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TFT Set 10: Best Comps Patch 14.3

Discover the best compositions for your games in Teamfight Tactics Set 10: Remix Rumble. We give you quick starting guides and tricks for the best builds in Patch 14.3. 

TFT Set 10: Best Comps Patch 14.2
Riot Games

Here are the best-performing TFT Set 10 compositions for Patch 14.3. Find out the best game plans and item picks for your comps, as well as the strongest augments and portals. Use this guide to reach your desired rank now!

Best Comps for Patch 14.3


TFT Heartsteal Ezrael

Big Shot Ezrael

Your game plan revolves around using the Fast 8 / Fast 9 leveling strategy to find an early Big Shot Headliner Ezrael as a main carry.

With Path 14.3, Big Shot Ezrael saw a slight nerf to Sett and an adjustment to the Heartsteel trait. Given how strong the composition is right now, the changes should not affect this comp's viability.

  • Average Place - 3.89
  • Win Rate - 25.0%
  • Top 4 Rate - 59.1%

Game Plan

Level 4

TFT Heartsteal KSanteTFT LilliaTFT Aphelios + TFT Jinx / TFT Senna
Level 5

TFT KSante.pngTFT Aphelios.pngTFT Senna.pngTFT Ekko.pngTFT Sett.png

Level 6

TFT Jinx.pngTFT KSante.pngTFT Vi.pngTFT Aphelios.pngTFT Sett.pngTFT Yone.png

Level 7

TFT Kennen.pngTFT Lillia.pngTFT Bard.pngTFT Kaisa.pngTFT Ekko.pngTFT MissFortune.pngTFT Neeko.png

Level 8 - This is your biggest powerspike

Your positioning should be as follows: 





Level 9-10 

At 9 add Aphelios or Kayn to get the 3 Heartsteel synergy.

At 10 add Bard to get the 3 Jazz synergy.

Item Priority and Best in Slot

SparringGloves.png>BFSword.png> TearoftheGoddess.png>RecurveBow.png>GiantsBelt.png>ChainVest.png>NegatronCloak.png>NeedlesslyLargeRod.png>Spatula.png

  • Best in Slot for Ezrael Infinity Edge, Blue Buff, Red Buff
  • Best in Slot for Tanks (Illaoi/Sett) - Crownguard, Evenshroud, Warmog's Armor, Gargoyle Stoneplate
  • Any leftover AD items go to Miss Fortune

Augments and Portals

Best Augments - Tiny Titans, Big Grab Bag, Pandora's Items II, Harmacist II, Jeweled Lotus II

Best Portals - Showtime, Training Dummy, Wandering Trainers, Unit Accelerator, 3 Champions



Punk Jinx

Your game plan revolves around using the Hyper / Slow Roll 1-cost leveling strategy with Rapidfire Headliner Jinx as a main carry and Pantheon as the main tank. 

The Punk trait got some number nerfs but only for the 6 synergy. This won't affect this composition as you only go up to 4 Punk. The comp will remain strong, especially in lower elo.

  • Average Place - 4.01
  • Win Rate - 11.3%
  • Top 4 Rate - 60.2%

Game Plan

Level 4

TFT Jinx.pngTFT Vi.pngPantheon.png + Twitch.png / Amumu.png / TFT Aphelios.png

Level 5

 TFT Jinx.pngTFT Vi.pngPantheon.pngTwitch.png + Amumu.png / Vex.png / TFT Neeko.png

Level 6

TFT Jinx.pngTFT Vi.pngPantheon.pngTwitch.pngVex.png + Amumu.png / TFT Neeko.png

When you reach level 6 you should start slow rolling for upgrades.

Your positioning should be as follows:


TFT Vi.pngPantheon.pngAmumu.png


TFT Jinx.pngTwitch.pngVex.png

 Level 7-8

TFT Jinx.pngTFT Vi.pngPantheon.pngTwitch.pngVex.pngAmumu.pngThresh.png Yorick.png / TFT Neeko.png 

Add Neeko only if you can't find Yorick.

Level 9-10

TFT Jinx.pngTFT Vi.pngPantheon.pngTwitch.pngVex.pngAmumu.pngThresh.pngYorick.png + Illaoi.png

Item Priority and Best in Slot


  • Best in Slot for Jinx - Deathblade, Guinsoo's Rageblade, Last Whisper
  • Best in Slot for Pantheon - Bramble Vest, Dragon's Claw, Warmog's Armor, 
  • Any leftover AD items go to Twitch and AP items go to Vex

Augments and Portals

Best Augments - Return on Investment, Heroic Grab Bag, Extended Play, Pandora's Items II, You Have My Bow

Best Portals - Spatula, Loot Subscription, Component Anvils, Multi-Talented, Crescendo



Pentakill Karthus and Viego

Your game plan revolves around using the Standard Leveling Strategy with Karthus and Edgelord Viego as carries. 

This composition got an interesting power trade-off. You lose some damage on Mordekaiser's ability and some Crit Chance on Executioner but Karthus' ramping AP got increased significantly. This comp will most likely remain strong for Patch 14.3.

  • Average Place - 4.12
  • Win Rate - 14.7%
  • Top 4 Rate - 57.4%

Game Plan

Level 4

Olaf.pngGnar.png + TFT Kennen.png / Kayle.png / TFT Lillia.png / TahmKench.png

Level 5

 Gnar.pngTFT Lillia.pngKayle.png + TFT Kennen.png / Olaf.png / TFT Neeko.pngMordekaiser.png

Level 6

Gnar.pngTFT Lillia.pngKayle.pngMordekaiser.png + TFT Kennen.png / Olaf.png / TFT Neeko.png / Viego.png

Level 7

TFT Lillia.pngGnar.pngKayle.pngMordekaiser.pngTFT Neeko.pngAkaliKDA.png Karthus.png / Viego.png

Level 8 


Mordekaiser.pngTFT Neeko.pngTFT Lillia.png

Second Row:




Level 9-10

For levels 9 and 10 try to get to 7 pentakill. You can do this by either finding or crafting a Pentakill Emblem or finding an Edgelord Emblem and switching to a Pentakill Headliner.

Item Priority and Best in Slot


  • Best in Slot for Karthus - Jeweled Gauntlet, Nashor's Tooth, Spear of Shojin
  • Best in Slot for Viego - Bloodthirster, Titan's Resolve, Hand of Justice
  • Best in Slot for Mordekaiser - Crownguard, Gargoyle Stoneplate, Warmog's Armor
  • All leftover items go to Akali or Yorick

Augments and Portals

Best AugmentsMetalheads, Harmacist II, Jeweled Lotus II, New Recruit, Pandora's Items II

Best Portals - Showtime, Scuttle Puddle, Champion Delivery, Radiant Blessing, Golden Finale



Emo Annie

Your game plan revolves around using the Standard Leveling Strategy with Emo Annie Headliner. 

This composition will definitely see a significant improvement. The Emo trait got a flat AP increase which will certainly put the build in high S tier. 

  • Average Place - 4.21
  • Win Rate - 10.7%
  • Top 4 Rate - 57.1%

Game Plan

Level 4

Annie.pngTFT Kennen.pngTFT Lillia.png + Gnar.png / TFT Neeko.png 

Level 5

Annie.pngTFT Kennen.pngTFT Lillia.pngTFT Neeko.png + Amumu.png / Seraphine.png

Level 6 

Annie.pngTFT Kennen.pngTFT Lillia.pngTFT Neeko.png + Amumu.png / Seraphine.png / TFT Ekko.png

Level 7

Annie.pngTFT Kennen.pngTFT Lillia.pngTFT Neeko.pngAmumu.pngSeraphine.png TFT Ekko.png

Level 8 

Your positioning should be as follows:


TFT Neeko.pngPoppy.pngTFT Lillia.pngAmumu.pngTFT Ekko.png



In order to get to 6 Emo you need an Emo Emblem.

If you don't find it, transition to a 4 Emo and add more Spellweavers.

 Level 9-10

If you still haven't found an Emo Emblem, add Yorick and Tresh for more frontline.

Item Priority and Best in Slot


  • Best in Slot for Annie Blue Buff, Jeweled Gauntlet, Nashor's Tooth
  • Best in Slot for Mordekaiser - Gargoyle Stoneplate, Ionic Spark, Sunfire Cape
  • All leftover AP items go to Vex or Ahri

Augments and Portals

Best AugmentsEmotional Connection, Heroic Grab Bag, Pandora's Items II, Raise the Tempo, Jeweled Lotus II

Best Portals - Tacticians's Crown, Component Anvils, Prismatic Prelude,  Champion Duplicator, 3-Cost Champion


Ahri (1).png

K/DA Ahri

Your game plan revolves around using the Standard Leveling Strategy with K/DA Ahri Headliner. 

This composition saw practically no changes. We believe that it would remain one of the best comps in the game. 

  • Average Place - 4.21
  • Win Rate - 11.7%
  • Top 4 Rate - 56.4%

Game Plan

Level 4

Annie.pngTFT Kennen.pngTFT Lillia.png + Gnar.png / TFT Neeko.png

Level 5

 TFT Kennen.pngSeraphine.pngTFT Lillia.pngTFT Neeko.png Annie.png / TFT Ekko.png

Level 6

  TFT Kennen.pngSeraphine.pngTFT Lillia.pngTFT Ekko.pngTFT Neeko.png Annie.png / Lulu.png

Level 7

TFT Kennen.pngSeraphine.pngTFT Lillia.pngTFT Ekko.pngTFT Neeko.pngAhri.png Kaisa.png / Lulu.png

Level 8

 TFT Kennen.pngSeraphine.pngTFT Lillia.pngTFT Ekko.pngTFT Neeko.pngAhri.pngKaisa.pngAkaliKDA.png

Your positioning should be as follows:


 TFT Lillia.pngTFT Ekko.pngTFT Neeko.png

Second Row:

AkaliKDA.pngTFT Kennen.png



Level 9-10
At level 9 add Karthus for 3 Executioner.
At level 10 replace Karthus with Sona and Lulu for 5 Spellweaver.

Item Priority and Best in Slot


  • Best in Slot for K/DA Ahri Blue Buff, Nashor's Tooth, Hextech Gunblade
  • Best in Slot for Akali - Bloodthirster, Red Buff, Hand of Justice
  • Best in Slot for Neeko (Tank) - Gargoyle Stoneplate, Ionic Spark, Warmog's Armor
  • All leftover Tank items go to Ekko 

Augments and Portals

Best Augments - Jeweled Lotus II, Pandora's Items II, New Recruit, Return on Investment, Big Grab Bag

Best Portals - Tacticians' Crown, Showtime, Multi-Talented, Scuttle Puddle, Loot Subscription



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