Wuthering Waves: Best Rover (Spectro) Build Guide

In this guide, we will show you the best build for Rover (Spectro) in Wuthering Waves.

Wuthering Waves: Best Rover (Spectro) Build Guide
Kuro Games

Rover (Spectro) is the main character in Wuthering Waves, whose element change you can obtain once you complete the Grand Warstorm main quest. They are Sword users who are great jack-of-all-trades characters.

In this guide, we'll show you the best way to build them so you can have the best damage possible for your team.

Rover (Spectro) Introduction

Rover Element: Spectro
Weapon: Sword
Role: Hybrid
Rover (Spectro)
Rarity: 5 Star
Stats (LvL 90)
HP 11400
ATK 375
DEF 1369
Energy 125
C. RATE 5%
C. DMG 150%
Healing Bonus 0%
Spectro DMG 0%

Rover (Spectro) is a Hybrid character who is a Swiss army knife in Wuthering Waves. Rover (Spectro) strives to accomplish many things at once, and while they can perform fairly well in all of them, they aren't the best at anything.

Early on, this isn't that big of a downside, but as you obtain more characters, you will most likely want to switch to them due to their more specialized roles.

Rover's damage is among the highest of any hybrid character without including coordinated attacks, thanks in part to their solid foundation of stats and the fact that you get all of their sequences for free (many of which increase damage).

Wuthering Waves Female Rover
Kuro Games

In CBT2, they were frequently employed in damage-focused setups that made use of their rapid and precise attack frames, which allowed for efficient parrying against endgame bosses.

On top of the damage, Rover's Outro has exceptional usefulness thanks to the time-stop bubble, which allows you to control enemies, making it easy to evade attacks or pummel the enemy with a combo without fear of missing. 

While this controlling effect is unique and powerful, Rovers (Spectro) do not provide a Deepen damage buff, making them less desirable in teams that rely heavily on a single main damage character.



Rover (Spectro) Best Weapons

Best Weapons
5-star Weapons

Emerald of Genesis

Emerald of Genesis

4-star Weapons

Commando of Conviction

Commando of Conviction

Lunar Cutter

Lunar Cutter

As we want to focus on damage, there is currently no better sword in Wuthering Waves than Emerald of Genesis. It provides great offensive stats and Energy Regen to top it off.



Rover (Spectro) Best Echo Sets

Best Echo Sets (Left to Right)
Celestial Light Lingering Tunes set_5.webp/ Lingering Tunes set_5.webp/ Moonlit Clouds Lingering Tunes/ Moonlit Clouds
Celestial Light x5 Lingering Tunes x5 x2 / x2 x2 / x2 x2 / x2
Best Main Echo

Mourning Aix

Mourning Aix

Best Main Stats
4 cost 3 cost 3 cost 1 cost 1 cost
C.DMG / C.RATE Spectro DMG Spectro DMG ATK% ATK%
Substat Priority
Energy Regen C.DMG / C.RATE ATK% ATK Lib.DMG%



Wuthering Waves
Kuro Games

Rover (Spectro) is a great starter character, and you won't regret leveling him up. If they stop being useful to you, you can always switch them to Rover (Havoc) and other elements in the future.

As mentioned, you unlock Rover's Sequences for free, which doubles down on Rovers' jack-of-all-trades nature, opening up new playstyles and also buffing capabilities.

After unlocking them all, they gain the ability to heal the team (at S4) and a unique Spectro RES shred against enemies hit by their skill (at S6), all on top of, of course, more damage capabilities.

Overall, Rover is a fantastic free character that is simple to learn and can be used in a variety of builds, allowing them to 'fill in' for whatever you're missing. Especially since the endgame requires three teams, you'll almost certainly find a use for them in 1.0.

If you’re looking for more Wuthering Waves content, then feel free to check out GameLeap’s Wuthering Waves section for more information on the game.

