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League of Legends Announces Ranked MMR System Changes

LoL devs offically announced upcoming changes to Ranked's MMR System in Season 2024.

League of Legends Announces Ranked MMR System Changes
Riot Games

League of Legends is finally taking steps to ensure that Ranked climbing is fair for everyone. New Ranked MMR System changes have been confirmed in the recent Dev Video for LoL Season 2024, and here's all we know so far.

Issues with the Ranked MMR System in LoL So Far

Last year, Riot Games introduced some changes to the LoL Ranked System by adding the Emerald Tier and increasing LP gains, aiming to facilitate climbing ranks after the yearly rank reset. However, these adjustments don't seem to be sufficient in addressing the ongoing issues with League of Legends' Ranked System.

Matchups in the previous season appeared to be quite unfair, with Platinum players finding themselves in games with Silver players, among other imbalances. This posed a significant challenge for LoL players striving to climb the ranks.

Another persistent issue has been losing more LP than the amount gained, which has been a source of frustration for League of Legends players. The upcoming updates aim to resolve this problem.



Changes in Skill Evaluation for Ranked

The Ranked System in LoL is undergoing changes to better evaluate player skill. As suggested in a recent Reddit post, League of Legends will be implementing 'Trueskill 2,' a system designed to assess player performance.

These changes are set to go live next week in LoL Ranked matches.

This article discusses in detail how Trueskill 2 works.




Additional Upcoming Ranked Climbing Changes

  • The ongoing issue of losing more LP than gained will be addressed with the introduction of the new Ranked MMR System Changes.
  • Riot developers claim that the Trueskill 2 system can effectively differentiate between new players and smurfs.

We eagerly anticipate witnessing these ranked changes in action on the Summoner's Rift. It sounds promising, and we hope these adjustments make climbing the ranks a fairer experience for all.
