Wuthering Waves: Best Rover (Havoc) Build Guide

In this guide, we will show you the best build for Rover (Havoc) in Wuthering Waves.

Wuthering Waves: Best Rover (Havoc) Build Guide
Kuro Games

Rover (Havoc) is the main character in Wuthering Waves, whose element change you can obtain once you complete the Grand Warstorm main quest. They are Sword users who excel at using echoes and dealing great bursts of damage.

In this guide, we'll show you the best way to build them so you can have the best damage possible for your team.

Rover (Havoc) Introduction

Rover Element: Havoc
Weapon: Sword
Role: DPS
Rover (Havoc)
Rarity: 5 Star
Stats (LvL 90)
HP 11400
ATK 375
DEF 1369
Energy 125
C. RATE 5%
C. DMG 150%
Healing Bonus 0%
Havoc DMG 0%

Unlike most main DPS in Wuthering Waves, Havoc Rover does not require their Ultimate to access the majority of their combos, instead relying on their Forte Gauge. Having said that, their Ultimate hits really hard.

Using the Rover's Intro, Resonance Skill, or normal Basic Attacks will award them a portion of the Forte, which can then be activated to enter the Dark Angel state. The Forte Gauge will start to tick down while you are in the state, but all of your skills will be improved.

You can also use your improved Resonance Skill to lengthen the duration of your Dark Angel state, allowing for even more powerful abilities.

Wuthering Waves Female Rover
Kuro Games

In Wuthering Waves, after their Sequence 2 is unlocked, Havoc Rover gains a tremendous boost to one of their alternative playstyles.

This playstyle centers on using a carefully positioned skill to gather Resonance Energy and a portion of Havoc Rover's Forte Gauge during other characters' rotations in preparation for an explosive burst damage phase that is extremely short.

If everything is in order, you can switch to Rover, use your Resonance Skill, Heavy Attack to enter Dark Angel mode, perform your Resonance Liberation, immediately cast your Resonance Skill again, trigger your echo Dreamless, and fast switch cancel out.

This combo deals incredible burst damage while fully ignoring Rover's Forte Gauge duration mechanic in favor of explosive outcomes.

Now let's look at the best way to build Rover (Havoc) in Wuthering Waves.



Rover (Havoc) Best Weapons

Best Weapons
5-star Weapons

Emerald of Genesis

Emerald of Genesis

4-star Weapons

Commando of Conviction

Commando of Conviction

Lunar Cutter

Lunar Cutter

As we want to focus on damage, there is currently no better sword in Wuthering Waves than Emerald of Genesis. It provides great offensive stats and Energy Regen to top it off.



Rover (Havoc) Best Echo Sets

Best Echo Sets (Left to Right)
Sun-sinking Eclipses Lingering Tunes set_6.webp/ Lingering Tunes set_9.webp/ Moonlit Clouds Lingering Tunes/ Moonlit Clouds
Sun-sinking Eclipses x5 Lingering Tunes x5 x2 / x2 x2 / x2 x2 / x2
Best Main Echo



Best Main Stats
4 cost 3 cost 3 cost 1 cost 1 cost
Substat Priority
Energy Regen C.DMG / C.RATE ATK% ATK Lib.DMG%




Wuthering Waves Havoc Rover
Kuro Games

Rover Havoc can be one of the strongest burst-damage characters in Wuthering Waves.

With Sequence 2 unlocked, you can use both playstyles or a combination of the two for top-tier performance, but you definitely need to obtain the "Dreamless" echo, which, unlike other echoes, is farmed in an instanced dungeon (Statue of the Crownless: Heart) unlocked after completing Chapter 6.

As the main character, you may expect to receive all of Rover's Sequences for free, all of which are beneficial, and several significantly boost Rover's damage.

Havoc Rover is a powerful, relatively easy-to-play character with many playstyles and team-building choices, and they will only get stronger in future updates, making them an excellent pick for beginner players.

If you’re looking for more Wuthering Waves content, then feel free to check out GameLeap’s Wuthering Waves section for more information on the game.

