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Wuthering Waves 1.1: All New Events, Rewards, and More

This article will show you all of the upcoming events in Wuthering Waves, Version 1.1.

Wuthering Waves 1.1: All New Events, Rewards, and More
Kuro Games

Wuthering Waves’ official media channels released a series of screenshots revealing all of the content that will be coming in version 1.1 later this month, on June 28th.

Although they have yet to announce a livestream for the version, the screenshots showed us what we can expect from the new version, and today we’ll go over all of the new events that will be coming in version 1.1, as well as some of the prizes we can expect from them.

Depths of Illusive Realm

Wuthering Waves 1.1: All New Events, Rewards, and More
Kuro Games

The Depths of Illusive Realm is the rogue-like mode in Wuthering Waves and the mode that players have been having a ton of fun with ever since the game’s release. In version 1.1, the Depths of Illusive Realm will receive an expansion known as [Dreams Ablaze in Darkness].

This expansion will add new features to the Depths of Illusive Realm, such as Tokens, Symphony Rank, and different Memetic Tunings, which the developers have said will help you craft different builds and expand how you enjoy the mode.

Additionally, it’s also been announced that the total reward for this mode will be increased to 1000 Astrites. However, we are not sure whether this is solely for the [Dreams Ablaze in Darkness] or whether these 1000 Astrites include this new expansion as well as the already existing rewards.

We will keep you updated on this matter when more information is revealed, so stay tuned.



Tales from Mt. Firmament

Wuthering Waves 1.1: All New Events, Rewards, and More
Kuro Games

[Tales from Mt. Firmament] will be a new exploration event that will have players go over the new zone [Mt. Firmament] and do tasks there to receive prizes.

As of right now, there is no concrete information on what types of tasks we will have to do, but we can speculate that it will be similar to the Wuthering Exploration event but will simply have us perform tasks in the new area.

This doesn’t seem like it will be a hard event to complete, and its rewards sadly reflect that. Although not officially confirmed, the expected rewards from this event are:

  • 400 Astrites
  • Premium Resonance Potions
  • Premium Sealed Tubes
  • Credits

We will let you know the final amount of rewards when the event is released, so make sure to check back then.



Traces of Mt. Firmament

Wuthering Waves 1.1: All New Events, Rewards, and More
Kuro games

[Traces of Mt. Firmament] is another exploration event that will be centered towards the new area in version 1.1, but unlike the [Tales from Mt. Firmament] in this event, you will have to take pictures of things in the new zone.

This event is likely going to be yet another easy event to complete, and its prizes are the same as [Tales from Mt. Firmament], offering the following:

  • 400 Astrites
  • Premium Resonance Potions
  • Premium Sealed Tubes
  • Credits

Given the nature of these two events, we speculate that they will likely run simultaneously, or right one after the other.



Tactical Simulacra

Wuthering Waves 1.1: All New Events, Rewards, and More
Kuro Games

This event will finally feature some challenges to the game, and from its picture, we can speculate that it will be an event that will have you fight Overlord Class enemies.

Though just fighting Overlord Class enemies won’t be that different from what we’ve been doing already, we can speculate that this event will either feature timed challenges that players will have to complete or will give players buffs and unique effects to tackle these enemies.

Regardless, it seems like an interesting event that will surely have players testing their skills. As for rewards, there is no official breakdown for them as of yet, but it’s safe to assume that we will once again get about 400 Astrites and other materials.



Lollo Campaign

Wuthering Waves 1.1: All New Events, Rewards, and More
Kuro Games

The [Lollo Campaing] event is a commission-type event that will likely have us performing a series of tasks each day to then get chances to spin the wheel featured in the event image and get rewards.

From the event image, we can see that the event will offer Astrites, Echo Exp, Credits, and other rewards that are separated into certain rarities.

Given how these games conduct their events, we can be sure that by the end of the event we will be able to get all the rewards, so although it seems like RNG will have a bit of a factor to play here, you will still get the rewards in the end if you play regularly.




Wuthering Waves 1.1 surely seems to have a lot in store for us in the form of various new events. Although we can’t say for certain just how good any of these events are, we are looking forward to seeing how the devs will tackle the combat-related events and if they will bring something new and interesting to Wuthering Waves’ combat.

Given how previous exploration events have been, we do not have that much hope for these exploration events as well and view them as mostly a way to get some free Astrites, but who knows, they might just surprise us and be really fun to do.

It is also worth mentioning that the events mentioned above are not all of the events that will be featured in update 1.1, and we can also expect a login event with some free pulls as prizes, as well as double reward events for Tacet Fields and other materials.

We will keep you updated with any news regarding new Wuthering Waves events, so check back often to see if there isn’t anything new on the horizon.
