SMITE 2 Alpha Playtest Patch Notes: Complete Patch Notes Update

In this article, we will be taking a look at all the content coming in Alpha Weekend 1 Playtest Patch Notes for SMITE 2.

SMITE 2 Alpha Playtest Patch Notes: Complete Patch Notes Update
Hi Rez Studios

The SMITE 2 Alpha Playtest has finally launched, bringing a mountain of changes and updates to the MOBA game. This first real balance patch for SMITE's sequel covers a wide range of adjustments to gameplay, modes, stats, items, and gods. Let's check into all the details of what's new in SMITE 2.



Overview of SMITE 2 Alpha Playtest Update

SMITE 2 Alpha Playtest Update.png
Hi Rez Studios

SMITE 2 brings big changes: Gods can now use any item and they can now deal both Magical and Physical Damage. 

One of the biggest changes in SMITE 2 is the introduction of the abilities scale with Strength (STR) and Intelligence (INT). Cooldown Reduction becomes Cooldown Rate, and Lifesteal applies to all damage. Critical Strike Chance is available to all, and movement speed and crowd control are streamlined.

Popular Gods like Anubis, Zeus, and Odin get reworked for better identities and new build options. The item system is now component-based, offering more flexibility. Conquest mode sees changes like segmented tower health bars and new features like siege minions.

Now let's see the complete patch notes update below and be prepared because it is massive!



SMITE 2 Alpha Playtest Complete Patch Notes Update

Here is the full patch notes for SMITE 2 Alpha Weekend 1 Playtest:


Design Goals

  • SMITE 1 has been built upon for 10+ years. We aim to design SMITE 2 to be able to progress for another 10+ years. 
  • We want to keep the core gameplay of SMITE 2 similar to SMITE 1. It's been successful for us, it's familiar to our players, and it aligns with the goals of a sequel game. 
  • We also want to introduce a large variety of new designs.
  • The new game and the new technology create a unique opportunity for rebalancing SMITE and introducing new mechanics in ways that SMITE 1 couldn’t support. 
  • Throughout the alpha period, we will be delivering a strong foundation of familiar and proven designs, while also experimenting heavily with bold new balance adjustments. 
  • Increasing Player Creativity is our number one goal for Gameplay Design in SMITE 2. To us, this means more build variety, more role flexibility, and higher skill ceilings.
  • SMITE 2 has the potential to be a deeper game with more competitive potential than SMITE 1, while still maintaining the fun and familiar core combat that our community loves.  

Combat System Changes

  • Strength (STR) and Intelligence (INT)
    • All gods can now build all items. 
    • All gods can now build these 2 different stats that will have different effects on scaling their abilities and basic attacks.
    • STR is generally used for Basic Attack Damage and Ability Damage.
    • INT is generally used for Ability Damage and Ability Utility Effects.
    • Each effect in each ability will be clearly labeled to indicate what type of stats they scale from. 
  • Magical and Physical Damage (and Protections)
    • Any god can now deal with Magical and/or Physical Damage. 
    • Many SMITE 2 gods deal with both types within the same kit, regardless of item build. 
    • Each instance of damage in each ability will be clearly labeled to display if it deals magical or physical damage. 
    • Abilities that scale mostly or only from STR generally deal physical damage.
    • Abilities that scale mostly or only form INT generally deal magical damage
    • Many abilities scale from a combination of STR and INT at the same time, and are specifically chosen to deal only magical or physical damage for thematic reasons or balance reasons. 
    • Basic Attacks can deal Magical or Physical damage depending on the god, but all basic attacks in the game currently scale at 100% STR + 20% INT.
  • Magical and Physical Protection
    • Magical and Physical protections will work just as they did in SMITE 1.
    • Magical Protection decreases Magical Damage and Physical Protection decreases Physical Damage. 
    • The formula for mitigating damage through protection is unchanged. 100/(100+x)
    • Keep in mind that most enemies will be able to deal both types of damage, and itemize accordingly.
    • Even a god building all STR can still deal Magical Damage, when you take or deal damage a symbol will appear next to the damage numbers that convey the type. 
  • Cooldown Rate
    • Cooldown Reduction % has been changed to Cooldown Rate 
    • Cooldown Rate does not map directly 1:1 to % reduction, it has diminishing returns the more you get. Example:
    • At 10 CDRate, my effective CDReduction is 9%
    • At 50 CDRate, my effective CDReduction is 33%
    • At 120 CDRate, my effective CDReduction is 54.5%
    • This also uses the 100/(100+x) formula.
  • Lifesteal
    • Lifesteal is now just Lifesteal, this stat automatically applies to ALL damage dealt, whether it be magical, physical, basic attack, or ability.
    • There is no reduction in AoE abilities. 
    • It applies at a 100% effectiveness of the amount to enemy gods.
    • But it applies at 33% effectiveness to all minions, jungle monsters, and jungle bosses.
      • So 30% lifesteal
        • 30% of the damage dealt to gods is healed.
        • And 10% of the damage dealt to everything else is healed.
  • Penetration
    • Flat Pen is not currently available as a stat on any item, and there are no plans to reintroduce it.
    • A similar effect can be achieved through Protection Reduction Debuffs though, which are available in a few select places. 
    • % Pen is still available on items. So are effects like Qin’s which doesn’t have an actual Pen, but is still anti-tank in its own way. 
    • Physical Penetration benefits abilities that deal physical damage.
    • Magical Penetration benefits abilities that deal magical damage. 
  • Critical Strike
    • Critical Strikes include all of the modern smoothing formulas that SMITE 1 had
    • Critical Strikes in SMITE 2 hit for 1.75x damage, With the Deathbringer item boosting that to 2x damage.  
    • All gods can now buy Critical Strike Chance and can Critically Strike on their basic attacks.
  • Movement
    • Just like in SMITE 1, the Backpedal is -40%. Strafe is -20%. Melee penalty is -35%. Ranged Penalty is -50%
    • Gods no longer gain movement speed over the first 7 levels.
    • All Gods are at full speed from level 1
    • There are no boots-style items in the game, movement speed only comes from full-priced tier 3s, usually under specific conditions only. 
  • Diminishing Returns (of CC duration)
    • This is mostly unchanged from SMITE 1
    • Hard CC Provides 1 Stack of DR
    • Displacement CC Provides 2 Stacks of DR
    • Each Stack of DR Provides a 20% Crowd Control Reduction in the duration
    • Cap of 80% Reduction, but this cannot reduce effects to lower than 0.5s
    • Stacks up to 4 times, Last 15s
    • One change from SMITE 2 is that abilities can now apply only 1 or 2 stacks of DR. In SMITE 1 some abilities could apply 3 stacks based on multiple CC effects in a row
  • Displacement CC
    • All knockbacks, knock-ups, pushes, pulls, and grabs will now be described as “Displacement” CC effect instead of “Knockbacks”
    • The term Knockback often confuses players in SMITE 1 because it sounds more specific than it actually is. 
    • This is a hard CC effect
    • Abilities that displace will describe the direction and style of displacement in their long description
  • Impede CC
    • “Player-made walls” and other blocking areas will use the term “Impedes” to describe what types of other gods or characters it blocks
    • The phantom effect will grant “Impediment Immunity”
  • Health Shields
    • Health shields now stack in SMITE 2
    • Damage will be taken from the shield with the shortest duration first
    • Shields will be able to be gained, lost, independently over time, and treated as if they were each unique shields, even though the UI currently only displays them as 1 total shield bar.





Game Systems

  • Front End UI
    • This UI is in a mostly temporary state and is intended to serve the core functional purposes of playing SMITE.
      • Learning about Gods.
      • Getting into a party.
      • Playing a game through queues or custom games.
  • Practice Mode
    • Navigate to the Gods section of the front end, select a God, and then use the “Enter Practice” button to load into our test map with the God.
  • New Player Experience
    • We expect most alpha testers will have already played a good amount of SMITE, and we are prioritizing core gameplay systems, so there will not be any tutorial systems in the game at this time.
    • This document will serve as the primary source of gameplay information.
    • Please follow SMITE socials for external guides, tips, and explanations.
    • New Player Experience will become a huge priority for the team in future stages of development.
  • Queueing 
    • Pre Match Lobby will not immediately close if someone disconnects after selecting a god, they will have time to reconnect to the lobby or the match
  • Conquest Roles
    • Role Queue and assigned roles are not ready yet.
    • Pre-Match Lobby will have a function for players to select and trade roles.
    • We highly encourage using this, even if you already hovered or locked your God!
  • Pre-Match Lobby Information
    • Players will be able to read their Gods high-level summary, as well as individual ability descriptions in the match lobby.
  • Auto Buy
    • All players will be prompted with an Auto Buy option at the start of each match.
    • Each god will have 2-3 different Auto Builds players can choose from, this can be changed each game.
    • Once a build is selected, that build will automatically progress whenever the player returns to base.
    • The current auto build will be disabled for the rest of the match if ANY single item is bought or sold manually. This is due to the early development state of the system.
  • Auto Skill
    • Auto Skill is available but must be manually enabled in the gameplay settings.
  • Surrender
    • Surrender functionality does exist in this test.
  • Conquest Help Tips
    • As you start the match and move through the map, help tips will pop up to explain new mechanics and rewards.
    • These can be disabled via the settings menu.
  • Player Behavior
    • This is an alpha test, things might go wrong, and players might be confused. We encourage everyone to just “play on” as much as they can. Try to finish matches or use the surrender function. Try to focus on exploring the new gameplay even if your teammates or opponents are struggling.
    • MMR will be reset multiple times in the future.
    • The Deserter Penalty will be in effect for this public weekend.
    • VGS, Pings, and Emotes will also have built-in spam protection.




Design Goals

  • We plan to deepen the systems that make up Conquest and add more impact to the choices a player makes in a match. This has only just begun at this stage of development and has a lot of room to expand. 
  • Aim to keep roles as flexible and creative as possible throughout the Alpha and Beta stages. We want players to have a significant impact over what the metagame looks like. 
  • In order to achieve the goal above, we are currently not creating items that force gods into specific playstyles or roles.
  • This is something we are open to adjusting later, possibly by creating starter items for roles that need it most like jungle or support.

Tower System

  • Bounties
    • Each tower’s health is divided into segments, separated by a marker on their health bar. 
    • Reducing a tower’s health bar segment will cause it to drop two gold bounties that players can pick up for 75 Gold.
    • The last bounty on each tower is worth extra gold and is only granted to the team that reaches it first. This is specially marked by a different icon on their health bar.
      • For example, if the Order team reduces the Chaos T1 tower’s health below the last bounty, it will grant 125 Gold. If the Chaos team then decided to reduce the Order T1 tower’s health below the last bounty, they would only get the normal bounty of 75 Gold.
    • This is essentially a race where both teams are trying to be the first to reach the special bounty on each tower. 
    • Early-game pressure on tower’s are rewarded with more gold, which can then lead to items being built slightly faster.


  • Minions can be executed with a Basic Attack once they fall below 25% HP
  • Minotaurs
    • Periodically spawn as an extra Minion in the wave. These are tanky siege minions that can deal heavy damage to enemy Towers
      • Spawn every 6 waves, starting at 2:30
      • At 20:00, they begin spawning every 5 waves
      • At 25:00, they begin spawning every 4 waves
      • At 30:00, they begin spawning every 3 waves
  • XP and Gold Rewards
    • Melee
      • Grants 50 XP and 21 Gold
    • Ranged
      • Grants 30 XP and 15 Gold
    • Minotaur
      • Grants 70 XP and 60 Gold
    • All minion rewards increase by +5 XP and +0.5 Gold every 3 minutes

Infamy System

  • Jungle Camps
    • Each team now gains infamy with every jungle creature they defeat.
      • Fire Giant and Gold Fury are excluded.
    • Gaining Infamy levels up jungle camps on your side of the map, yielding better rewards when killing them.
    • Killing camps on your opponent’s side also denies the enemy team of that Infamy.
    • Each creature falls into a specific category that rewards different amounts of Infamy:
      • Large creatures grant 40 Infamy.
      • Small creatures grant 15 Infamy.
      • Very small creatures grant 5 Infamy.
    • Upon reaching a new Infamy level, the jungle camp will increase in Infamy rank and start granting new rewards.
      • The Infamy level thresholds are as follows:
        • Level 1: All camps start here
        • Level 2: 210 Infamy
        • Level 3: 560 Infamy
        • Level 4: 980 Infamy
    • Each team has one of each buff camp on their side of the map and four back harpies.
      • The four buff camps respawn every 180s.
      • The back harpies respawn every 90s.
    • There are three middle buff camp spawns that randomize through the four different buff types (excluding Harpies).
      • They will cycle through each color before re-randomizing the spawn set. 
      • These camps respawn every 240s.
  • Infamy Level Rewards
    • The following are what each camp grants at each level:
      • Manticores (Red)
        • Level 1: Grants no buff
        • Level 2: Blight I - Abilities apply a poison that deals 5% of the opponent’s Max Health over 3s.
        • Level 3: Blight II - Abilities apply a poison that deals 5% of the opponent’s Max Health over 3s. Heal 10 HP for each tick that occurs.
        • Level 4: Blight III - Abilities apply a poison that deals 10% of the opponent’s Max Health over 3s. Heal 10 HP for each tick that occurs.
          • Blight damage counts as magical damage.
      • Centaurs (Yellow)
        • Level 1: Grants no buff
        • Level 2: Pathfinder I - Grants +4% Movement Speed every 3s. Max 3 stacks. Taking damage removes all stacks.
        • Level 3: Pathfinder II - Grants +4% Movement Speed every 1s. Max 3 stacks. Taking damage removes all stacks.
        • Level 4: Pathfinder III - Grants +4% Movement Speed every 1s. Max 4 stacks. Taking damage removes all stacks.
          • Stacks are only lost on taking damage. Dealing damage and casting abilities will not remove stacks.
      • Chimeras (Purple)
        • Level 1: Grants no buff
        • Level 2: Inspiration I - You and nearby allies gain +15 STR and INT.
        • Level 3: Inspiration II - You and nearby allies gain +30 STR and INT.
        • Level 4: Inspiration III - You and nearby allies gain +45 STR and INT.
      • Satyrs (Blue)
        • Level 1: Grants no buff
        • Level 2: Primal I - Gain +15 Protections upon hitting an enemy God with an ability. Max 3 stacks.
        • Level 3: Primal II - Gain +15 Protections upon hitting an enemy God with an ability. Gain +10 Cooldown Rate.
        • Level 4: Primal III - Gain +30 Protections upon hitting an enemy God with an ability. Gain +20 Cooldown Rate.
      • Harpies
        • Level 1: Grants no buff
        • Level 2: An Elder Harpy appears! The camp is now two small Harpies and one Elder Harpy.
        • Level 3: Trinkets - Gain a +150 HP Shield. Stacks with other Trinkets and Jungle Buffs. Max 900 Shield HP.
        • Level 4: Rare Trinkets - Gain a +300 HP Shield. Stacks with other Trinkets and Jungle Buffs. Max 900 Shield HP.
  • XP and Gold Rewards
    • Large creatures grant 86 XP and 38 Gold
    • Small creatures grant 29 XP and 13 Gold
    • Elder harpies grant 72 XP and 33 Gold
    • Small harpies grant 18 XP and 5 Gold
      • Every 3 minutes, all camps gain 9 XP and 1.5 Gold
      • This effect stops after it has been applied 10 times



Invader's Curse

  • The invader’s curse has been removed in SMITE 2

Interactive Map Objectives

  • In SMITE 2 the gods can now “Interact” with objectives on the map.
  • Instead of killing something or standing somewhere, you can press a button to capture an objective or begin a specific action.
  • This button will be your JUMP button. When in an interactable area instead of jumping, this button will begin the interaction.
  • Channeled interactions can be canceled by attacking, moving, or taking damage.
  • Interactive Objectives in this test are
    • Jungle Buff Pickups
    • Gold Caches
    • The Warhorn
    • Teleporters
    • Fire Giant Door

Jungle Buffs

  • In SMITE 2 players will need to use the interact key to pick up Jungle Buffs
  • While you have a Jungle Buff, you can interact with another buff of a different type to replace your current one
  • Picking up a lower-level buff of the same type will refresh your current buff’s duration

Gold Cache

  • Locations
    • To the side of each lane is a small gold cache that can be picked up with the interact key.
      • Picking it up grants 30 team gold.
      • Respawns every 120s.


  • Capturing this new objective in Solo lane will award 25 Gold to each member of your team and upgrade your next wave of minions into Champions for all 3 lanes
  • Champion Minions
    • Damage taken from enemy Gods and Minions is reduced by 25%
    • +2 Power (for every 2 minutes of match time, up to a maximum of +20)
  • Interacting with the Warhorn once will begin capturing it for your team. While capturing is in progress, the enemy can Interact to halt your progress and begin capturing for their own team.
  • The Warhorn unlocks at 1:30, takes 40 seconds to capture, and has a 90-second cooldown period before it can be captured again.


  • Locations
    • The duo and solo lanes now have a new side area that holds a teleporter next to each team’s T1 tower.
  • Usage
    • Players need to press the interact button to use the teleporter.
    • Using this teleporter will transport you horizontally across the map to the opposing lane.
      • If I use the teleporter next to Order’s T1 duo tower, then I would end up at the teleporter next to Order’s T1 solo tower.
      • Upon teleporting, players receive two effects:
        • A slight speed boost.
        • A 30s cooldown that prevents teleporter usage.

Stealth Areas

  • Patches of foliage throughout the Conquest map grant Stealth when you stand inside of them
  • These Stealth Areas near the lanes enable gank opportunities, while the ones in the Jungle allow for ambush plays.
  • Rules
    • You gain Stealth when walking into a Stealth Area, and lose the effect immediately upon walking out
    • While Stealthed…
      • Your model, nameplate, and any VFX attached to your model are invisible to the enemy
      • Enemies can still hear audio like footsteps, recalls, and voice lines
    • There are two ways you can be Revealed while Stealthed:
      • Active Reveal - You are revealed to the enemy, and you will receive feedback that you are Revealed. Triggering any of these conditions forces you to be Revealed for 2 seconds:
        • Taking damage
        • Performing a basic attack
        • Casting an ability
          • Excluded: passive abilities, recall
        • Using an active item
          • Excluded: ward placement
      • Silent Reveal - You are revealed to the enemy, but you will not know it. You are Silently Revealed if:
        • An enemy God enters the same Stealth Area as you
        • An enemy Ward is placed within the same Stealth Area as you
        • You are spotted by an enemy ability that reveals Stealthed characters

Gold Fury

  • Kill Progression
    • Gold Fury now grants permanent team-wide effects when defeated.
      • Each team has its own Gold Fury counter, shown at the top of the HUD.
    • Below are the effects granted per kill:
      • First Kill - Fountain speed is doubled.
      • Second Kill - Each player gains Leadership Aura
        • The aura grants nearby minions with 30% damage reduction and 25% increased power.
      • Third Kill - Each player gains Gilded Armor and Gilded Strength
        • Gilded Armor grants +50 Protection when near a structure.
        • Gilded Strength grants +25% true damage against structures.
    • When a team reaches three Gold Fury kills, the Gold Fury transforms into the Ancient Fury!
      • Defeating the Ancient Fury will continue to grant the kill rewards, but will also grant a special temporary benefit:
        • When defeated, the Ancient Fury disables all of the enemy’s structures for 120s.
        • This is shown by the Ancient Fury’s shadow looming over the various structures.
  • Other Changes
    • Gold Fury applies a 20% anti-heal debuff on hit

Fire Giant

  • New Kit
    • The Fire Giant has a new set of abilities for SMITE 2!
      • Ability 1: Magma Slam
        • Fire Giant lifts its fist up and aims at its current target. It then slams its fist down, and displaces any targets in the area, knocking them away from the Fire Giant. The slam creates three arcing magma balls that fly outwards in random directions and deal damage upon landing.
      • Ability 2: Ragnarok’s Fury
        • Similar to SMITE 1, Fire Giant spawns five flaming boulders split amongst the members of the team it’s currently engaged with. 
          • These boulders now appear over the player’s head as opposed to above the Fire Giant’s head in an effort to improve clarity over how many hits each player will take.
      • Ability 3: Fire Blast
        • Fire Giant starts gathering fire energy into a ball and aims it in the direction of its target. When the channel is complete, the fireball explodes outwards leaving behind fire in a large conal area. 
          • This fire area lasts for a very long time and will persist even after the Fire Giant’s death.
  • Upgraded Buff
    • Defeating the Fire Giant now grants +50 STR, +50 INT,  4% HP Regen, and 2% MP Regen.
    • Each time the Fire Giant is defeated, the buff is increased by +20 STR, +20 INT, and +30 Protections.
      • The buff will stop increasing after four Fire Giant kills.
  • Other Changes
    • Fire Giant applies a 40% anti-heal debuff on hit
  • XP Splitting Rules (these match SMITE 1)
  • Split XP Bonus: +25%
    • Teammates that split XP rewards from local NPC kills and assists get a 25% bonus to the final amount of XP they receive.
  • Lowest Level Split XP Bonus: +45%
    • The lowest level God on each team gets a 45% additional bonus when splitting XP with a teammate.




Design Goals

  • Flexible Systems, Unique Kits 
    • We want each god to be unique in the abilities it has. Each god should bring something new to their team, be it one large feature, or a unique combination of smaller ones. 
    • At the same time, the base stats, items, and other systems of the game should support as much role flexibility as possible. 
  • Something new to explore
    • In SMITE 2 we aim to bring some new component to each god we bring over from SMITE 1. This can range from entire ability reworks, to balance level changes that promote big playstyle changes - like STR ADC Zeus or Crit Ymir. 

God System Changes

  • In SMITE 2 gods will no longer be labeled by “Class” or confined to constraints within that class. Gods will be a sum of their parts and could have combinations of kits and base stats that would not fit into a SMITE 1 Class definition, Which SMITE 1 already had a few of - leading to constant confusion and debate
  • Base Stats of all gods are generally closer together than in SMITE 1, making the item build and the unique features of the god’s ability kit more important in determining which roles they can be successful in. 
  • With no classes, gods will instead be defined by their key properties
    • Ranged vs Melee Basic Attack
    • Basic Attack Damage
      • Shows a scale of 1-5 on how much basic attack damage the god can output Derived from Base STR and kit features.  
    • Ability Damage
      • Shows a scale of 1-5 on how much ability damage the god can output. Accounts for Ability Damage and Scaling.
    • Defenses
      • Shows a scale of 1-5 on how Defensive the god can be. Accounts for base and per-level HP, Protections, as well as Kit Details.
    • Strength Aptitude
      • How much value the God get from buying STR items
    • Intelligence Aptitude 
      • How much value the God get from buying INT items
    • Playstyle Tags 
      • A god will be labeled with up to 3 of these tags to highlight their general strengths in combat:
        • Burst Damage
        • Constant Damage
        • Pressure
        • Lock Down
        • Crowd Control
        • Area Control
        • Utility
        • Healing
        • Sustain
        • Mobility
        • Counterpick 
    • Here is an example of this for Bellona. This is currently only available to view in the Pre-Match Lobby.

God Ability Text

  • To read your God’s abilities in-game:
    •  On PC: Use ALT + Mouse to hover each ability
    • On Consoles: Use DPad Up then LB / RB or L1 / R1 to move to each ability
    • Selecting your God’s Avatar Image will display the Passive Ability information. Each Ability icon will display that ability information
  • Short and Long Ability Descriptions:
    • Each God's ability will now have a short version and a long version of the ability text.
    • All abilities will default to the short version.
    • Short versions are intended to be as short as possible to convey only the key gameplay effects of the ability and show the key scaling stats.
    • Use Right Click, Y, or Triangle to toggle between these modes.
    • Long descriptions will reveal much more information about the ability.



Full God Kits

“We want these update notes to be as informative as possible, so we are sharing the full god kits. These might be hard to quickly scan and notice changes from SMITE 1, though. Dev notes for each god will be used to highlight these new features and give some explanations to our thought process on why the changes were made. One important thing to remember is that the base stats on gods and items in SMITE 2 have changed, so even changes that look like nerfs relative to SMITE 1 might still be very powerful in SMITE 2. ” 


Hecate SMITE 2.png
Hi Rez Studios
  • Hecate be released in a future alpha update. Community discussion and closed testing yielded feedback that the goddess needed more dev time in order to further deliver on her mechanics and themes.


Anhur SMITE 2.png
Hi Rez Studios
  • Basic Attacks
    • Ranged Physical Damage
    • Damage Scaling: 100% Strength + 20% Intelligence
  • Enfeeble
    • Dealing Damage to enemies reduces their [Physical Protection]. Stacks up to 2 times. 
    • Physical Protections Reduced: 10
    • Debuff Duration: 4s
  • Shifting Sands
    • Create a Pillar that [Slows] enemies around it and [increases their damage taken from your basic attacks].
    • The Pillar Impedes all Characters.
    • The Slow stacks with an additional Slow when closer to the Pillar.
    • Reactivate to destroy the Pillar early.
    • Slow: 15%
    • Additional Slow: 15%
    • Increased Damage Taken: 8/11/14/17/20%
    • Lifetime: 7.5s
    • Range: 10.4m
    • Radius: 9.6m
    • Cost: 40/50/60/70/80
    • Cooldown: 14s
  • Impale
    • Fire a projectile that deals [Physical Damage] to enemies. [Displace] the first god hit and [Stun] them if they hit a wall.
    • Enemies are Displaced in the direction the projectile is moving.
    • The projectile passes through and damages minions but stops on walls.
    • The enemy god displaced by this ability deals damage to enemies it collides with. 
    • Damage: 55/105/155/205/255
    • Damage Scaling: 80% Strength
    • Stun Duration: 0.85/0.95/1.05/1.15/1.25s
    • Range: 8.8m
    • Radius: 0.48m
    • Cooldown: 12s
    • Cost: 50/60/70/80/90
  • Disperse
    • [Leap] forward to deal [Physical Damage] and [Displace] enemies.
    • Enemies are Displaced up and away from your landing location.
    • Damage: 35/70/105/140/175
    • Damage Scaling: 55% Strength
    • Range: 8.8m
    • Radius: 2.4m
    • Cooldown: 15/14.5/14/13.5/13s
    • Cost: 40/50/60/70/80
  • Desert Fury
    • Channel to repeatedly fire projectiles that each deal [Physical Damage]. The final projectile deals with a burst of [Physical Damage]. You are [CC Immune] while Channeling.
    • Ability fires 4 times plus the final projectile over 1.5 seconds.
    • These projectiles pass through and damage all enemies and pass through walls.
    • Damage Per Tick: 55/80/105/130/155
    • Damage Scaling Per Tick: 40% Strength
    • Final Damage: 90/135/180/225/270
    • Final Damage Scaling: 80% Strength
    • Range: 16m
    • Radius: 0.56m
    • Final Radius: 0.72m
    • Cooldown: 90/85/80/75/70s
    • Cost: 80/85/90/95/100


Anubis SMITE 2.png
Hi Rez Studios
  • Basic Attacks
    • Ranged Magical Damage
    • Damage Scaling: 100% Strength + 20% Intelligence
  • The Scales
    • Gain increasing [Lifesteal, Physical Protection, and Magical Protection] the lower your Health gets.
    • Gain 1 Stack of this buff for each 10% Health missing. 
    • Lifesteal: 3% Per Stack
    • Physical Protection: 2% Per Stack
    • Magical Protection: 2% Per Stack
    • Max Buff Stacks: 8
  • Plague Of Locusts
    • Channel to deal [Magical Damage] repeatedly to enemies in front of you.
    • This ability hits 12 times over 2.5 seconds.
    • You move at 35% Movement Speed while Channeling.
    • You are Displacement Immune while Channeling.
    • Damage Per Tick: 15/22/29/36/43
    • Damage Scaling Per Tick: 18/19/20/21/22% Intelligence
    • Radius: 5.6m
    • Cone Angle: 110 degrees
    • Cooldown: 11/10.5/10/9.5/9s
    • Cost: 40/50/60/70/80
  • Mummify
    • Fire a projectile that deals [Physical Damage] and [Stuns] the first enemy god hit.
    • Projectile ignores minions and stops on walls.
    • Damage: 45/85/126/165/205
    • Damage Scaling: 70% Strength
    • Stun Duration: 1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4/1.5s
    • Range: 11.2m
    • Radius: 0.56m
    • Cooldown: 16/15/14/13/12s
    • Cost: 50/55/60/65/70
  • Grasping Hands
    • Repeatedly deal [Magical Damage] and [Slow] enemies in the area.
    • This ability hits 4 times over 1.5 seconds.
    • Slow is refreshed on each hit and does not stack.
    • Damage Per Tick: 22/35/48/61/73
    • Damage Scaling Per Tick: 35% Intelligence
    • Slow: 25%
    • Slow Duration: 2s
    • Range: 8.8m
    • Radius: 3.2m
    • Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10s
    • Cost: 40/50/60/70/80
  • Death Gaze
    • Channel to deal a burst of [Magical Damage] to enemies in front of you, then repeatedly deal [Magical Damage] to enemies in the same area. You are [CC Immune] while Channeling.
    • Ability hits 24 times plus the initial burst over 2.4 seconds.
    • You are Rooted while Channeling.
    • Initial Damage: 140/170/200/230/260
    • Initial Damage Scaling: 100% Intelligence
    • Damage Per Tick: 23/28/33/38/43
    • Damage Scaling Per Tick: 18% Intelligence
    • Range: 11.2m
    • Radius: 0.72m
    • Cooldown: 90/85/80/75/70s
    • Cost: 90


Athena SMITE 2.png
Hi Rez Studios
  • Basic Attacks
    • Melee Physical Damage
    • Damage Scaling: 100% Strength + 20% Intelligence
  • Reach
    • After each ability activation, your next basic attack becomes a projectile that deals with [Physical Damage].
    • Deals 1.5x damage to the first target hit passes through and damages all enemies and passes through walls.
    • This basic attack can Critically Strike.
    • This basic attack can trigger Item Effects.
  • Preemptive Strike
    • Dash forward to deal [Physical Damage] and [Slow] enemies after a brief buildup.
    • Buildup takes 0.66s.
    • Damage: 50/90/130/170/210
    • Damage Scaling: 60% Strength
    • Slow: 20/22.5/25/27.5/30%
    • Slow Duration: 2s
    • Cooldown: 14s
    • Cost: 40/50/60/70/80
  • Confound
    • Deal [Magical Damage] and [Taunt] enemies in front of you.
    • Taunted enemies are Slowed by 50%.
    • Damage: 40/65/90/115/140
    • Damage Scaling: 20% Intelligence
    • Taunt Duration: 1/1.15/1.3/1.45/1.6s
    • Radius: 5.6m
    • Cone Angle: 90 degrees
    • Cooldown: 18s
    • Cost: 60/65/70/75/80
  • Shield Wall
    • Create a Phalanx of Soldiers that deals [Magical Damage] to enemies. After a delay, they deal [Magical Damage] to enemies before disappearing.
    • The delay between the first and second attacks is 2s.
    • Initial Damage: 60/100/140/180/220
    • Initial Damage Scaling: 45% Intelligence
    • Final Damage: 80/140/200/260/320
    • Final Damage Scaling: 55% Intelligence
    • Radius: 3.2m
    • Cooldown: 14s
    • Cost: 50/60/70/80/90
  • Defender Of Olympus
    • Channel and [Shield] an ally. When the channel completes, [Teleport] to their location. Deal [Magical Damage] to enemies upon landing.
    • The channel lasts for 3.34s.
    • If your ally dies before your channel completes you will still go to their location.
    • Damage: 340/415/490/565/640
    • Damage Scaling: 90% Intelligence
    • Shield Health: 50/100/150/200/250 
    • Shield Health Scaling: 12.5% Max Health
    • Cooldown: 120s
    • Cost: 80/90/100/110/120




  • Basic Attacks
    • Melee Physical Damage
    • Damage Scaling: 100% Strength + 20% Intelligence
  • Drunk-O-Meter
    • Get Drunk from Chug to gain increased Strength, Intelligence, Physical Protection, and Magical Protection. Also adds additional effects to your abilities.
      • Ranges from 0% to 100% Drunk.
      • Tipsy Buff: 
        • +3 Strength
        •  +5 Intelligence
        •  +5% Physical Protection
        •  +5% Magical Protection
      • Smashed Buff:
        •  +8 Strength
        •  +10 Intelligence
        •  +10% Physical Protection
        •  +10% Magical Protection
      • Has no effect when under 30%.
      • Tipsy when between 30% to 59%. 
      • Smashed when over 60%.
      • Drunkenness depletes over time at a rate of 2% per second.
  • Chug
    • Get Drunk, [Heal], gain increased Strength and Intelligence, and your next basic attack deals additional [Magical Damage].
    • Empowered basic attack effect lasts until a target is successfully hit.
    • Damage: 0/10/30/50/70/90
    • Damage Scaling: 0/60/60/60/60/60% Physical Protection+0/60/60/60/60/60% Magical Protection
    • Heal: 0/20/35/50/65/80
    • Strength: 0/6/10/14/18/22
    • Intelligence: 0/10/15/20/25/30
    • Buff Duration: 0/6/6/6/6/6s
    • Drunkenness: 40/46/52/58/64/70%
    • Cooldown: 12s
    • Cost: 20
  • Belly Flop
    • [Leap] forward to deal [Physical Damage] and [Displace] enemies.
    • Enemies are Displaced straight up. 
    • Damage: 60/105/150/195/240
    • Damage Scaling: 65% Strength
    • Range: 8.8m
    • Radius: 2.4m
    • Cooldown: 14s
    • Cost: 40/50/60/70/80
  • Belch Of The Gods
    • Channel to deal [Magical Damage] repeatedly to enemies in front of you. The final hit will [Stun] if you are Tipsy or Smashed.
    • This ability hits 3 times plus the final hit over 1.5 seconds.
    • You are Displacement Immune while Channeling.
    • Damage: 25/40/55/70/85
    • Damage Scaling: 17.5% Intelligence
    • Stun Duration: 0.85/0.95/1.05/1.15/1.25s
    • Range: 5.6m
    • Cooldown: 10s
    • Cost: 40/50/60/70/80
  • Intoxicate
    • Deal [Magical Damage] and [Intoxicate] enemies around you. Gain Strength and Intelligence if you are Smashed.
    • Damage: 230/300/370/440/510
    • Damage Scaling: 65% Intelligence
    • Intoxicate Duration: 4s
    • Strength: 12/20/28/36/44
    • Intelligence: 20/30/40/50/60
    • Buff Duration: 6s
    • Radius: 5.6m
    • Cooldown: 90s
    • Cost: 90


Bellona SMITE 2.png
Hi Rez Studios
  • Basic Attacks
    • Melee Physical Damage
    • Damage Scaling: 100% Strength + 20% Intelligence
  • Master Of War
    • Gain stacking Movement Speed when you hit or are hit by basic attacks. Gain additional effects depending on the basic attack weapon used.
    • Sword and Shield gain Physical Protection and Magical Protection per stack.
    • Hammer gains % Strength per stack.
    • Scourge gains Attack Speed per stack.
    • All basic attacks still gain the Movement Speed per stack. 
    • Movement Speed: 1.5% Per Stack
    • Physical Protection: 7 Per Stack
    • Magical Protection: 7 Per Stack
    • Strength: 3% Per Stack
    • Attack Speed: 3% Per Stack
    • Buff Duration: 7s
    • Max Buff Stacks: 5
  • Shield Bash
    • [Dash] forward to deal [Physical Damage] and [Slow] enemies. Gain 1 Block Stack for each enemy god hit. Change to Sword and Shield basic attacks.
    • Block absorbs all damage from one basic attack per stack.
    • Bellona's Blocks also reflect back a portion of the blocked damage to enemies around her
    • This effect scales off her Physical Protection and Magical Protection.
    • Damage: 50/85/120/155/190
    • Damage Scaling: 65% Strength
    • Reflect Damage: 30% of the damage blocked
    • Reflect Damage Scaling: 7% Physical Protection+7% Magical Protection
    • Slow: 20%
    • Slow Duration: 1.5s
    • Range: 2.8m
    • Radius: 4m
    • Cooldown: 14s
    • Cost: 50/55/60/65/70
  • Bludgeon
    • Spin to deal [Physical Damage] to enemies around you, Then Slam to deal [Physical Damage] to enemies in an area. Change to Hammer basic attacks.
    • Final Slam damage increases by 0.25 for each enemy god hit by the Spin attack.
    • Spin Damage: 25/50/75/100/125
    • Spin Damage Scaling: 30% Strength
    • Slam Damage: 50/100/150/200/250
    • Slam Damage Scaling: 70% Strength 
    • Spin Radius: 4m
    • Slam Range: 4.8m
    • Slam Radius: 1.92m
    • Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10s
    • Cost: 40/50/60/70/80
  • Scourge
    • Deal [Physical Damage] and [Disarm] enemies. Change to Scourge basic attacks.
    • Damage: 35/60/85/110/135
    • Damage Scaling: 65% Strength
    • Disarmed Duration: 1.5/1.6/1.7/1.8/1.9s
    • Range: 8.8m
    • Radius: 1.6m
    • Cooldown: 18/17/16/15/14s
    • Cost: 40/50/60/70/80
  • Eagle's Rally
    • [Leap] forward to deal [Physical Damage] and [Stun] enemies. You and allied gods that remain in the area gain Strength, Intelligence, Physical Protection, and Magical Protection. You are [CC Immune] while Leaping.
    • Damage: 100/185/270/355/440
    • Damage Scaling: 80% Strength
    • Stun Duration: 1s
    • Strength: 20/30/40/50/60
    • Intelligence: 35/45/55/65/75
    • Physical Protection: 15/20/25/30/35
    • Magical Protection: 15/20/25/30/35
    • Range: 8.8m
    • Radius: 2.4m
    • Cooldown: 75s
    • Cost: 100


  • Basic Attacks
    • Ranged Physical Damage
    • Damage Scaling: 100% Strength + 20% Intelligence
  • Heavy Glaive
    • With each basic attack, deal bonus [Physical Damage] to enemies in melee range.
    • Damage: 25% Strength + 5% Intelligence
    • Range: 1.92m
    • Cone Angle: 120 degrees
  • Shifter Of Seasons
    • Activate to toggle between Spring, Summer, Fall, or Winter basic attack bonuses. These empower your basic attacks with one of the following effects: [Self Healing], [Bonus Damage], [Protection Reduction], or a [Slow].
    • This effect is always active once ranked.
    • Summer Season basic attacks deal Physical Damage if you have more Strength or Magical Damage if you have more Intelligence.
    • Spring Healing: 6/7/8/9/10
    • Spring Heal Scaling: 10% Intelligence
    • Summer Damage: 0
    • Summer Damage Scaling: 10/13/16/19/22% Strength or Intelligence (whichever is higher)
    • Fall Physical Protection Reduced: 5/10/15/20/25%
    • Fall Magical Protection Reduced: 5/10/15/20/25%
    • Fall Physical Protection Reduced: 5% Intelligence
    • Fall Magical Protection Reduced: 5% Intelligence
    • Fall Debuff Duration: 10s
    • Winter Slow: 10/11/12/13/14%
    • Winter Slow Scaling: 2.5% Intelligence
    • Winter Slow Duration: 1.4s
    • Cooldown: 0s
    • Cost: 0
  • Bramble Blast
    • Fire an exploding projectile. The first enemy hit with the projectile is [Rooted]. The explosion deals [Magical Damage], then creates a Bramble area that repeatedly deals [Magical Damage].
    • The projectile stops and explodes on the first enemy hit. The projectile stops and explodes on walls. 
    • Bramble area hits 10 times over 5 seconds
    • Initial Damage: 40/75/110/145/180
    • Initial Damage Scaling: 50% Strength+80% Intelligence
    • Damage Per Tick: 6/9/12/15/18
    • Damage Scaling Per Tick: 8/9/10/11/12% Intelligence
    • Root Duration: 1s
    • Range: 8.8m
    • Radius: 3.2m
    • Cooldown: 15s
    • Cost: 50/60/70/80/90
  • Horn Charge
    • [Dash] forward and deal [Physical Damage] to all enemies hit.
    • Dash passes through all enemies.
    • You can cancel this ability at any time.
    • Damage: 35/80/125/170/215
    • Damage Scaling: 100% Strength
    • Range: 8.8m
    • Radius: 1.6m
    • Cooldown: 17/16/15/14/13s
    • Cost: 70/75/80/85/90
  • The Wild Hunt
    • Deal [Magical Damage] to all enemies in the area and [Polymorph] enemy gods.
    • Polymorphed Enemies are Silenced, Disarmed, Slowed, and transformed to look like harmless animals.
    • Damage: 200/285/370/455/540
    • Damage Scaling: 100% Intelligence
    • Polymorph Duration: 2.25s
    • Slow: 10%
    • Slow Duration: 2.25s
    • Range: 8.8m
    • Radius: 4m
    • Cooldown: 90s
    • Cost: 100


  • Basic Attacks
    • Melee Physical Damage
    • Damage Scaling: 100% Strength + 20% Intelligence
  • Overflow
    • After 5 Successful basic attacks, The next ability you activate has a lower Cooldown, costs 0 Mana, and [Heals] you. 
    • Cooldown: -2s
    • Heal: 10
    • Heal Scaling: 20% Intelligence
  • Thunder Strike
    • Throw an Axe that deals [Physical Damage] to enemies in the area. The Axe remains deployed to empower Torrent or Rain Dance.
    • Reactivate to destroy the Axe.
    • Damage: 55/100/145/190/235
    • Damage Scaling: 80% Strength+60% Intelligence
    • Range: 9.6m
    • Radius: 3.2m
    • Cooldown: 10s
    • Cost: 45/50/55/60/65
  • Torrent
    • Deal [Physical Damage] to enemies around you and gain Physical Protection and Magical Protection for each enemy hit. If the Axe is deployed, [Dash] to it and deal [Physical Damage] to enemies that you pass through.
    • This Dash passes through walls.
    • If you Dash you will still do the area attack upon reaching the Axe.
    • Minions Provide 1 Stack
    • Gods Provide 2 Stacks
    • Damage: 70/115/160/205/250
    • Damage Scaling: 65% Strength
    • Dash Damage: 35/57.5/80/102.5/125
    • Dash Damage Scaling: 30% Strength
    • Physical Protection : 3/5/7/9/11 Per Stack
    • Magical Protection : 3/5/7/9/11 Per Stack
    • Protection Buff Scaling: 4% Intelligence
    • Buff Duration: 5s
    • Max Buff Stacks: 4
    • Attack Radius: 3.2m
    • Dash Radius: 1.28m
    • Cost: 50/60/70/80/90
    • Cooldown: 10/9/8/7/6s
  • Rain Dance
    • Create a Rain Storm that [Heals] you over time. While healing, the Rain Storm around you [Slows] and reduces the Attack Speed of enemies. 
    • Heals 8 times over 6 seconds.
    • If the Axe is deployed, create a Rain Storm at the Axe's location as well. 
    • Enemies in both Rain Storms are Slowed and Debuffed for twice as much.
    • Heal Per Tick: 6/11/16/21/26
    • Heal Scaling Per Tick: 5% Intelligence
    • Slow: 20/22.5/25/27.5/30%
    • Attack Speed Slow: 15/17.5/20/22.5/25%
    • Radius: 6.4m
    • Axe Radius: 9.6m
    • Cooldown: 16s
    • Cost: 55/65/75/85/95
  • Storm Call
    • Channel and Gain Damage Mitigation while Channeling, then deal [Physical Damage], [Displace], and [Silence] enemies around you. You are [CC Immune] while Channeling.
    • Enemies are Displaced straight up. 
    • Damage: 225/280/335/390/445
    • Damage Scaling: 100% Strength+100% Intelligence
    • Damage Mitigation: 50/55/60/65/70%
    • Silence Duration: 2s
    • Radius: 5.6m
    • Cooldown: 90s
    • Cost: 80/90/100/110/120



  • Basic Attacks
    • Melee Physical Damage
    • Damage Scaling: 100% Strength + 20% Intelligence
  • Unbound Runes
    • Fenrir gains Runes on successful basic attacks or from activating abilities. If he has 5 Runes, activating each ability will be granted additional effects.
  • Unchained
    • [Leap] forward to deal [Physical Damage]. At 5 Runes, [Stun] all enemies in the area, then all Runes are consumed. Gain 3 Runes on successful hit if not at 5 Runes. 
    • Hitting an enemy god reduces the Cooldown of this ability by 30%.
    • Damage: 60/105/150/195/240
    • Damage Scaling: 75% Strength
    • Stun Duration: 1s
    • Range: 8.8m
    • Radius: 2.4m
    • Cooldown: 15s
    • Cost: 50/55/60/65/70
  • Seething Howl
    • Gain increased [Strength, Attack Speed, and Lifesteal.[ At 5 Runes, allied gods around you also gain increased Lifesteal. Do not consume Runes. Gain 3 Runes if not at 5 Runes.
    • Strength: 15/25/35/45/55
    • Attack Speed: 20/22.5/25/27.5/30%
    • Lifesteal: 20%
    • Buff Duration: 6s
    • Radius: 7.2m
    • Cooldown: 11s
    • Cost: 60/65/70/75/80
  • Brutalize
    • [Leap] forward, Channel, and grab onto an enemy, and deal [Physical Damage] repeatedly to all enemies in the area. At 5 Runes, the Strength scaling is increased, then all Runes are consumed. Gain 1 Rune per successful hit if not at 5 Runes.
    • This ability hits 4 times over 1.08 seconds.
    • Gain Physical and Magical Protections while Channeling.
    • This ability can Critically Strike.
    • This ability can trigger both ability and basic attack item effects.
    • You are Displacement Immune while Channeling.
    • Your target is Revealed while you are Channeling.
    • Damage: 30/50/70/90/110
    • Damage Scaling: 40% Strength
    • Increased Damage Scaling: 65% Strength
    • Physical Protection: 5 + 2 per Level
    • Magical Protection: 5 + 2 per Level
    • Range: 4.8m
    • Radius: 1.6m
    • Cooldown: 11s
    • Cost: 60/65/70/75/80
  • Ragnarok
    • Activate to become immense, gain [increased Movement Speed, Physical Protection, and Magical Protection.] Your next basic attack grabs an enemy god allowing you to [Displace] and carry them to any position. Gain 5 Runes. You are [CC Immune] for the duration. 
    • Damage: 200/275/350/425/500
    • Damage Scaling: 100% Strength
    • Movement Speed: 75%
    • Physical Protection: 20/30/40/50/60
    • Magical Protection: 20/30/40/50/60
    • Buff Duration: 4s
    • Grab Duration: 1.75s
    • Cone Angle: 120 degrees
    • Cooldown: 90s
    • Cost: 50/55/60/65/70


  • Basic Attacks
    • Ranged Magical Damage
    • Damage Scaling: 100% Strength + 20% Intelligence
  • Power Of The Wind Jewel
    • Gain increased Intelligence from items that provide Maximum Mana. 
    • This effect does not scale off Base God Mana. 
    • Intelligence from Item Mana: 7%
  • Zephyr
    • Fire a projectile that explodes on the first enemy hit. The explosion deals [Magical Damage] and [Slows] enemies in the area.
    • Projectile stops on walls.
    • Damage: 85/135/185/235/285
    • Damage Scaling: 85% Intelligence
    • Slow: 20/25/30/35/40%
    • Slow Duration: 3s
    • Range: 11.2m
    • Radius: 0.64m
    • Explode Radius: 2.25m
    • Cooldown: 7s
    • Cost: 50/60/70/80/90
  • Slipstream
    • Become [Slow Immune] and gain 4 Stacks of [Movement Speed] that gradually falls off over the duration of the effect. Activate this ability while within the area of Whirlwind to Dash instead, dealing [Magical Damage] and [Slowing] enemies hit.
    • Movement Speed Buff is applied as 4 stacks and stacks are lost one at a time. 
    • Dash passes through and hits all enemy types
    • Movement Speed: 7/9/11/13/15% Per Stack
    • Buff Duration: 4s
    • Dash Damage: 85/135/185/235/285
    • Dash Damage Scaling: 85% Intelligence
    • Dash Slow: 20/25/30/35/40%
    • Dash Slow Duration: 3s
    • Dash Range: 8.8m
    • Dash Radius: 2m
    • Cooldown: 15/14/13/12/11s
    • Cost: 55/60/65/70/75
  • Whirlwind
    • Create a Whirlwind that repeatedly applies a [Magical Damage] over Time to enemies in the area. 
    • The Whirlwind attempts to apply the effect every 0.35 seconds for 4 seconds. 
    • Damage over Time and Slow are refreshed on each hit.
    • Damage over Time hits 6 times over 2.5 seconds.
    • Damage Per Tick: 10/15/20/25/30
    • Damage Scaling Per Tick: 18/19/20/21/22% Intelligence
    • Range: 8.8m
    • Radius: 3.2m
    • Cooldown: 15/14/13/12/11s
    • Cost: 50/60/70/80/90
  • Spirit Of The Nine Winds
    • Fire a delayed projectile that deals[Magical Damage] and [Displaces] enemies hit.
    • Projectile passes through and damages all enemy targets and passes through walls.
    • Enemies are Displaced up and away from the projectile.
    • Damage: 400/500/600/700/800
    • Damage Scaling: 115% Intelligence
    • Range: 20.8m
    • Radius: 1.4m
    • Cooldown: 90s
    • Cost: 120


Loki SMITE 2.png
Hi Rez Studios
  • Basic Attacks
    • Melee Physical Damage
    • Damage Scaling: 100% Strength + 20% Intelligence
  • Behind You
    • Hitting enemies from behind deals [increased damage] to them.
    • The increased damage from this effect also triggers on enemies Blinded by Agonizing Visions 
    • Damage: +15%
  • Vanish
    • Activate to enter Stealth and gain Movement Speed. Your next basic attack deals additional [Physical Damage] over time. Killing a god immediately refreshes the cooldown of this ability. 
    • Hits 4 times over 2 seconds.
    • Stealthed gods are invisible to enemies unless they enter an enemy structure's attack area.
    • Taking damage while in Stealth partially reveals you for 0.33 seconds. 
    • You are Immune to Slows while Stealthed.
    • Stealth is broken when hit by Hard CC.
    • Damage Per Tick: 15/25/35/45/55
    • Damage Scaling Per Tick: 17.5% Strength
    • Movement Speed: 35%
    • Buff Duration: 4s
    • Cooldown: 15s
    • Cost: 60/65/70/75/80
  • Agonizing Visions
    • Create a Vision of Loki that repeatedly deals [Physical Damage] to enemies around it and reduces their [damage dealt.] Enemies hit 4 times are [Blinded].
    • This ability hits 8 times over 3.5 seconds.
    • Blinded players have their game camera obscured.
    • The Vision Impedes enemy characters only.
    • Loki benefits from Behind You on Blinded enemies from all directions.
    • Damage: 7/11/15/19/23
    • Damage Scaling: 12/14/16/18/20% Strength+12/14/16/18/20% Intelligence
    • Blind Duration: 3s
    • Damage Dealt Reduction: 5%
    • Damage Reduction Scaling: 2% Intelligence
    • Debuff Duration: 2.5s
    • Max Debuff Stacks: 3
    • Range: 8.8m
    • Radius: 4m
    • Cooldown: 12s
    • Cost: 50/55/60/65/70
  • Flurry Strike
    • Channel to deal [Physical Damage] and [Slow] enemies in front of you. The final hit deals increased [Physical Damage] and applies a stronger Slow.
    • Hits 6 times over 1.5 seconds.
    • Slow is refreshed with each hit but does not stack.
    • This ability can benefit from Behind You.
    • You are Displacement Immune while Channeling.
    • Damage: 10/15/20/25/30
    • Damage Scaling: 25% Strength
    • Final Damage: 25/45/65/85/105
    • Final Damage Scaling: 70% Strength
    • Slow: 15%
    • Final Slow: 30%
    • Cone Angle: 90 degrees
    • Cooldown: 8s
    • Cost: 40/50/60/70/80
  • Assassinate
    • [Teleport] to the target location and deal [Physical Damage] to enemies in the area. Then deal [Physical Damage] and [Stun] enemies in front of you.
    • Loki locks onto the enemy god closest to the center of the teleport location if there is one. 
    • Damage: 35/60/85/110/135
    • Damage Scaling: 45% Strength
    • Final Damage: 45/80/115/150/185
    • Final Damage Scaling: 90% Strength
    • Stun Duration: 0.75s
    • Range: 8.8m
    • Cone Angle: 105 degrees
    • Cooldown: 90s
    • Cost: 90




“Neith in SMITE 2 is being adjusted in many ways. She will have multiple abilities that deal magical damage, and a lot of INT-based scaling. She has always been more of an ability hunter, and we are leaning into that even more in SMITE 2. Her SMITE 2 version is an intelligence-based mid laner that focuses on ability damage. She can definitely still be played as a traditional carry. 

Placing and detonating Weaves is now a bigger focus of her kit. Detonating Weaves provides a stacking buff. Her Unravel now spawns Weaves for more controlled placement without sacrificing her movement ability. Her Backflip can now leap over walls, as long as she has a valid landing point.” 

  • Basic Attacks
    • Ranged Physical Damage
    • Damage Scaling: 100% Strength + 20% Intelligence
  • Broken Weave
    • Your abilities can create Weaves or detonate them to deal with additional [Physical Damage] and [Root] enemies in a larger area. Detonate Weaves to gain a [stacking Attack Speed and Intelligence increase] per Weave detonated. 
    • Damage: 30
    • Damage Scaling: 30% Intelligence
    • Root Duration: 1s
    • Attack Speed: 2% Per Stack
    • Intelligence: 10
    • Intelligence: 0.5 Per Level
    • Buff Duration: 30s
    • Max Buff Stacks: 3
  • Spirit Arrow
    • Fire a projectile that deals with [Physical Damage] and [Roots] enemies. Hitting a Weave detonates it.
    • Projectile passes through and damages all enemies and passes through walls.
    • Damage: 60/115/170/225/280
    • Damage Scaling: 85% Strength+60% Intelligence
    • Root Duration: 1.6/1.7/1.8/1.9/2s
    • Range: 10.4m
    • Radius: 0.56m
    • Cooldown: 13/12.5/12/11.5/11s
    • Cost: 40/50/60/70/80
  • Unravel
    • Deal Magical Damage to enemies in the area. [Heal] yourself on successful hit or [Heal] a larger amount when hitting a god. Creates Weaves in the area.
    • Always creates a Weave in the center of the area. Creates additional Weaves for each enemy God hit at the locations of those gods. 
    • Damage: 70/110/150/190/230
    • Damage Scaling: 75% Intelligence
    • Heal: 15/20/25/30/35
    • Heal Scaling: 10% Intelligence
    • Increased Heal: 30/40/50/60/70
    • Increased Heal Scaling: 10% Intelligence
    • Range: 8.8m
    • Radius: 3.2m
    • Cooldown: 14/13.5/13/12.5/12s
    • Cost: 50/60/70/80/90
  • Back Flip
    • Deal Magical Damage to enemies in front of you, then [Leap] backward. Hitting a Weave with the initial damage detonates it.
    • This ability can Leap over walls as long as you can reach a valid landing area. 
    • Damage: 80/120/160/200/240
    • Damage Scaling: 60% Intelligence
    • Cone Angle: 110 degrees
    • Cooldown: 15s
    • Cost: 50/55/60/65/70
  • World Weaver
    • Channel to begin charging an attack and lock on to an enemy god. Reactivate to fire a homing projectile at the selected god that deals with [Physical Damage] and [Stuns].
    • Damage scales linearly from 50% to 100% based on Channel time.
    • Channel for 0.5 seconds for minimum damage, or for 2 seconds to deal fully charged damage.
    • Projectile ignores minions and passes through walls.
    • Enemy gods can step in front of this projectile to be hit by it instead of the selected god.
    • You can cancel this ability anytime before firing, the costs and cooldown will not be consumed.
    • Damage: 200/250/300/350/400
    • Damage Scaling: 100% Strength+100% Intelligence
    • Stun Duration: 1.5s
    • Cooldown: 90s
    • Cost: 80/90/100/110/120


  • Basic Attacks
    • Melee Physical Damage
    • Damage Scaling: 100% Strength + 20% Intelligence
  • Path to Valhalla
    • Gain stacking increased Movement Speed, Strength, and Intelligence whenever a god dies. 
    • Movement Speed: 4% Per Stack
    • Strength: 10% Per Stack
    • Intelligence: 10% Per Stack
    • Buff Duration: 10s
    • Max Buff Stacks: 2
  • Lunge
    • [Leap] forward to deal [Physical Damage] to enemies.
    • Damage: 75/115/155/195/235
    • Damage Scaling: 85% Strength
    • Range: 8.8m
    • Radius: 2.4m
    • Cooldown: 16/15/14/13/12s
    • Cost: 40/45/50/55/60
  • Raven Shout
    • Gain [Health Shield] for a duration. At the end of the duration or when landing from Lunge, the shield explodes dealing [Magical Damage] equal to the Shield Health to enemies around you. Deals increased [Magical Damage] if the Shield is at full HP when it explodes. 
    • Full Shield Damage Increase: 15%
    • Shield Health: 75/125/175/225/275 
    • Shield Health Scaling: 50% Strength+55% Intelligence
    • Explode Radius: 3.2m
    • Cooldown: 14/13.5/13/12.5/12s
    • Cost: 45/50/55/60/65
  • Gungnir's Might
    • Channel to deal [Magical Damage] and [Slow] enemies around you through two pulses. Reactivate to fire a projectile that deals [Physical Damage] to enemies. If Reactivated before the final pulse, grant [Attack Speed] to nearby allies and the ability will have a 40% reduced cooldown. If Reactivated after the final pulse, the projectile [Stuns]. 
    • Projectile passes through and damages all targets, stops on the first god hit and stops on walls
    • Pulse Damage: 45/70/95/120/145
    • Pulse Damage Scaling: 50% Intelligence
    • Projectile Damage: 35/70/105/140/175
    • Projectile Damage Scaling: 70% Strength
    • Stun Duration: 1.2s
    • Attack Speed: 30/32.5/35/37.5/40%
    • Buff Duration: 4s
    • Pulse Radius: 3.2m
    • Projectile Range: 8.8m
    • Projectile Radius: 0.48m
    • Cooldown: 12s
    • Cost: 50/60/70/80/90
  • Ring Of Spears
    • Create a Ring of Spears that Impedes enemy god movement, prevents them from healing, and decreases their Strength and Intelligence. Enemies who exit the area [Physical Damage] and are [Slowed], unless they exit through a Segment of the Ring that has been broken by basic attacks.
    • Ring of Spears does not block ally movement or projectiles, only enemy basic attacks and enemy god movement.
    • The Ring is made of 8 Segments that each have 5 Hit Points. An enemy basic attack will deal 1 Hit Point per hit. 
    • Damage: 60/110/160/210/260
    • Damage Scaling: 110% Strength
    • Slow: 25%
    • Slow Duration: 5s
    • Strength: -15/-17.5/-20/-22.5/-25%
    • Intelligence: -15/-17.5/-20/-22.5/-25%
    • Cooldown: 110/105/100/95/90s
    • Cost: 100




  • Basic Attacks
    • Melee Physical Damage
    • Damage Scaling: 100% Strength + 20% Intelligence
  • Frostbite
    • Your abilities apply Frostbite, causing enemies to take more basic attack damage from you and deal less damage to you.
    • Frostbite's effect stacks with Critical Strikes. 
    • Damage: 185% Strength + 37% Intelligence
    • Reduced Damage Dealt: 10%
  • Ice Wall
    • Create a Wall that [Displaces] enemies on creation. Applies Frostbite to Displaced enemies. 
    • The Wall Impedes all characters.
    • Create the Wall at your feet to Displace yourself up and forward.
    • Displaces Enemies up and away from the Wall.
    • Reactivate to destroy the Wall early.
    • Lifetime: 2.5/3/3.5/4/4.5s
    • Range: 11.2m
    • Radius: 3.25m
    • Cooldown: 13s
    • Cost: 50/55/60/65/70
  • Glacial Strike
    • Deal [Magical Damage] and [Slow] enemies. Applies Frostbite on a successful hit. 
    • The damaging area starts at Ymir and moves away over time. 
    • You are Slowed by 42.5% during activation.
    • Damage: 80/130/180/230/280
    • Damage Scaling: 60% Intelligence
    • Slow: 25%
    • Slow Duration: 2s
    • Range: 6m
    • Radius: 3.6m
    • Cooldown: 8/7.5/7/6.5/6s
    • Cost: 45/50/55/60/65
  • Frost Breath
    • Deal [Magical Damage] and [Stun] enemies in front of you. Applies Frostbite on a successful hit.
    • You are Rooted during activation.
    • Damage: 50/85/120/155/190
    • Damage Scaling: 55% Intelligence
    • Stun Duration: 1.2/1.4/1.6/1.8/2s
    • Cone Angle: 90 degrees
    • Cooldown: 16/15.5/15/14.5/14s
    • Cost: 40/50/60/70/80
  • Shards Of Ice
    • Channel to [Slows] enemies around you. Deal a burst of [Magical Damage] when the Channel is complete. Applies Frostbite immediately to enemies in the area. You are [CC Immune] while Channeling.
    • Damage scales linearly from 25% to 100% based on Channel time. 
    • Max Channel time of 3 seconds.
    • You are Rooted while Channeling.
    • Damage: 500/650/800/950/1100
    • Damage Scaling: 150% Intelligence
    • Slow: 40%
    • Radius: 5.6m
    • Cooldown: 90/85/80/75/70s
    • Cost: 80/90/100/110/120


Zeus SMITE 2.png
Hi Rez Studios
  • Basic Attacks
    • Ranged Magical Damage
    • Damage Scaling: 100% Strength + 20% Intelligence
  • Overcharge
    • Deal damage to apply Charges. Enemies take increased basic attack damage from you for each Charge they have. 
    • Overcharge's effect stacks with Critical Strikes. 
    • Damage Increase: 20% Per Stack
    • Debuff Duration: 5s
    • Max Debuff Stacks: 3
  • Chain Lightning
    • Fire a projectile that hits an enemy and then chains to nearby enemies. Any enemies hit are dealt [Magical Damage], [Slowed], and receive a Charge.
    • Projectile stops on walls
    • Damage: 40/70/100/130/160
    • Damage Scaling: 60% Intelligence
    • Slow: 20%
    • Bounces: 5
    • Range: 8.8m
    • Radius: 0.56m
    • Cooldown: 12s
    • Cost: 50/55/60/65/70
  • Thunderclap
    • Deal [Magical Damage] and apply a Charge to enemies around you, then gain [increased Attack Speed, Movement Speed, and reduced basic attack Movement Penalty.]
    • Damage: 80/130/180/230/280
    • Damage Scaling: 80% Intelligence
    • Attack Speed: 15/20/25/30/35%
    • Movement Speed: 10/12.5/15/17.5/20%
    • Buff Duration: 5s
    • Radius: 3.2m
    • Cooldown: 15s
    • Cost: 50/60/70/80/90
  • Detonate Charge
    • Activate to consume all Charges on all enemies, dealing [Magical Damage] for each Charge, and Stunning enemies that had max Charges.
    • This ability cannot be activated unless an enemy has a Charge. 
    • Damage is multiplied by 1/1.7/2.4 based on the number of Charges.
    • Damage: 50/80/110/140/170
    • Damage Scaling: 30% Intelligence
    • Stun Duration: 0.75s
    • Cooldown: 14/13.5/13/12.5/12s
    • Cost: 70/75/80/85/90
  • Lightning Storm
    • Deal [Magical Damage] repeatedly to enemies in the area, applying a Charge on each hit. 
    • This ability hits 5 times over 4.5 seconds.
    • Damage Per Tick: 100/130/160/190/220
    • Damage Scaling Per Tick: 50% Intelligence
    • Range: 8.8m
    • Radius: 4.8m
    • Cooldown: 90s
    • Cost: 100




Issues Process

  • In order to ship an online game to multiple platforms, there has to be a large window of time dedicated to internal QA and a process known as “Certification”.
  • During this time we have to keep the game as unchanged as possible, in order for it to be thoroughly tested by our teams, as well as teams at Sony and Microsoft.
  • We find and track many many bugs, but can only fix the most critical ones.
  • Much more content and features beyond what will be visible in this test have already been added to SMITE 2 in our dev environment, and will begin testing and certification soon for future tests.
  • Many bugs have already been fixed in this next version as well, but we still encourage players in the Alpha test to report any and all issues they see. 
  • In reporting your bugs, please be as specific as possible, show how or describe how the issue occurred (if possible), and be understanding of the fact that we might have noticed or fixed some of these already.
  • We are all working together as a team through this Alpha to make SMITE 2 the best it can be. Thank you for your participation! 

Upcoming Features

  • Some features/gameplay are in an early state, and may be missing functionality or have limited functionality.
  • Keep in mind, we are rebuilding virtually everything from scratch. If something isn't in yet, the answer as to why is likely “we haven't gotten to it yet.” 
  • This is not a complete list of upcoming features, just a selection of ones we feel are most likely to be discussed during Alpha.
  • Front End UI
    • The visual presentation of the Front End UI is in very early stages and will change drastically over time.
    • God browser is in progress and is missing features such as rotating models, viewing base stats, and more. 
    • Loading Screen is working as designed, but missing lots of art and customization features. 
    • God mastery and the new Ascension system are in progress.
    • Voice Chat is in progress.
    • Text Chat is being assessed for implementation after Voice Chat. 
    • Player In Game Names will currently be the same as their Platform names (Steam, Xbox, PS, Epic) and duplicates will be allowed. In the future we plan to implement “Legacy Names” which will allow players to display their SMITE 1 legacy name plus an emblem to prove it is a legacy name. 
    • Role Aptitude: Gods will have data driven stats revealed to players in the game UI that shows the percentage of roles they are played in. This is in progress for a future version.  
  • Spectator System
    • This is already functional in this first Alpha! It is free cam only, and has very little UI or features, but it is available to test in custom games, and will be improved to meet the basic needs of a competitive tournament broadcast as soon as possible. 
  • Core Combat
    • General feel and functionality on abilities, basic attacks, and targeting will be continually improved. 
    • All Item stats have no caps at this time, for this reason, some stats are present on less items than might be expected. 
    • Player Inventory in game will soon be able to be sorted or rearranged manually.
  • Settings
    • We will be continually improving performance FPS and Ping in future versions. 
    • Full console rebind functionality is in progress.
    • Individual Ability casting settings are in progress, and would be accessible via settings menu if they come in before or without a K screen.
    • Additional reticle, targeting, and highlight settings are in progress.
  • HUD
    • HUD Art and layout will be updated continually.
    • The Accolade and Announcer systems are in progress and will be updated continually.
    • Damage Numbers are in progress and will be updated continually.
    • The Item Store has improvements in progress and will be updated continually.
    • HUD Editor is in progress and is moving toward launch in a later Alpha or early Beta.
    • T Screen (Top Stats/Combat Log) Is a high priority and is in progress.
    • Y Screen (Death Recap) is lower priority than T screen, but will begin development soon. 
    • K Screen (Ability Screen) is lower priority, as abilities can already be viewed in game, but is still being considered. 

Known Issues

  • This is not a fully comprehensive list of known issues. Just the ones that are most likely to affect gameplay in this first Alpha test.
  • UI
    • The “True Alpha” intro video is unskippable. This is intended for now. Enjoy those precious moments with Travis and Ponpon. 
  • General
    • Players might move more slowly than intended after reconnecting to a match. This issue usually resolves itself after a short amount of time. 
    • God Ability Descriptions or Item Descriptions might include typos or numerical errors 
    • Voice packs are missing lines or have lines mixed up.
    • VGS Buttons still register their gameplay effects, and will cause you to move while using VGS. Be careful of VGS while recalling
  • Conquest
    • Conquest Towers are missing visual stages of destruction and outro destruction visuals. 
    • Wards are using temporary models. 
    • Ward vision area is not visible on the mini map.
  • HUD
    • Damage numbers are not visible if you turn your camera so that they are offscreen. 
  • Items
    • ALL item effects in game (buffs, debuffs, hit areas, aoe areas, etc) are using temporary visual FX and audio FX, and will be updated in the future. 
    • A few items are not sorted correctly in alphabetical order. 
    • Many items have not had their icon art updated yet. 
    • Blinking Amulet is currently allowing the teleport to be triggered in combat or even while firing/channeling an ability. This is not our final intent and the item will be removed from future Alpha tests to be reassessed.
  • Gods
    • General
      • Basic attacks can temporarily become unresponsive after rapidly tapping a single ability on normal cast mode. Using another ability usually resolves the situation. 
    • Anubis
      • Has no passive meter currently, a new one is coming soon.
      • Plague of Locusts visual FX can linger longer than intended
    • Athena
      • Has not had updated ability icons yet.
      • Can get stuck in walls if teleporting to a target right as they leap over walls. If you get stuck in this way, you can use the menu to leave the game and then reconnect, which should send you back to your base. 
    • Bacchus
    • Bellona
      • Has no passive meter currently, a new one is coming soon.
      • Bellona can visually appear to be wielding the incorrect weapon for her stance on occasion. 
    • Cernunnos
      • Has no passive meter currently, a new one is coming soon.
      • Has not had updated ability icons yet.
    • Chaac
      • Has no passive meter currently, a new one is coming soon.
    • Fenrir
      • Has no passive meter currently, a new one is coming soon.
      • Has not had updated ability icons yet.
      • Is unintentionally CC immune throughout the entire duration of Brutalize.
      • Brutalize does not consistently proc items or critically strike.
      • Fenrir’s position and distance relative to his Brutalize target is not the correct position or distance. 
    • Kukulkan
      • Has no passive meter currently, a new one is coming soon.
      • Kukulkan’s new dash can get interrupted early or stay equipped when it isnt supposed to.
    • Loki
      • Loki’s passive backstab damage numbers do not have a unique art treatment yet.
      • Loki’s Ultimate is missing a few features. It does not cripple gods on the first hit yet, and it does not attach to the target god in the same way as SMITE 1 yet. 
    • Odin
      • Has not had updated ability icons yet.
      • Raven Shout can currently detonate while Odin is mid-leap. 
    • Zeus
      •  Has not had updated ability icons yet.
