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Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Maintenance Time and Compensation

Wuthering Waves 1.1 is releasing on June 28th, and in this article, we’ll go over what you need to know about the maintenance and what compensation you will get.

Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Maintenance Time and Compensation
Kuro Games

Wuthering Waves version 1.1 is around the corner, and it’s releasing this Friday, June 28th.

As is customary with these kinds of big updates, the game will have to undergo maintenance so that the developers can implement the new content.

In this article, we’ll go over when the maintenance will take place and what compensation you will get for the expected downtime.

Wuthering Waves 1.1 Maintenance Time and Duration

Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Maintenance Time and Compensation
Kuro Games

The WuWa 1.1 [Thaw of Eons] maintenance will begin on:

June 28th, 06:00 (UTC+8)

It is expected to last for 7 hours, and the developers are expecting the game to become playable at 13:00 (UTC+8).

It is worth noting that maintenance times are not always accurate, and it is possible that this maintenance can be either shorter or longer. As such, when the time comes, make sure to keep your eyes open for official media announcements on the state of the servers.

During the maintenance, you will not be able to play Wuthering Waves, so make sure you complete your dailies before the reset, as you may end up losing some Astrites and Union EXP.



Maintenance Compensation

Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 Maintenance Time and Compensation
Kuro Games

The developers behind Wuthering Waves have decided that they will reward the players for the downtime during the maintenance and have announced that they will be giving the following items as compensation:

  • Astrite x300
  • Crystal Solvent x2

This compensation will be available for players who have created a character and unlocked the Mail feature before June 28th, 2024, 06:00 (UTC+8).

Once the maintenance is over and the game is back up, players will be able to find the compensation rewards in their Mail. You can claim it right up until the Version 1.2 update, so make sure you do not forget to get it.
