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WoW The War Within Beta: New Death Knight Changes

We will take a look at all of the Death Knight changes that were added in the World of Warcraft The War Within Beta Development Notes (June 25, 2024).

WoW The War Within Beta: New Death Knight Changes

A new batch of updates has been rolled out on the World of Warcraft The War Within Beta build. The devs are working hard at adjusting all of the balance aspects of the upcoming expansion as players are constantly providing feedback and suggestions for different class tweaks. 

Given the introduction of Hero Talents, the entire game will need to be adjusted accordingly to accommodate new playstyles, gear, and overall system changes in World of Warcraft. The Retail experience has been marked with countless balance changes, specifically regarding the endgame content as well as the PvE and PvP power of all of the classes. With that in mind, we will take a look at the recent updates for the Death Knight class that were added for players to try out. 



The War Within Beta General Changes June 25, 2024

wow the war within beta death knight changes

These development notes were also marked with significant changes to Avoidance and Leech ratings. 

Developer’s note: In today’s build, Avoidance and Leech rating on gear gives half as much percent value as before, and we’ve reduced the amount of these stats given by most talents. Both stats, Avoidance in particular, are extremely effective against the damage non-tank players face. By the end of an expansion, the amount of Avoidance appearing on gear reduces so much damage that acquiring pieces with it can feel required to do the hardest content, particularly extremely high Mythic+ keys. By reducing the amount of value given per rating, our goal is for pieces with those stats to remain valuable, but for the gap between players with and without them to be closer.

  • Reduced the percentage granted by Avoidance and Leech rating by 50%.

These changes affect the Death Knight class in the following ways:



The War Within Beta Frost Death Knight Changes

Frost Death Knight


And that covers all of the recent changes to the Death Knight class in The War Within Beta build. More changes are possibly coming along as the devs are starting to prepare for the official launch of the expansion on August 26, 2024.
