WoW SoD: Sunken Temple Possible New Raid For Phase 3

World of Warcraft Season of Discovery has many players wondering what the next phase will entail as the Sunken Temple instance might be next raid. 

WoW SoD: Sunken Temple Possible New Raid For Phase 3

The community is causing quite a stir as more and more players are starting to wonder what the next raid will be in Season of Discovery Phase 3. 

Since the level cap for Phase 3 will be up to level 50, a lot of players are wondering whether Blizzard will look to revisit Sunken Temple and fashion it to a raid, similarly to Blackfathom Deeps.

We will take a look at the online discussion surrounding the hypothetical Sunken Temple Raid to see if there is any reason to expect it in the upcoming phase.

WoW SoD Sunken Temple Phase 3



WoW SoD Phase 3: Sunken Temple Raid Possibly Next

WoW SoD Sunken Temple

Although it is quite early to start hypothesizing what the new raid will be since Phase 2 recently launched with the new 10-man Gnomeregan Raid.

Nonetheless, players are talking about the future of Season of Discovery, and given the huge success, it is no wonder why the community is excited.

A player has even laid out a lot of great points as to why it makes sense for the next raid to be Sunken Temple on Reddit, here. They basically go through a lot of valid points that match with what Blizzard devs have said in interviews so far.

Leveled Up Quests:

There are some quest items that would be great to have leveled up from other dungeons, such as the sword from the Mara quest, but ST uniquely has a questline for every single class.

WoW SoD Sunken Temple



The post was even to make a convincing point that it would make sense for Sunken Temple to be the next raid given the new Stranglethorn Vale PvP Event

Connections to Previous Phases:

Given ST is a Hakkari temple, the cultists may be empowered by all that blood we've been conveniently offering to their god, giving a lore reason why they're a powerful threat. 

You can read the entire post as the player also makes some other crucial arguments as to why Blizzard should revamp Sunken Temple just like they did Blackfathom Deeps in Phase 1 of SoD.

WoW SoD Phase 3 Other Possible Raid Options

WoW SoD Maraudon

Maraudon is also another contender, however, the players are more inclined to think that Sunken Temple has more flair in comparison to Maraudon.

Given also the vast area the dungeon covers, it would potentially take too much time for the devs to re-imagine and re-design.

WoW SoD BRD Raid



Blackrock Depths was also considered at some point, however, the community was quick to dismiss this as an option given the already huge dungeon BRD is. 

Blizzard will need to invest a lot of time and effort to make this insanely huge dungeon into a fully-fledged raid.

A raid with 20 bosses would simply kill any motivation to run it consistently as it would take too much time.


WoW SoD BFD Raid

All in all, whichever path Blizzard chooses, it will always be met with criticism and praise from the WoW community. With expectations riding high for the end-game parts of Vanilla, the devs will need to bring an even more intense and satisfying raiding experience.

We will make sure to look out for any possible hints or news surrounding Phase 3, but at this time, make sure to enjoy Phase 2 by either going wild in the PvP event in Stranglethorn Vale or pugging Gnomeregan and get some sweet BiS items.

Good luck, Champions of Azeroth!
