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Manor Lords: Why Isn’t the Windmill Working?

Let’s take a look at all the reasons the windmill is not working in your village.

Manor Lords: Why Isn’t the Windmill Working?
Slavic Magic

Manor Lords has a wide selection of buildings and workshops that have different uses and needs. As the ruling lord, it is your job to make sure everything is running as it should. You will come up against a series of problems as you grow your settlement into something you are proud of.

How to make sure the windmill is working correctly
Slavic Magic

We are going to take a look at the windmill. Many players have reported that it is not working and there are a couple of reasons why that is. You are going to need to build a windmill if you want to bake some bread. It only costs 5 timber to construct and your villagers will take care of the rest.



Why the Windmill Doesn’t Work in Manor Lords

Your windmill doesn’t work in Manor Lords because you have no grain available. The windmill grinds grain into flour and without the required produce, the workers have nothing to do. The mistake that a lot of people are making is skipping a step in the production of flour.

Why the Windmill Doesn't Work in Manor Lords
Slavic Magic

You will need to grow wheat but that is not grain. Many players forget that the farmhouse workers need to thresh the wheat before you receive the grain. This is done automatically by the villagers but only if they have nothing else to do. It is the last job on their to-do list. So, if you have fields that still need plowing, harvesting, or planting, they will not thresh the wheat.



You can access the advanced tab in the farmhouse to increase the priority of the threshing but until you do so, you might be waiting awhile for the workers to finish all other jobs. You must also be aware that if you have placed the windmill far away from your fields and farmhouses, it might take some time for the grain to arrive. It is best that you position all buildings for the production of flour as close as you can to speed up delivery.

Manor Lords Windmill problems
Slavic Magic

As long as you have the available grain in the windmill and villagers ready to work the mill, everything should be fine. Just don’t forget the threshing step. That’s everything you need to know about making sure your windmill is working correctly. Check out our other guides for Manor Lords below!
