live, and a lot of players are busy collecting the new runes for their class. This time around, most classes get up to 3 new runes for the final phase of SoD so players will not have to invest that much time into getting their much-needed endgame powerups. With that in mind, we have gathered all of the Druid runes and how you can obtain them in this guide.
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WoW SoD Phase 4 Druid Runes
Here are all of the new Druid Runes for World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 4:
Improved Swipe Rune
Here is the Improved Swipe Druid rune as well as a short guide on how you can unlock it in WoW SoD Phase 4:
- You will first need to loot the Idol of the Huntress from a Venomhide Ravasaur in Un'goro Crater.
- You will then have to kill 5 sleeping targets while in Cat Form and use the idol to learn the new rune ability.
Tip: You can build up 5 combo points, then use Hibernate on the target when they are at 5-10% HP and return to Cat Form and use Ferocious Bite to finish them off.
Tree of Life Rune
Here is the Tree of Life Druid rune as well as a short guide on how you can unlock it in WoW SoD Phase 4:
- You will first need to go to Northern Felwood and talk to the Vengeful Wisp at /way 46,19
- Then head to /way 42,19 and start killing Satyrs until you get the Shimmering Light buff
- Talk to the wisp again and it will drop the Rune of the World Tree item
Starfall Rune
Here is the Starfall Druid rune as well as a short guide on how you can unlock it in WoW SoD Phase 4:
- You will first need to kill the elite Owlbear Arcterris in Winterspring at /way 63 18

- The mob will drop the Rune of the Falling Star
And that covers all of the new Druid Cloak Runes for World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 4. Best of luck on your journey, Champions of Azeroth!