Along with the typical class runes for World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 4, the devs also added new Ring slot runes consisting of different specializations whether in schools of magic or weapon proficiency. This is to ensure that no WoW racials are too powerful and allow players to play their favorite characters without having to struggle from missing out on crucial race traits.
With that being said, we will take a look at WoW SoD Phase 4 Ring runes discovered so far in this guide.
Table of Contents

WoW SoD Phase 4 Ring Runes
Here are all of the new Ring Runes for World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 4:
NOTE: Currently not all of the Ring runes for WoW SoD Phase 4 have been discovered, but we will update the article as soon as we have more information.
Arcane Specialization Rune
To get the Rune of Arcane Specialization you will need to follow these simple steps:
- Go to Western Plaguelands at /way 46 13 and climb the tower until you see a red book next to a Scarlet Priest

Fire Specialization Rune
To get the Rune of Fire Specialization you will need to follow these simple steps:
- Go to Searing Gorge, southeast of Thorium Point and find Overseer Maltorius in the underground Slag Pit.
- You will find a book next to his plans at /way 40.58 35.44
Holy Specialization Rune
To get the Rune of Holy Specialization you will need to follow these simple steps:
- Go to Eastern Plaguelands at Tyr's Hand and enter the library wing of the northern building at /way 83.6 78.2

Mace Specialization Rune
To get the Rune of Mace Specialization you will need to follow these simple steps:
- Go to the top of Grim Batol in Wetlands at /way 74.1, 69.1
- Click on the object next to the door to get the rune
- You will need to bring a full party of players as you will need to defeat a lot of Level 60-61 Elite Wyrmkins to reach the spot
Tip: You can use Aragriar's Whimsical World Warper to get randomly teleported next to the object.
Nature Specialization Rune
To get the Rune of Nature Specialization you will need to follow these simple steps:
- Go to Felwood at Felpway Village at /way 62.7 7.49 and find a book called "The Fury of the Stormrage" to get the rune

Pole Weapon Specialization Rune
To get the Rune of Pole Weapon Specialization you will need to follow these simple steps:
- Go to Azshara inside the Temple of Arkkoran at /way 78 38 and find a book on the Moonwell to get the rune
Ranged Weapon Specialization Rune
To get the Rune of Ranged Weapon Specialization you will need to follow these simple steps:
- Go to Eastern Plaguelands on the Marris Stead at /way 26 74 to get the rune
Shadow Specialization Rune
To get the Rune of Shadow Specialization you will need to follow these simple steps:
- Go to the Blasted Lands in the Tainted Scar at /way 33.0, 48.0 to the altar and click on the red book to get the rune
Tip: The zone has Level 61 Elite Demons which are immune to Fear so you will need to prepare for a lot of death walking.

And that covers all of the Ring runes that have been found so far in World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 4. We will make sure to update the article as soon as we have more information.