Wuthering Waves: Best Chixia Build Guide

In this guide, we will show you the best build for Chixia in Wuthering Waves.

Wuthering Waves: Best Chixia Build Guide
Kuro Games

Chixia is one of the standard 4-star characters in Wuthering Waves that you can obtain through the Permanent Convene and for free at the beginning of the game. She's a Fusion Pistol user who offers a completely ranged playstyle, perfect for people who want to destroy their enemies from afar.

In this guide, we'll show you the best way to build her so you can have the best F2P ranged DPS possible for your team.

Chixia Introduction

Chixia Element: Fusion
Weapon: Pistol
Role: DPS
Chixia Rarity: 4 Star
Stats (LvL 90)
HP 9088
ATK 300
DEF 953
Energy 150
C. RATE 5%
C. DMG 150%
Healing Bonus 0%
Fusion DMG 0%

Chixia is a straightforward DPS character to understand and play in Wuthering Waves, as her kit relies on building and spending bullets via her basic attack and skill.

Her damage output is decent for a 4-star, and one that you obtain for free in the tutorial on top of that, so every additional copy of her you will obtain from pulls will further amplify her performance.

Being simple to play and master comes at a cost, which is quite significant for Chixia.

Wuthering Waves Chixia
Kuro Games

First and foremost, she demands the most on-field time of any main DPS; fortunately, this can be remedied with her Sequences, but it increases her reliance on her ultimate.

Chixia can move while channeling during the DAKA DAKA! Mode (her enhanced Resonance skill), but she is still susceptible to disruptions if your position is incorrect and the enemy sends a large attack your way, particularly against enemies with fast animations.

Stopping channeling to avoid the attack will result in significant damage loss.

With all that in mind, let's look at the best way to build Chixia in Wuthering Waves.



Chixia: Best Weapons

5-star Weapons

Static Mist

Static Mist

4-star Weapons



Undying Flame

Undying Flame

The best gun in Wuthering Waves is Static Mist. It is the only weapon in the game that offers any form of team-supportive ability, granting the next character to switch in via intro an ATK boost as well as a great Crit-Rate sub-stat.



Chixia: Best Echo Sets

Best Echo Sets (Left to Right)
Molten Rift Lingering Tunes Molten RiftLingering Tunes Molten RiftMoonlit Clouds Lingering Tunes/ Moonlit Clouds
Molten Rift x5 Lingering Tunes x5 x3 / x2 x3 / x2 x3 / x2
Best Main Echo

Inferno Rider

Inferno Rider

Best Main Stats
4 cost 3 cost 3 cost 1 cost 1 cost
C.DMG / C.RATE Fusion DMG Fusion DMG ATK% ATK%
Substat Priority
Energy Regen C.DMG / C.RATE ATK% ATK DMG%




Wuthering Waves Chixia
Kuro Games

Being a ranged character, Chixia will have a hard time trying to parry, so you're pretty much forced to dodge all incoming attacks in Wuthering Waves.

Thankfully, her Skill comes with 2 dashes, making the dodging and repositioning easier. Chixia's ultimate is also very expensive, and despite the fact that she's spending so much time on the field, it will be hard to have it ready for every rotation.

Overall, Chixia is a competent character who will help you get through the early game, but she will most likely be benched once you have characters who perform better.

If you’re looking for more Wuthering Waves content, then feel free to check out GameLeap’s Wuthering Waves section for more information on the game.
