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WoW The War Within Beta: Evoker Talent Changes

We will take a look at the Evoker changes that were presented in the official developer notes for World of Warcraft The War Within beta.

WoW The War Within Beta: EvokerTalent Changes

With The War Within beta build now live, players will get to try out the new upcoming expansion and test many of the new features and changes that were added to World of Warcraft. A lot of improvement and quality-of-life updates were added, coupled with some very exciting balance changes that will certainly shake things up both in PvE and PvP content. 

Having that in mind, we will take a look at all of the talent changes that were added to all three of the Evoker specs so you can decide if you will be rocking a new class in The War Within when it officially launches later this year. 

WoW The War Within Beta Evoker Talents



The War Within Beta: Evoker Talents



  • Many talents have moved locations or have had their pathing updated.
  • Evokers now start at level 10 (was level 58).
  • Evokers now unlock the talent pane immediately after choosing a specialization in the Forbidden Reach, and they no longer learn “temporary” talents as they complete the Forbidden Reach experience.
  • Several base spells that were previously learned at level 58 are now learned at level 10.
  • Mass Return is now learned at level 38.
  • Fury of the Aspects is now learned at level 48.
  • Time Spiral is now a choice node with Spatial Paradox for all 3 Evoker specializations, available in the class tree.
  • Spatial Paradox cooldown increased to 3 minutes (was 2 minutes).
  • Lifecinders now upgrades Renewing Blaze to allow 1 friendly target. If no target is selected, it will find a nearby injured ally.
  • Renewing Blaze has swapped places with Source of Magic.
  • Panacea now also heals the caster when Verdant Embrace is cast. Healing reduced by 50%.
  • Panacea is now considered a Green spell, and is improved by Lush Growth.
  • Overawe has been redesigned – Now grants 30 seconds of cooldown reduction (was cooldown reduction per Enrage dispelled).
  • Oppressing Roar cone increased to 60 degrees (was 45 degrees).

Developer note: Oppressing Roar with Overawe was too good specifically in Mythic+ dungeons with the Raging affix, but not really anywhere else. So, we’re reducing its effectiveness in that scenario but making it more generically useful as a talent. We’re also increasing Oppressing Roar’s cone radius since it can be difficult to aim it without a preview cone like Fire Breath or Dream Breath have.

  • Landslide now roots targets for 15 seconds (was 30 seconds).


Augmentation Evoker

Augmentation Evoker

  • New Talent: Arcane Reach – The range of your helpful magics is increased by 5 yards.
  • New Passive: Sense Power – While enabled, allies with their major cooldown active will be highlighted in the game field and will display a buff icon on party and raid frames. Learned automatically and can be toggled on/off.
  • Prescience has been updated – When cast without a friendly target, the smart-targeting will now prefer damage role players who have their major cooldowns active.

Developer’s note: We’re making several adjustments to the Augmentation spec tree to create more build choices. We would like Prescience to be more easily available since it’s important for Ebon Might targeting, so it’s been moved up in the tree. We’re also rehabilitating Motes of Possibility and making large adjustments to the capstones and their pathing. Each capstone now has a synergistic node above it and has a more distinct theme. Please note that there are still tuning changes pending, and implementation is not complete on some of the newer talents.

  • New Talent: Rumbling EarthUpheaval causes an aftershock at its location, dealing 50% of its damage 2 additional times.
  • New Talent: Molten Embers – Fire Breath causes enemies to take 20% more damage from your Black spells.
  • New Talent: Imminent DestructionBreath of Eons reduces the Essence cost of Eruption by 1 and increases its damage by 10% for 15 seconds after you land.
  • Motes of Possibility now give a random Augmentation Evoker buff (was reduces the cooldown of your major ability by 10 seconds). In addition, the motes will spawn closer to the caster, and they will also slowly float towards the nearest ally.
  • Overlord now guarantees Motes of Possibility will spawn from the Eruptions it casts.
  • Seismic Slam is now a 1 point talent, and is in a new location below Upheaval. The stun duration remains at 4 seconds.
  • Geomancy has been removed.
  • Timelessness is now where Geomancy was previously in the talent tree.
  • Prescience is now available in a location higher up in the spec tree.
  • Many talents have had their locations adjusted, particularly in the final part of the spec tree.


Devastation Evoker

Devastation Evoker

Developer’s note: The free cast of Firestorm that does not trigger the cooldown is so the Snapfire proc will be full value even if Firestorm wasn’t on cooldown.

Developer’s note: Devastation Evoker can generate very high threat at the start of a pull due to a combination of their Mastery: Giantkiller and the burstiness of spells like Fire Breath and Pyre (particularly when used with Dragonrage and Charged Blast). As a result, we’re reducing the threat these spells generate.


Preservation Evoker

Preservation Evoker

  • New Talent: LifesparkReversion healing has a chance to grant you instant cast Living Flame and increase its damage/healing by 50%.
  • New Talent: Titan’s GiftEssence Burst increases the effectiveness of your next Essence ability by 25%.
  • Temporal Compression reduces the cast time of Empower spells by 10% per stack (was 5%).
  • Time of Need now triggers at 30% health (was 20%). Passive now displays in spellbook, and the cooldown can now be tracked on the passive.
  • Dream Flight healing increased by 100% outside of raid.

Developer’s note: We are making some changes to raid healing cooldowns in The War Within to increase their effectiveness in content with less than 20 players. Our goal is to make these spells feel powerful in all forms of content, particularly smaller dungeon, PvP, or raid groups. The healing of these cooldowns will remain equal when healing 20 injured allies as they previously did and only take into account injured allies as contributing to their splash cap. This will be a slight reduction in effectiveness when healing more than 20 players, but this tradeoff has seemed reasonable to us as the availability and strength goes up as group sizes increase. We’d also like to note that we are making an exception in the case of Dream Flight as we feel the healing increase outside of raid is a more appropriate tool for consistency as otherwise the falloff of its healing would make its effectiveness inconsistent in raid scenarios.

Developer’s note: There is inconsistency here, but it’s necessary to balance Threads of Fate between Augmentation and Preservation. Threads of Fate tooltip also indicates “casting an Empower spell” while Flow State does not use the keyword “casting.”

  • Reversion’s tooltip has been updated to include Golden Hour’s effect, if the talent is learned – Reverse an ally’s injuries, instantly healing them for 15% of damage taken in the last 5 seconds and an additional amount of healing over 12 seconds.
  • Life-Giver’s Flame is now 1-point (was 2).
  • Grace Period is now 1-point (was 2).

And that covers all of the talent changes to Evokers in The War Within beta. Of course, all of these updates are subject to change as players start providing feedback to the devs before the official launch of the expansion later this year.

A lot of interesting design choices this time around, especially with the addition of new talents for players to opt for either increased damage, healing, or utility. The War Within is set to be a very promising expansion what with all of the new features, content and overall quality-of-life changes. 
